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Ministerio de Diplomacia
Reino Corric Constitucional de Casilló y Réal
Ministry of Diplomacy
Constitutional Corric Kingdom of Casilló and Réal
Office of the Minister of Diplomacy
Hall of Ministers, Eleçeron
Taragento District, Casilló y Réal
“Saludos y bendiciones sobre ti.”
“Salutations and blessings upon you.”
I extend my honored respects and blessings to the offices of Elrand Maravel, the Count Grimvik, whose steadfast dedication to his duties and nation is an encouraging reflection of all Cryrians.
Today I write to you as the First Minister of Diplomacy for the Constitutional Corric Kingdom of Casilló and Réal to expand the relations between nations and enrich the lives of our citizens, to pave the way for further cooperation. Most importantly, I extend the greetings and the proffered hand of friendship of His Grace, Sebastián II, King of Casilló and Réal, Sovereign of Andora, to Ulrika II, Queen of all Cryria by the Grace and Blood of Ademar, Duchess of Vesterholm, Talvere, Karlin, and Leidenstad, Defender of the Faith, Lady Patron of Ellesborg and Fosden.
His Grace has bid I provide you with the following Statement of Intent:
“Los saludos y bendiciones más honrados sobre ustedes. In the name of Our forefathers and mothers, by the Grace of God, and with the embodied power of Our citizens We issue this Statement of Intent to the Queen of Cryria, Ulrika II, whose own forefathers and mothers have passed down a legacy that she contributes to most admirably. We hope for Her continued good health and the same of Her Family. It is the Intent of the Corric People, and thus Our Intent, to further the breadth of dialog between Casilló and Réal and the Kingdom of Cryria. As nations astride Novaris, so should We endeavour to bring the continent together. The two great peoples of Corric and Cryrian blood would enrich themselves through the education, trade, travel, and cooperation a greater dialog would bring. In time, We hope that the improvement of relations will contribute to a greater Novaris, and a more united and peaceful world, closer to the prosperous community of friendships across Urth so many strive for. Que la gracia de Dios esté con vosotos, y que la corona sea siempre ligera.”
His Grace has bid I enquire upon the following topics, to further mutual cooperation:
Diplomatic Recognition between Casilló and Réal and the Kingdom of Cryria and all its dependencies,
Establishment of permanent embassies or consulates between the aforementioned parties,
A Non-Aggression Pact between the aforementioned parties, such that a Treaty be drafted and signed, ensuring all disputes, disagreements, issues, etc. that stand in the way of honorable cooperation be resolved with negotiation and not force,
A Visa Agreement between the aforementioned parties, such that any adult of responsible age that is a citizen of an aforementioned party may apply for a permit to visit a member of the opposite party, of sixty days for leisure, one-hundred and eighty days for work, and three-hundred and sixty days for education,
A Trade Agreement, such that a Treaty or other economic document be drafted and signed, allowing for a relaxation of taxes and tariffs on the import and export of select goods, to be determined during the drafting of said document.
My thanks and well-wishes unto you, with the hope of future friendship and happiness.
En nombre de Dios y de todas las virtudes caballeresas,
In the name of God and all chivalric virtues,
First Minister of Diplomacy
Matias Goméz
The Office of Her Majesty’s Foreign Ministry presents its compliments to the First Minister of Diplomacy and has the honor to correspond on behalf of the Drifting Throne.
We are pleased to confirm receipt of your note. The Cryrian Kingdom offers its salutations to His Majesty, and we hope that this writing finds Him in good health and prosperous tides. Though separated by sea and shore, the Corric Kingdom’s extension of goodwill is well met and in concert with our perpetual desire for amity and peaceful cooperation between the peoples of our blessed continent and the world at large.
We are happy to affirm our standing recognition of the Corric Kingdom and her duly sovereign territories and waters. We would further welcome the establishment the exchange of embassies and consulates to further dialogue and relationships between our two nations. The City of Leidenstad has expressed its willingness to make the Majken House available for your delegation. We hope the proximity to Muchenyk Square and the view of the Kongsbukta will make it a suitable location for your diplomatic offices, and are likewise prepared to dispatch delegations of our own.
