Delegate's Government [Merlovich]


Delegate: @Merlo
Vice Delegate / MoRA: @Dremaur

Minister of Foreign Affairs: @Altys

Minister of World Assembly Affairs @Gem

Minister of Culture @Cappedore
Minister of Outreach @Romanoddle
Minister of News @Halleyscomet08

EPSA Overseeing Officer: @Shadow

Cabinet Advisors: @Mangegneithe @Aggie @Vussul @Sammy23

I will update this thread with any Cabinet updates; please note UTEP structure is still in discussion.


Hi all,

I have appointed @Mangegneithe as Chancellor of the University of The East Pacific. Their passion for its revival gives me great hope and I look immensely forward to working with them to revitalize the UTEP in the coming months.

@Halleyscomet08 has resigned as Minister of News.

Apologies for the late update. @Gem resigned as Minister of World Assembly Affairs in December.

I have today appointed @Aurora_Yukihime to serve as Minister of World Assembly Affairs.


Delegate: @Merlo
Vice Delegate: @Dremaur

Minister of Foreign Affairs: @Altys

Minister of World Assembly Affairs: @Aurora_Yukihime

Minister of Culture: @Cappedore
Minister of Outreach: @Romanoddle
Minister of News: @Rosartemis

EPSA Overseeing Officer: @Shadow

UTEP Chancellor: @Mangegneithe

Cabinet Advisors: @Emjay, @Sammy23, @Vussul


Congratulations to all appointed!

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@Romanoddle has stepped down as Minister of Outreach due to time constraints. I have appointed @hydethegreatest to take up the Ministry in their place.

Thank you for your service, Roman, and welcome to the Cabinet Westmore.

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Delegate: @Merlo
Vice Delegate: @Dremaur

Minister of Foreign Affairs: @Altys

Minister of Culture: @Cappedore
Minister of Endorsement Affairs: @joWhatup
Minister of News: @Rosartemis
Minister of Recruitment: @Earth_Systems_Alliance

WA Commissioner: @Aurora_Yukihime

Admiral of the EPSA: @Shadow

UTEP Chancellor: @Mangegneithe