As of May 2019 the contents of this thread have been moved to TEPwiki.
TEPwiki, for gameplay, is now hosted on the forum in #university-of-the-east-pacific:tepwiki Delegates of the East Pacific
Hitler the Great
Founder of The East Pacific before it was turned into a Game Created (Feeder) Region
Only recorded Delegate before 1 Infinite Loop.
1 Infinite Loop
06/02/2003 - 05/13/2006 | 1,076 estimated days
Founder of The Confederated East Pacific
05/13/2006 - 08/16/2008 | 826 days
Handpicked Successor to 1 Infinite Loop.
Lady Phedre
08/16/2008 - 12/18/2008 | 124 estimated days
Illegitimate Delegate from The Empire
Was banned from The East Pacific after a counter invasion against The Empire and took up the role as Delegate-in-Exile
A Slanted Black Stripe
12/18/2008 - 01/20/2009 | 33 estimated days
Concerned citizen that worked to help liberate The East Pacific from The Empire
Todd McCloud1st Term
01/27/2009 - 03/28/2010 | 425 days
First elected Delegate post-The Empire
Lady EdeaDer Fuhrer Dyszel
04/03/2010 - 09/25/2010 | 165 days
She was a member of The Empire who decided to join The East Pacific community and became a valued member
South Allegheny
09/25/2010 - 04/02/2011 | 189 days
Todd McCloud2nd Term
04/02/2011 - 05/26/2012 | 420 days
TopdopA mean old man | 1st Term
05/26/2012 - 12/08/2012 | 196 days
Worked tirelessly to revive the government during his term
Todd McCloud3rd Term
12/08/2012 - 6/23/2013 | 197 days
A mean old man2nd Term
1st Term was served as Topdop
06/23/2013 - 11/12/2013 | 142 days
11/12/2013 - 7/07/2014 | 237 days
Ramaeus1st Term
7/07/2014 - 10/20/2014 | 105 days
Todd McCloudVizier
10/20/2014 - 11/07/2014 | 26 days
Per Article A, section 9 of the Concordat
11/07/2014 - 03/06/2015 | 110 days
Ramaeus2nd Term
03/06/2015 - 12/05/2015 | 273 days
12/05/2015 - 12/25/2015 | 20 days
Resigned early
Todd McCloud3rd Term
12/25/2015 - 04/13/2016 | 109 days
04/13/2016 - 08/20/2016 | 129 days
Resigned early after re-election
Todd McCloud4th Term
08/20/2016 - 11/27/2016 | 98 days
11/27/2016 - 12/03/2016 | 6 days
Removed by action of the Viziers
Todd McCloudVizier
12/03/2016 - 02/09/2017 | 68 days
02/09/2017 - 04/28/2017 | 77 days
Restored to position by Conclave
04/28/2017 - 07/31/2017 | 93 days
07/31/2017 - 10/06/2017 | 67 days
As a Vizier, held Delegate seat for Mexregiona until their resignation
Confirmed as Acting Delegate
Current Delegate 10/06/2017 - Present | >260 days
Tidbits of TEP Delegates
1 Infinite Loop: Longest Serving by Continuous Term with 1,076 estimated days
Gnidrah: Longest Serving by Continuous Term with 826 officially recorded days*
Todd McCloud: Longest Serving by Separate Terms with 1,042 days
Packilvania: Served as Delegate-in-Exile during The Empire’s occupation of region.
Reziel: Delegate by course of Vizier with 3 overall days
Todd McCloud: Delegate by course of Vizier with 94 overall days
Prussia: Shortest Serving Delegate with 20 total days
Aelitia: Shortest Delegate term with 6 days
Information based on:
RMB History* (no longer accessible)
[Edited by ASBS 10 Oct 2017, added some more delegates to the list, more detail needed.]
[Edited by Atlae 6/26/2018, updated dates and information]