We find the pact of non-aggression to be somewhat unusual in principle given our understanding that such covenants are typically reserved for entities otherwise at risk of engaging in military action. We are willing to consider the matter and to affirm our commitment to the nonviolent resolution of disputes.
We likewise support the establishment of a formal Visa arrangement between our two nations to ease travel and tourism. Her Majesty’s Government is further amenable to the establishment of agreements to simplify issues of double-taxation and other barriers to trade, and proposes further contact between our relevant departments to determine the aforementioned.
In celebration of our concord, we further enclose a bottle of our finest burn-wine graciously provided by the Kamburn Royal Distillery. We hope you will enjoy this cultural export of ours as we commemorate the new harmony between our nations.
On behalf of Her Royal Highness, Ulrika II, Queen of all Cryria by the Grace and Blood of Ademar, Duchess of Vesterholm, Talvere, Karlin, and Leidenstad, Defender of the Faith, Lady Patron of Ellesborg and Fosden, and with Warmest Regards,
Erland Maravel,
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Count of Grimvik
To the inestimable Erland Maravel, the Count Grimvik,
It gladdens my heart to have received your communication, and I further add the hearts of all Corric citizens when upon the contents of such were presented to the Popular Assembly.
The Ministry of Diplomacy has prepared the Casa de Viento Oceánico, in the city of Giroruña, as the location of the Cryrian Embassy. It is my hope that the pleasant seaside locale and adjacent National Fruit Gardens be of good habitation for your diplomatic delegation.
Our esteemed Prime Minister has submitted Juliá Dobre de Cartierez, the Countess Vanata, as Embajadora to your Kingdom. Upon approval by the Popular Assembly and with the blessings of His Grace the King, the Countess will be dispatched post-haste to the Majken House.
Please accept my humble clarification upon a matter of your interest. The Constitutional Corric Kingdom has a long and storied history of martial conflict, and while we by deed and law are always prepared for such, it is the full will of the Corric People, our government, and The Crown that we forestall any possibility of exchange of hostilities between nations. The volatile and sometimes capricious nature of this world is such that oftentimes local conflicts will spiral into multinational disputes.
It is at the direction of the Prime Minister and His Grace that I have made it my duty to ensure the Corric Kingdom is protected by legal means from such instances of interventions.
I encourage you to make arrangements for a meeting where we or our deputies can make clear the priority of our great nations and enter into honorable negotiation to further expand our economic ties. I have already begun the process and await our cooperation with the blessing of God.
I happily report the Burn-Wine was well-received by my office and the rest of the Royal Cabinet of Ministers.
In a show of friendship and exchange of culture, please accept a carafe of Cranberry-Orange Brandy from His Honor Prince Guillermo, Duke of Liti, whose Litic Ducal Brewery is well-regarded amongst the people of our nation.
En nombre de Dios y de todas las virtudes caballeresas,
In the name of God and all chivalric virtues,
First Minister of Diplomacy
Matias Goméz
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To the Honorable First Minister,
Her Majesty will look forward to welcoming the Countess Vanata and her staff to our good city. In similar vein, we inform you that Sir Peter Edlund shall be dispatched to the Corric Kingdom to present his Letter of Credence and take up his post as the Drifting Throne’s formal representative. The provision of the Casa de Viento Oceánico is greatly appreciated.
Per your clarification we are amenable to the proposed pact of non-aggression in the interests of furthering bilateral relations with the Corric Kingdom.
I am happy to inform you of fruitful discussions between the Bureau of Economic Affairs and our partners in the Cryrian private sector and elsewhere in Government regarding the subject of formal economic agreements. The Cryrian Kingdom would be pleased to host conferences between our governments to pursue the matter. We hope this shall bring further prosperity to both our peoples.
Her Majesty has requested that I express her compliments for the brandy. We look forward to the continued development of ties between our two realms.
On behalf of Her Royal Highness, Ulrika II, Queen of all Cryria by the Grace and Blood of Ademar, Duchess of Vesterholm, Talvere, Karlin, and Leidenstad, Defender of the Faith, Lady Patron of Ellesborg and Fosden, and with Warmest Regards,
Erland Maravel,
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Count of Grimvik