Department Application Thread

OP: Department Application Thread - The East Pacific - Tapatalk

Department Application Thread

Welcome to the RP Department of Interaction Application thread. Please read the instructions within this post before making your application. When you have applied it is the Forum Roleplay Officer or an appointed deputy’s responsibility to approve of it should the applicant follow all the necessary requirements.


  • Be a Citizen of TEP;
  • Be on our Roleplay Discord server;
  • Be a member of The East Pacific Forum Roleplay;
  • Recite the vow.

Your Application

1. Identification

TEP Nation on Nationstates: [NAME]
Nation(s) within Forum Roleplay: [NAME(s)]
Discord ID: [LINK]

2. Recite the vow

In your application, you must recite the vow.

[i]I, [FORUM NAME], vow to work as a productive member of the Department to invigorate and rejuvenate The East Pacific Forum Roleplay through the delegated tasks of this Department where possible. I pledge to serve in good faith and in the best way I can.[/i]