[CONCORDAT AMENDMENT] Reformatting the Concordat


I come today to propose we re-format the Concordat.

At present, the Concordat is a bit difficult to read since it lacks a certain level of organization after you break it down into Articles. Plus we have some mega bulky clauses that can be difficult to sift through on their own. I think it makes sense to therefore reformat the Concordat with one more layer of organization to make it more accessible.

I don’t see many cons beyond maybe loosing the historical formatting of our oldest law, but at some point practical concerns need to come before history IMO.

NOTE 1: The only legally substantial change is some wording regarding Delegate veto & signature of legislation, “substantial” in that I changed the wording a bit for more concision while trying to keep the exact same legal meaning and the addition of Article B, Section 3, clause 3 (which is not present in the current Concordat), some alterations to Minister appointments, and merging of Article E & F + addition of Article D, Section 2.6. Otherwise most changes if any were removing unnecessary transition words or use more specific terms in clauses succeeding where that term was first used (see as an example “discretionary direct edits” in Article B, Section 6 compared with Clause B.12 in the current Concordat).

NOTE 2: I do not believe we should fall into another ConkCrisis because a rewrite is another word for an amendment that changes everything, key word being amendment. 2019/2020 was a repeal and replace mistakenly labelled as a rewrite, which is why the Concrisis occured in 2022.

NOTE 3: If anyone would like a table side-by-side comparison of this vs the current Concordat, please let me know and I’ll do it.

NOTE 4: Plan to move this 2 weeks from the original posting date.


I do like this

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Never read the original Concordat, but this version is definitely easier to get through.

I really like this. One minor legal clarification I think it’d be great to lump in is:

Section 3: Minister Appointments

  1. The Delegate may appoint Ministers or Advisors to the Cabinet, or Staff, which may take on any of the roles of the Delegate.

  2. As a limit, the Delegate may only order a Vizier to assume the full Delegacy. The Delegate may then retake the Delegacy at any time.
    Statutory apportionment of Regional Officer positions or powers shall take primacy over discretionary Minister appointments.

  3. An individual that has assumed the Delegacy through a means other than that provided for by this Concordat shall not be recognized by the Government as Delegate.

I feel like if we do that it should be a little more explicit, so like:

Section 3: Minister Appointments

  1. The Delegate may appoint Ministers to take on any of the roles of the Delegate and Advisors to advise the Delegate.

  2. The Delegate or relevant Minister may further appoint Staffers to assist in the Delegate or Minister’s duties.

  3. As a limit, the Delegate may only order a Vizier to assume the full Delegacy. The Delegate may then retake the Delegacy at any time.

  4. Statutory apportionment of Regional Officer positions or powers shall take primacy over discretionary Minister appointments.

  5. An individual that has assumed the Delegacy through a means other than that provided for by this Concordat shall not be recognized by the Government as Delegate.


i have made a new clause from section 3 to section 1 (since i think the statement the delegate cannot be arbiter/vizier should be its own clause) + moved up the appointing ministers section to follow the overall theme of establishment > organization > powers

also renamed the viceory and Gv sections to conclave & prae leadership respectively

Agreed. Also can I once again advocate for the merging of Articles E and F? ESPECIALLY with section titles, I think there is absolutely no reason to separate them at all. Rights of Citizens and Residents should fall under Citizenship and Residency. It seems so obvious to me.


i have added a prohibition of the grand vizier from being arbiter, provost, or delegate due to conflict of interest there. This is not in the current Concordat, but I think it should be noncontroversial.

incorporated this as-yet not acrhived but sitll legal concordat amendment into the proposal: Referendum on Multiple Concordat Articles (2024.1)

I noticed I changed Article E, Section 2, Clause 1 from the original Concordat which stated Citizens WILL get their citizenship stripped if they leave the region to they MAY. This is to reflect that our currently laws grant grace to Citizens who leave TEP, and that they may not necessarily be removed automatically.

This was not a change disclosed previously, so I will motion this to vote in two days if no feedback/discussion is given. I have checked over the Concordat, slowly going over edited clauses and roughly skimming clauses/sentences translated 1-1 into the proposal. To my understanding, the meaningful only changes made should be the ones I have mentioned previously.

To summarize the major, not-just-formatting or fixing transitional phrases changes to the Concordat:

  • Word changes Delegate veto & signature of legislation, “substantial” in that I changed the wording a bit for more concision while trying to keep the exact same legal meaning
  • addition of Article B, Section 3, clause 3 (which is not present in the current Concordat)
  • some alterations to Minister appointment clauses (clarifying our current exec structure better mostly)
  • merging of Article E & F
  • addition of Article D, Section 2.4 (because this should be law)
  • changed Article E, Section 2, Clause 1 from the original Concordat, which stated Citizens WILL get their citizenship stripped if they leave the region, to they MAY get citizenship stripped in the proposed rewrite.