Delénqasia (Deleganes) - Loíter (éto ménir?) dáça Pastikáfi Kamórdikai

Namidérek, véi Sámmy, seka botuftá mortupatéka mordikáfa anéra ryesazhirékfi…

Domorstírek, New Leganes (Livá Leganéas), se Stélle Pafípico dohwóikao zhetáhwa intudóvir aréuler. Dopastíkaifi éto, se taimé dohálkai, yáhwale típorle rhilerléka mordikáfar doskríkai. Li némei: upázhe védi taimédeka se uhín vatéra saqólaneo, ápo uhín Livaléns doskríkeo. Pinuhín, Vússulle peírika danódeo, kotulézh-(nemíyeka) ifá védi dobáno, lizhén se uhín dáça Pastikáfi qrenakáifi. Uhínka tíni próye inó gáhiri kakyalástei: inóqiner kahwoikareófi, pin definitífer qíner dáça Livaléns gahwaófi, pinka se yáhwa próyeti zhénka haléqi multivérs se Urçá, Qáhwia, osqákai.

Zhénka Zhecutívo, dáner Áltysde Cabinetedéka gáhwai: áme ertár méser li yonactivá. Activá lénserpeirikéka kabançanóro, óçi égo bogoftá. Pinuhín Cabinéte, user skríkao, zhen armár aréuler se hwértu atumóqika, ála zhentuháhwa dobánazhyo se ifárye. Zhénerya, taimé milári, se encomiénda védi, ka idístei éto: áme otoría uhín skríka Áivde dástinoi. Nárye, tínise ryéstu kotulézhka lensuhín védi qínstineo.

Dohálkai: uhín páka, dánkarya, mordikáfa. Hálkastei: activáka lénserpeirikéka ifáryeka valoqéka litíni yáhwa. Li némei: Stélle Pafípico ino ryéser gáhir. Uhín dáça indóvir aréuler anéra kabánazhyo, véi uhín anéra kamórazhei. Hanífa Áme Stel.

Óçi éna fermérek, védi égo súverek :smiley:


fará ántyo

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Petition to add Cukish to google translate so I can understand more than a few words of this


Cukish grammar allows for just a few strange variations, so it should be possible. Small issue: códing éto védi🙃 (I no coding)

cant raed but seems based.

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hell yeah no idea what this says but it’s probably sick asf

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Hello, I’m Sammy, welcome to my most difficult campaign, and the most special as well.

As many of you know, New Leganes was founded in TEP almost ten years ago. During this time, I’ve never been Delegate, but I’ve written campaigns of all kind. I believe none would represent myself and the time I’ve spent here as nicely as one written in Cukish, so, thanks to Vussul’s nomination, I had the great (and crazy) idea to go back to the Delegate run this way. It will also help me with the project I’m working on, which goes about creating roots in order to provide Cukish vocabulary with a more or less definitive consistency, fully embarking for Qáhwia, my project for an epic multiverse on Urth.

About the Executive, I want to thank Altys and the Cabinet for these eight months of renewed activity. Activity and recruitment ought to be the road to follow, even more intensely if possible. It is thanks to this Cabinet that the user writing these lines has been able to retire from the front line smoothly after four years of much work and tiredness. On another topic, we leave behind a period in which I’ve been commended, and I don’t want to stop thanking Aiv for the text’s authorship. Undoubtedly, among the most beautiful stuff I’ve ever been told.

This is, therefore, a joke campaign, but one to give thanks as well. I insist: activity, recruitment, relax and trust with each other. I believe TEP is in good hands: I hope it continues to be so in the upcoming ten years, and I hope to be there and see it. Ex Oriente Lux.

You may ask me questions in the language you wish :smiley:


strokes beard

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