
A odd contraption ambles around the corner, it is a bipedal automaton with 6 “tentacle arms” with its top made up of a large transparent aluminum bowl, inside a large Octopoidal head can be seen.
He ambles over to the bar.
“Garçon, Ict eine , , eine, COFFEE! and put a wiggle in it.”

Barmixer! Wetten Sie mich Bier. JETZT!

Wo die HÖLLE mein Bier? ist! Muß ich weg, von den Köpfen zu hacken
beginnen, oder geht ca., das geht, etwas annehmbaren Service zu
erhalten hier?

OOC: Maybe if you tried saying ‘bitte’? :wink:

it would apear that the TRDCS is woefully understaffed, I woudl dearly liek to be come the proprietor of it should Loop see fit to add a giant saltwater tank.

Can ick haben Ien tass fon tay - in my best English / German… why this shop is woefully understaffed… it does need someone with eight arms to run it…who has eight arms ?

Ashame…Megalocyathus…only has six

I wouldnt make fun of Mega’s handicap, he has been known to place his tentacles on people and as I understand that feels really creapy.

Is the forum really led by me? Crikey.