Comments to Hobbes' guide to basic R/D

OP was split from the comments for the new TEPwiki FAQ.

Very informative, Hobbes. I like it. Jump points are probably the R/D element I know least about.[edit_reason]Split OP from Comments[/edit_reason]

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Defending is,honestly, far simpler then Raiding and less time-consuming, so i’ll keep this short and sweet. Defending is, as the name implies, defending a region from Raiders, and (attempting) to keep the native Delegate in power.

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Maybe I’m biased, but I don’t think Defending is far simpler than Invading and especially not less time-consuming.

Bear in mind, Defenders have to use all of the jump point and timing methodology that Invaders do, when they have to act as liberators – except Defenders also have to conduct this mission against an active, professional invader delegate with ejection and ban tools.

Furthermore, Invaders really only have to pay attention during the times of their missions and nearing the updates of regions in their hold. Defenders have to pay attention all through update for appearances of raids – this makes it much more time-consuming. Furthermore, liberation missions usually require more resources than invasions, because invasions are piled post-invasion and defenders have to match and better those numbers.

But, nice job on the guide esp. on the timing and jump point theory. Just I think the guide has been slanted more towards one side.

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— Begin quote from ____

Defending is,honestly, far simpler then Raiding and less time-consuming, so i’ll keep this short and sweet. Defending is, as the name implies, defending a region from Raiders, and (attempting) to keep the native Delegate in power.

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Maybe I’m biased, but I don’t think Defending is far simpler than Invading and especially not less time-consuming.

Bear in mind, Defenders have to use all of the jump point and timing methodology that Invaders do, when they have to act as liberators – except Defenders also have to conduct this mission against an active, professional invader delegate with ejection and ban tools.

Furthermore, Invaders really only have to pay attention during the times of their missions and nearing the updates of regions in their hold. Defenders have to pay attention all through update for appearances of raids – this makes it much more time-consuming. Furthermore, liberation missions usually require more resources than invasions, because invasions are piled post-invasion and defenders have to match and better those numbers.

But, nice job on the guide esp. on the timing and jump point theory. Just I think the guide has been slanted more towards one side.

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Yeah, admittingly i’m a bit more 1-side-biased on this myself, edited.

Regardless,anyone can feel free to C+P and repost it as long as credit is given. (Bob already has it up in Nesapo)

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Yeah, admittingly i’m a bit more 1-side-biased on this myself

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Heh, so am I! So am I.

Prussiablinks. Where did you learn all of this stuff?

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<span gname=‘Magister’ style=‘color:blue’>Prussia</span> blinks. Where did you learn all of this stuff?

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Taught myself,mostly.

This definitely clear things up for me, thanks Hobbes.