COG Embassy

Without exception from the co-chairs, this application is accepted.



To whom it may concern,

On behalf of the Bureau of Foreign Affairs and the entire Commonwealth of Hlenderia, I would like to notify the members of the Council of Gondwana, their duly-designated representatives on said Council, and the secretaries, clerks, and other officials of that body that, on the Twenty-Seventh of Sevāt, that being in the foreign style the Sixth of February, the Grand Council of the Hlenderian Commonwealth voted to request that the Council of Gondwana admit the Commonwealth of Hlenderia to its body as an observer state.

This aforementioned request has received the royal assent of His Majesty, Yendrin Kwarrōth, King of Hlenderia and Great Chief of the Three Peoples thereof and so, on behalf of His Majesty upon the Auspicious Throne, I now submit it to you. The Bureau of Foreign Affairs looks forward to receiving a response. Until such time, I remain,

Your cordial friend,
Hansumat Llerrith
Bureau Chief


Marsilamat Indari
President of the Grand Council of Hlenderia