December 2018 Update

December - 2018

The Holy Principality of Saint Mark
Kawaii Schoolgirl, Arkadia Universalis, Chervil, Dalimbar, Yy4u, Mediobogdum

Recruitment and Citizenry: Overthinkers
Foreign Affairs: Kawaii Schoolgirl
Internal Affairs: Davelands
World Assembly Affairs: Nrevyw
TWPAF Commander: Chervil
Speaker of the Hall of Nations: Arkadia Universalis
Deputy Ministers:
Sergeant-At-Arms: Alchera
Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs: KhanterWinters

History Update: After the Tensions, The Christmas Truce Arrived!
Let us recapitulate history, and reflect what we have learned and/or transmitted, in our daily activity, not only in NationStates but in our living.
On a crisp, clear morning 24 December, 100 years ago, thousands of British, Belgian and French soldiers put down their rifles, stepped out of their trenches and spent Christmas mingling with their German enemies along the Western front. Graham Williams of the Fifth London Rifle Brigade described it in even greater detail:

— Begin quote from ____

“First the Germans would sing one of their carols and then we would sing one of ours until when we started up ‘O Come, All Ye Faithful’ the Germans immediately joined in singing the same hymn to the Latin words Adeste Fideles. And I thought, well, this is really a most extraordinary thing ­– two nations both singing the same carol in the middle of a war.”

— End quote

These acts of humanity, unleash a series of actions. Point and apart from the sanctions and martial courts that were carried out against the military that decided not to return to the fight on December 27, 1914, formed a precedent of the importance of forgiveness and humanity. In NationStates, TWP called for a truce for all regions that signed war against TP members, known as NPO, which despite small things, has been carried out in a magnificent way. And this has given an opportunity to each region and each member of their respective region to create new expectations, new criteria, and move forward with new goals (with or without salt) in NSGP.
If you want to know more about these small events of our humanity, do not wait until December, investigate, in your local libraries, on the internet, there are always resources to complement knowledge, search the national digital archives of the United Kingdom, there is good content about the first world war and the truce of '14.
TWP Christmas Event - Secret Santa!
At the end of November, the TWP delegation, together with the Ministry of the Interior and through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, made an invitation, a call for peace, for the December dates. Many activities were offered, but the one that had more appreciation for different members of the NationStates community was the Santa Secreto. An activity that allows people to meet others in a more human and personal, and build creatively, a detail, no matter the size, to wish happy holidays to the other.
Personally, to different members of this community, they were asked some questions to know more about their opinion about the December festivities. These were some of the answers:

  • From which Region are you? The North Pacific.
  • How did you feel around? Good.
  • What was your favorite activity? my favorite activity would be the Secret Santa.
  • Would you like to repeat next year? Yes!
  • From which Region are you? Unknown.
  • How did you feel around? Friendly and relaxed
  • What was your favorite activity? Secret Santa!
  • Would you like to repeat next year? Sure!
  • From which Region are you? I am from The Pacific.
  • How did you feel around? It was a lot of fun with TWP Christmas :slight_smile:
  • What was your favorite activity? The games were amazing.
  • Would you like to repeat next year? If I’m around next year (pls no), yes.
  • From which Region are you? The South Pacific
  • How did you feel around? Discord Activity was a bit overwhelming
  • What was your favorite activity? Secret Santa.
  • Would you like to repeat next year? If there is Secret Santa (was a good Idea), maybe.
TWP Wishes a Very Happy New Year!
This year (2018), we all had surprises. Pleasant, unpleasant, of all kinds, attractive events, discussions, reconciliations. A package to share without a doubt. And it has ended, and once again NationStates, as the initial platform, has driven us to create new relationships with other people, creating and forming regions, nations, links, and friendships. 2018 is over and our delegate, Delegate of TWP, gives us these words, and finally, I wish you a great 2019 and move forward with your goals:

— Begin quote from ____

Halo, Delegate of TWP:

Between the St. Abby conflict, the NPO revelations, and our own internal hiccup, the start of my delegacy certainly hasn’t been stress-free. None of this has dampened my enthusiasm, however. The talented, hard-working administration team and I have been putting together an ambitious plan to improve the NS experience of our citizens and to better reward their accomplishments.
Most of these changes won’t be revealed until later this month, but a few have already been initiated.
The pirates of TWPAF have been reorganized and revitalized under their new Commander, Chervil, and a new recruitment push will boost their numbers back to what they should be. WaRlorder, one of our more talented cartographers, with the assistance of Bran and Chervil, has put together an incentive map system for TWPAF that will be used to log mission outcomes and participation.
Educating the players, whether noobs or cabalists, on the many facets of NS is an important function for a feeder. To that end, The West Pacific has established a new cabinet-level department, Education. Dalimbar, as our first Minister of Education, along with his Deputy Rizorien and staff, has begun setting up the framework.
Exciting changes to look forward to in the near future will be a point system to track activity, a ranking of honors to award merit and a new theme!

— End quote

Credits of TWP Seal for Bran Astor.

As usual, this is a fantastic update! Always good to hear from our close friends in TWP.