Conference Room 1B

Commander Kreft steps up to the plain podium. He is flanked by two aides in crisp black uniforms standing at attention. He frowns as he clears his throat to quiet the reporters who are standing in the near empty conference room. “Ladies and Gentlemen, please. I will appreciate your attentiveness.”

Kreft pulls a small sheaf of papers from a black pouch and clears his throat. "Hours ago, Wachovian intelligence sources informed me that there was a high probability of a Packilvanian ultimatum on the quiet country of Trioni. As many of you know, there have been few public statements from the nation, but we, knowing the Packilvanian lust for conquest and knowing our long history of disagreement with said nation, felt it vital to declare our intention to protect the sovereign rights of the Trioni people.

As such, we have declared that until such time as the Trioni people are able to take up their own defense we shall defend their territories with the full extent of Wachovian forces, most especially the Black Gaurd.

We have been informed that already in an emergency session the nation of Mileslandia has endorsed this action and we express our gratitude for their support.

I must soon return to Wachovia, but I will take a moment for questions.

ooc: hope this is okay FPS. if not, feel free to modify it to make it work.

“John Motoxin, Milesandia News Network.”

“We’ve heard unofficial reports that the Muloki Administration is willing to offer backup troops if there needed to be. Would there be any interest from the Coalition in potential troop reinforcement from the Milesandian Government?”

“We can only hope that war is not the inevitable end of the current ulitmatum but, yes, it is likely that a joint defense effort with such a close neighbor would be possible.”

Soo-Hoon Dokya, in the front row, stood. “Commander Kreft, do you not see it a breach of diplomatic etiquete to declare a nation a protectorate without its own government’s permission?”

OOC: Yep, thats fine, Wachovia.

“We do recognize the akward nature of this move politcially. I have, in fact, been charitable in saying that Trioni has been quiet. They have made only one public statement in the recorded memory of the region and that was to lay claim to their territories. Some have said their lands are now in anarchy, which our attempts to make contact would support thus far. In such a state, it falls to neighboring regions to secure the safety of a people we share some kinship with as islanders.”


— Begin quote from ____

They have made only one public statement in the recorded memory of the region and that was to lay claim to their territories

— End quote

Perhaps we can ammend the Map bill to require some time say the 50 posts for citienship before a territory can be officially claimed.

OOC: This isn’t the place for such a discussion but I’ve been thinking…rather then setting up a system that would possibly take away the interest of prospective members, or keep old members from returning, why not set up some sort of post credit system? Chances are, the more posts a person originally made, and the more active they originally were, the larger the chance that they will return. Thus, it might actually be more logical to set up a system whereas the more posts a person makes, the better condition their nation is left in when they go inactive.

For instance, someone who made one post might simply be assumed dissolved when he goes inactive. On the other hand, someone who made 1000 posts might be assumed either to have gone isolationist, or pulled a Packilvania/Imatron, and left the planet.

W/e the case, the older nations would then be given a sort of credit, for the number of posts they gave, allowing them to return to NS, should they wish to, after a period of time. Again, this isn’t the place to debate this, an OOC thread in the RP OOC forum would probably be better, but I thought I’d stick it out there.

Out of date; closed.