Council on Advancing Urth Species' Empathy

((Note: This message was sent to the email accounts of all world leaders, state and stateless, in order to hold greater inclusion among the diverse Urth sentient population))

Salutatitions to all species that grace our planet with their populous!

Allow me to introduce myself. I am Sayli Iliyustroviyey, the recently-appointed Minister of Sentient Relations in Vekaiyu. I have been at the post for roughly six months, but under my previous job I witnessed success in promoting synergy and overall improved relations between Dverian humans and vulpine migrants from Listonia into Dveria. Between you and me, this job is more relaxing, but I am not one to relax. Instead, I wish to use this new role to expand species relations to the Urth in its entirety, and not just Vekaiyu. Doing so will provide new bastions of understanding between the various sentient groups and aid in stronger connections overall.

After all, we are all graced with the opportunity at independent thought, through the senses of the bodies with which we are housed in.

Under the guidance of Vekaiyun Premier Ikrisia Levinile, our government has approved a plan to make such dreams a reality. This council, aptly named the Council on Advancing Urth Species’ Empathy, will consist of world and specie leaders from across the globe, united under the morally-upright cause of establishing better connectivity between inter- and intra-species groups.

We will convene at the Islaveteri Executive Resort. This hotel, well-known for its gardens and seclusion, is situated just outside of Calesu - Vekaiyu’s largest port city. Here, snowfall has already blanketed the surrounding areas, making for a rather breathtaking view of gardens. Rooms will accommodate all guests, and the Vekaiyun government has reserved the hotel for our event in order to ensure the location is a level-5 security zone in order to keep our minds off of any threats or inconveniences.

Rooms and service will be provided for all guests. I hope to see you there. If not, please provide the name(s) of the individual(s) who will attend the event. A follow-up email will provide extraneous details such as travel, arrival time, the likes.

Together we can make our world a better place, one specie at a time.

All the best,
Sayli Iliyustroviyey
Minister of Sentient Relations in Vekaiyu


(OOC: Snek People are Best People!)

Attending as the Emberwood delegation will be:
[th colspan=“2”]Representatives[/th][th]Representative
[/td]Mr. Edrid Vilandren
Dr. Zyr Jinrael
Mr. Jim Pavel
Mrs. Sasha Hennesy
Prof. Ruby Cloverleaf
Mx. Finn Li

The goal of this delegation is to extend equal rights to all species in all nations, no matter the challenges involved.

The six-person delegation touched down in Vekaiyu in the early morning hours of the northern fall. The runway was illuminated by large industrial lamps, and solitary leaves fluttered past on the breezes of departing planes.

Sasha stretched out. The flight was long, but empty. The few passengers enjoyed comfortable insulation aboard the vehicle; Passengers diffused amongst the open seats until the cabin held a smattering of seats. The other five were in various seats, all relatively near her and relatively awake. It was 2:15 back home, it was either 2 or 3 here. She grabbed her belongings and headed up the plane to the door.

— Begin quote from ____

Greetings Sayli Iliyustroviyey,

The Laiatanese Federation applauds you and your efforts in species relations. As the homeland of the lupine people, our nation will of course send several leaders of the lupine species to attend this conference to represent our nation and species as a whole. Below is a list of the representatives from the Laiatanese Federation.

Bishop Aleksei Onegin - Bishop in the Laiatanese Mahitou Church
Dr. Lara Malikova - Professor of Lupinology, Trakovaski State University
Dr. Yuri Serpionov - Professor of Lupine Culture, Volkgoroda State University
Diplomat Karina Tikhonovna - Representing the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

I wish you and this council the best,

Yaroslav Obraztsov
Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Laiatanese Federation

Nikita Kamensikh Building
1541 Sikorzky Street
Volkgoroda, Laiatan

— End quote

Sayli Iliyustroviyey approached the podium set up on a larger stage in the Grand Conference Room A of the Islaveteri Executive Resort. Behind her was a black curtain, which would normally house the Vekaiyun flag, though it was taken down for obvious reasons. In front of her was the gathering of delegates finding their seats and getting set up, opening up laptops, enjoying glasses of water and the occasional jaku tea collected in the very back. Each delegate had their very own microphone, a pad and paper, and a comfortable seat.

