I will start by saying: I will only be running for one more term. That’s it.
I will admit. My first term as Delegate went less than smoothly. There were admittedly more fires than I hoped there would be, and then the ever creeping holidays just destroyed any and all hopes of having this thing called “free time”. But see, even through all of that, I had fun. I enjoyed being Delegate, and I got to see more regions and how they run, which means ideas!
So, what’s the plan for a second term?
I’m not kidding. N-Day is coming up, we got Valentine’s Day coming up (shut up, TEP is my Valentine so no complaining!), and April Fools!
So, let’s have a term dedicated to doing more Regional affairs, shall we?
To begin
This is a position I want to make a more important role. I need a CMoRA who is willing to keep a whip cracked over people’s heads to keep small projects moving and to help make progress on larger projects. It also needs to be someone who isn’t afraid to get a series of 5 pings from me, or to DM me at 2am and ask about a project I said I wanted to do.
This role is also going to help Ministers keep on task, and to make sure that we have people where we need them. Arguably, this is a role that is going to do a lot of administrating, and I am not opposed to having 2 CMoRAs to help balance the workload.
but what does this work load look like? Well, let me show you my plans for the Ministries.
I’ll start with arguably the Elephant of the room. This is a ministry that I think has a lot of potential, and it is really hard to do since we don’t have a reliable way of producing news. The Minister who would be incharge of this Ministry is someone who I would love to see pull news from our RP communities to talk about what RPs are ongoing, and to give an insight to our Valsora and Urth communities. I should also stress here that I DO NOT expect a super long and big news every single month, but it would be very nice to have 2 articles every month from our RP commuinity highlighting something going on there.
For this Ministry, I also would like to actually get TEP Radio (name pending) off the ground. I said it last term, and uhhhh, yeah, caek hit the fan. But this term, I want this off the ground. Something super informal and a way to just talk and chill with members of the community or with allied/friendly leaders and representatives and talk with each other. Yes, we would need someone who knows how to work audio, but if they can teach us, we can get more people interested in doing it.
Joke aside, This Ministry is the second elephant in the room. This is a joke that is very very thankless most of the time. The people who work here do SO MUCH work retaining and helping to recruit people to the Executive and our RP communities. The Minister for this Ministry would be someone who is very personable, and is someone who can put some time into reviving our Concierge team which helps introduce people to the Main TEP server. This will help create a more welcoming community, and help show people around. Yes, this would also have cross reference with the NS site page, so the Minister would need to also know their way around the site.
Minister of World Assembly Affairs
This is yet another Ministry that has a lot of potential and we are just sorely lacking in. First of all, this Ministry is SUPER DUPER important for my WA vote. This Ministry runs our votes for both the General Assembly and the Security Council. I want people discussing the merits of resolutions. I know that this isn’t the most exciting since it’s a lot of dotting i’s and crossing t’s, but I promise you, there is enjoyment in it.
By extension, I have gotten TEP involved in a WA program called Halls of Valhalla where it helps people write Commend Resolutions and just generally workshop. This definitely will be a LARGE boost to our MoWAA in terms of engagement.
(more to come. Apparently my google docs didn’t save the work I did earlier today, so I gotta redo most of what I did)