Over a year ago, when Loop typed up the original articles of confederation(which I still see as a beautiful peice of work), the East Pacific Government consisted of Loop himself, and a couple of advisors. The articles were meant to be a basic guideline for a government which was planned to be, at the time, confederational. No large cabinet, no judicial system, no grand senate. Much of this was not seen.
However, with the returning of some old members to the forums, and the increased activity of others, the EP government has gone from non-existance, to a full federated entity. It has a judicial system, a legislative system, a full executive system (including cabinet), an active intelligence agency, and active ambassadors to multiple inter-regional organizations, as well as a UN liason.
As these departments began to thrive, however, they came across a serious problem. One which still plagues us today. The Articles of Confederation, the document these departments were made to support, can no longer guide them. It has been outgrown. In a way, it is obsolete. Its broad, general, confederational statements can no longer support and give guidance to a booming federal government, one now in power in the East Pacific.
And so it is now that I must suggest these articles of confederation be dropped. They served us once, but their time is over. It is now that we must embark on an all new journey, without these great words to support us.
It is now that we must move on, and creat another document. A document more then that of a confederation, something we no longer are. We must create a document reminiscing of a large, federal government…exactly what we are now.
What we need is a constitution. Not just a bunch of broad strokes, but instead, a document full of details. Details supporting the activity of the new, diffirent departments of our government. A new document, allowing our government to thrive any more, and to become what we all what it to be.
It will require work. Tiresome, ugly work. Work no one wants to do. But work that must be done, for the good of the region. Every day, we watch as friendships are broken, and as the forums are torn apart by the endless fighting over the few senate resoloutions, and the articles that are our current government.
This cannot continue, if this region is ever to become great. A clear, concise constitution is required. Something someone can read, and fully understand. Something with as few loopholes as possible, and a lucid explanation of how things are to work.
It is this new document that wil lbe the diffirence between the Great East Pacific, or the small, inconsequential, forgotten about Pacific. The diffirence between power…and needing to take a shower to get the shit off your face. It is now, friends, that we must act. For the good of the region, and for the good of our constituents.
Fellow Pacificans…we need a new constitution. And we need it now . No ifs, ands, or buts.
And so I ask. Who is willing to give up their time, their energy, and their laziness to help out this region? Who is willing to sit down here, in this forum, on this topic if necesary, and start outlining the document which will save our region from the precipice of hell . Who is ready to show their love for this region, and its government, and who is ready to show their pussiness?
State it now, my friends. Will you be a catalyst of change, will you facilitate the bringing about of greatness? Or will you continue to sink in the shit that our region will become without action?
Decide now, fellow Pacificans. Because, like it or not, this region’s fate is in your hands.
*Loop changed the title.