“I thank you all for attending,” Iliyustroviyey remarked. She looked rather smart in a gray skirt and blazer. Her black hair with purple streaks (died using beets, which was quickly becoming fashionable in Vekaiyu) were a contrast to her bright red, black, and white fur. "I feel since this is our first time meeting for CAUSE, perhaps we could begin by going around the room and explaining the current state of affairs for various species across each nation. While it may seem like a nebulous way to begin a conference, I assure you, it fits in well with one of the goals in the framework of CAUSE.

“Through this conference, we will learn of the various species in and around Urth. We will work to encourage greater understanding between the species in both history and makeup and promote synergy in working with the various groups. We will explore areas of concern, both in general and in nations across Urth. Then we will adjourn.”

She paused. “As for Vekaiyu, we have generally been a vulpine nation. Historically, vulpines originated from Vekaiyu, though a split early in history resulted in northern and southern variant vulpines. Northern vulpines have thicker fur and are built with a bit more brawn, while southern variants have shorter fur and tend to be more limber. As you may have noticed, we tend to be a shorter people, and that is true in Vekaiyu as well, though luckily we have had a small human population that has allowed us to cater to larger frames for, say, seating capacities and dimensions, for instance.”

“Vekaiyu was once know as an anti-human nation. We did not trust specifically the human-dominated nation of Dveria, who incorporated us into their nation. We were treated as slaves. We changed culturally through this occupation. We converted to Christianity, even though many of our saints were martyred. Our language, which was eventually outlawed, underwent a facelift and to the benefit of our people the language was simplified. Even though we eventually won our freedom, we had difficulty in dealing with other nations for quite some time. Relations changed with kings and the fickle winds of trade. In the 1980’s, we underwent a military coup, which witnessed the rise of Max Venavle, a speciest and a militaristic fascist. When he was murdered by Selvala McEva, another avowed speciest, relations were hopeful but quickly chilled with her now-famous comment of how the hands of the civilized world were covered with fur. Tired policies and divisive politics gave way to a civil war, led by a relatively-unknown Kral Commodore Ikrisia Levinile. She succeeded and was declared the Third Premier of Vekaiyu. Much of her policies have been set to undo the backwards views of the past.”

“Now, with the Vekaiyun Union established, we rule over our former captors. Many - and I do mean many - wanted to make life difficult for the Dverians, but our government thankfully relented, appearing to have learned from past mistakes. Civil unrest brought on by a ruling military leader resulted in his dismissal by Premier Levinile, and a general rebuild of the nation is underway. A human leader, Daszo Kivelev, has been instrumental in working with the Dverian people, even if today relations still remain challenging. Today, while Vekaiyu is indeed a vulpine nation, the Vekaiyun Union is a melting pot of different species in which we are slowly getting to know each other.”

“I thank you for your listening, and I open the floor for other introductions.”

From a table bearing a miniature Emberitian flag, Professor Ruby Cloverleaf ascended to the podium. Standing before the whole room, filled with at least one of every species on Urth, she proudly adjusted the microphone down to her mouth. “Good evening, all. My name is Ruby Cloverleaf, or as some of you may know me-” she pursed her lips in preparation for the stupid joke, and quickly listed off, “01010010 01110101 01100010 01111001 00100000 01000011 01101100 01101111 01110110 01100101 01110010 01101100 01100101 01100001 01100110.”

After a brief chuckle from the audience, she pushed onwards, eager to finish with her biography. “I am a synthetic life form. I’ve been alive for a little less than eight years. I was built at Littheid University in Aura, and was activated on February 19th, 2009. For seven years, nine months, and seventeen days, the society I am a part of in Aura and in Emberwood Coast has treated me with respect and dignity. Today, I am a professor of particle physics at Central Aura College.”

