Citizenship Application Thread

Turbiatop-Aspira has been confirmed

Citizen name: Merlovich
Citizenship nation: Merlovich
WA nation: Merlovich

By posting this application, I hereby ratify the Concordat of the East Pacific.

Merlovich has been confirmed

Citizen name: Vor
Citizenship nation: Eshgh
WA nation: EPSA

By posting this application, I hereby ratify the Concordat of the East Pacific.

Confirmed. (Nerd)

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Vor has been confirmed

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Citizen name: Halley
Citizenship nation: Loreintor
WA nation: Loreintor

By posting this application, I hereby ratify the Concordat of the East Pacific.

Citizen name: Silvae
Citizenship nation: Monte Assis
WA nation: Fluarge

By posting this application, I hereby ratify the Concordat of the East Pacific.

Halley was confirmed back on May 6th, forgot I was supposed to say it here.

Silvae and Kuberistan have been confirmed.

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Citizen name: Vussul
Citizenship nation: Vussul
WA nation: Vussul

By posting this application, I hereby ratify the Concordat of the East Pacific.

Citizen name: Dabeez
Citizenship nation: Empire of Dabiristan
WA nation: Empire of Dabiristan

By posting this application, I hereby ratify the Concordat of the East Pacific.

Citizen name: DeerWithAGun
Citizenship nation: Nueva Gloria
WA nation: Nueva Gloria

By posting this application, I hereby ratify the Concordat of the East Pacific.

Citizen name: Aga
Citizenship nation: Eunopiar
WA nation: EPSA

verified EPSA

Citizen name: Serge
Citizenship nation: Libertanny
WA nation: Libertanny

By posting this application, I hereby ratify the Concordat of the East Pacific.

Vussel, Aggie, and Libertanny have been confirmed.

Citizen name: Jay is probably the closest.
Citizenship nation: The Southern Dependencies
WA nation: Hohenstein-Ernstthal

By posting this application, I hereby ratify the Concordat of the East Pacific.

SouthernDepends has been confirmed.

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Citizen name: Nathan
Citizenship nation: Widowlan
WA nation: Widowlan

By posting this application, I hereby ratify the Concordat of the East Pacific.