She endured the applause that followed, then continued, stronger now. “However, in contrast to my good fortune, there are so many others who do not experience these same freedoms.” She swept her eyes across the room, only noticing a half dozen artificial beings in the crowd. “We need to work to extend the freedoms experienced by the majorities of the world to the minorities as well;” The audience began clapping, and she lifted her voice to keep up with the change in volume. “Not just for androids, but for all species!” The applause grew and she raised her voice to a triumphant shout “Not just in this room, but all across the world!” She finished, beaming, and made a few steps back to her seat before turning back around and taking the microphone once more.

“Thank you, everyone, for helping me help the world.”

The four Laiatanese lupines sat around a similarly situated table, Dr. Yuri Serpionov raising as the Emberitian professor stepped away from the podium. Taking his place behind the podium, he cleared his throat and readjusted the microphone before speaking. “Good evening, everyone.” A thick accent accompanied his words, but was still understandable. “My name is Yuri Abramovich Serpionov. I am a doctor in Lupine Culture at Volkgoroda State University, and have been studying the culture of my species for more than 30 years. With me today is Dr. Lara Malikova, Bishop Aleksei Onegin, and Miss Karina Tikhonovna of our Foreign Ministry.”

“Like the nation of Vekaiyu, the Laiatanese Federation is a country largely absent of humans. We pride ourselves on being the homeland of the lupine, and we have the largest population of lupines on Urth. Among the lupine species are six ethnic groups recognized by the Laiatanese federal government. I don’t have time to go through all the differences, but trust me - there are some.” He said with a soft chuckle, accompanied by a few from the crowd. “There are unifying cultural traits that most lupines share today, as they did thousands of years ago. Today we share a common language. We share a common religion. Much of our cuisine is the same, with regional differences.”

“King Yura Lainov, King of the Mahigans, would ultimately come to unite most of our current territory under one banner. Through his work, Mahigian became the sole language of our country. Mahigans dominated the other ethnic groups until the founding of the Laiatanese Empire 423 years later, where equality between the ethnic groups was guaranteed by Katherine the Great. Unfortunately, humanity would be suppressed by the majority lupines as the years went on. Laiatan as a lupine state has never been a new thing, but as nationalism grew in the Empire, it became more pronounced - especially during the 1700s. This came to a head July 8, 1887. Imperator Yuri IV, Emperor and Autocrat of the Lupines - called Yuri the Reformer by his supporters - was assassinated by a human separatist during a public appearance. Members of his cabinet were also targeted, but they all survived and would ultimately become the new leaders of a democratic Laiatan.”

“The assassination revealed a multitude of hidden problems within Laiatanese society. Humans were regularly discriminated against, punishments were harsher for humans. ‘Human-only’ buildings and facilities existed. All of these things contributed to the growing feeling of separatism humans had, which advocated for a free human state. After the assassination, steps were taken by the new government to quell human uprisings across the country. After brutal suppression, further steps were taken to improve the quality of life in Laiatan for all species. In the new Constitution, protections were explicitly extended to all species.”

“Today, discrimination and segregation towards any species is illegal. Relations have never been better between lupines and humans in Laiatan. Jobs are open to anyone qualified. Certainly there is still some animosity among a select few, but there are no legitimate human separatism groups in the country.”

“I mention this because we are here to discuss these sorts of issues. Yes, lupines have been responsible for horrific atrocities committed towards humans especially. We acknowledge this and have apologized many times. Our laws have changed, our attitudes have changed. Our people, have changed. Lupines, have changed. Unfortunately, this is not the case everywhere. Discrimination occurs against every single species here in this room. It doesn’t have to be this way. We may not be able to remove discrimination everywhere, but we can certainly do our best to remove most of it. Thank you.”

The Emberitian delegation, along with many others, broke into applause with the end of the speech.