Dremaur Dreamin' - East Expansion Part 2 (Feb24 Election)

Introductions are in order.

Hi, I’m Dremaur, a 24yr old American who essentially grew up on this game. When I was just 12 years old, I made a best friend, with whom we made a game called Doodle Wars. This was for all intents and purposes a military sim that took place as stickman figures on a school notebook, in which we would talk about our troops and have battles. Me, being the super natural creative at the time, modelled my soldiers basically fully off of the “Star Wars the Clone Wars Animated Series – Season 1 – 3 Grunt helmet”

here is what a soldier would have looked like when I was 13 (recreation lol)

One day, my friend found a browser game called Nationstates, and due to our love of “Doodle Wars” we decided to check it out. From that moment on I never realized this game would have more staying power than neopets in my life. In February 2012, my nation Galactic Universal Alliance was created. I spent time in a small roleplay region, which merged with a region called Madrigal in 2014. Some time later, the founder was lost, and we lost our region. At that time this was heartbreaking, but on the horizon was a saving grace, the East Pacific Sovereign Army came in and helped us get back control. This was my first experience of The East Pacific, and soon I became a member. I loved how friendly and open this region was, and how accepting it was, especially at a time when I needed that kind of support, due to real life situations. So, I feel obligated to continue to promote that friendship and unity, above any ideology, military gameplay, or other dramas that may come to our shore. Further, I want to give back to this community that has given me so much, and that’s why I want to work for the members of TEP, to broaden our horizons, and make new friends and memories along the way.

The Plan

  • Expansion to other games – I think it’s high time that we recognize in government that we are not just an NS community anymore. I feel like this already shows with our awesome roleplaying counterparts to the government, Urth and Valsora. Past that, we have seen a lot of interest in looking at other games to establish in our community. I want to be the delegate to pull the trigger on this, so to speak. So, beginning early in my term I will be compiling a list of games to see what the community feels like. While excellent execution of this plan should return new members to our community, I believe it is important for our community to want to exist in these games to begin with. Games like Final Fantasy 14, and World of Warcraft are two ideas I have. Recruitment at least in MMOs can be as simple as running into likeminded individuals during events, dungeons, etc. I’ve gotten small MMO communities started this way before and I feel like it could be fruitful because in a lot of cases a sense of community is appealing to people, so bringing them onto the discord for our cultural stuff is what I feel will lead to retention.

  • Culture – Culture is an important part of our core. How would we get such beautiful memes as “Apa Mla Iee Ama Ap”, “haha graep”, and “caek” without it? This should always be one of our main focuses, because are community is strongest when we feel like a group of friends nearly passing out from laughing. I’m going to task the ministry with coming up with innovative events ontop of our planned traditional events. Things like the Hunger Games are exactly what I am talking about. These are events that everyone, regardless of which game they come to our community from, can enjoy, and is easily accessible for our entire community. I also think that utilizing the discord activities for events is a good idea as well, as everyone on discord can access them.

  • Military - I want to continue the track record we had of fash bashes, defending our allies, and doing tag raids. The civilian militia has been a beautiful expansion to the norm, and I plan to continue building it up.

  • WA Assembly - I plan to continue prioritizing our communities will in the world assembly. I feel that we have good productive conversations that are fun to be apart of sometimes

  • Foriegn Affairs - TEP under my administration will continue to make friends with likeminded regions, there are many upcoming regions that deserve to be looked into!

So that is my plan for the region, I look forward to serving you all, and answering any questions on my campaign you may have!


From there, how do you see this being enacted? Currently, it seems like the plan is (1) create a list of games, (2) pitch it to the community, (3) decide on some, (4) ???, (5) bring them into discord for cultural events. So do you have ideas for step four? I would see that as like consolidating our “colony” and finding ways to bring people into our party when we run into them? And is there anything past that?

Do you have any ideas? It seems like we’re surviving SOLELY off of Hunger Games.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think our military has been seeing low levels of participation recently? Our allies have been seeing that, too. What plans do you have to address that?

What are your thoughts on TNP’s opposition of our commendations based on our vote against Commend Hulldom last year? Especially with an anti-WA voting faction, how do you plan on ensuring that we don’t make enemies of our allies in the realm of the WA?

Do you have any ideas in that front?

You never mentioned EPNS or UTEP, so I was wondering if you had any plans or ideas for them.

Recruitment in MMOS is established via recruitment channels in the text chat, and i have had good results before. Also, just by being friendly players sometimes ive had people add me after the dungeons and this is what I want to do to pull people in. This would essentially be step 4.

I think a good start would be maybe planning events around put put golf, chess in the park, poker night, and such in the discord activities, maybe with prizes of say, cards or something? we have a lot of accessible tools at our disposal that dont require a buyin.

Recruit Recruit Recruit, we need to have a lot more visibility in the main server, and I would like to start seeing the announcement channel include more EPSA news, as well as recruitment telegrams to the region.

I want to up our presence in the HoV, even with its flaws the idea is good, I think we need to have a serious chat with our allies on how to move forward past the pettiness, and that will be my priority FA goal going forward with them, is finding out how we can move closer to the friendship we had, while respecting both of our ideals as regions.

I’ve stated The Wellspring more times than I can dare remember, but past that regions such as Astoria and Lair of the Dragon are good candidates potentially. I have my eye on a few more but I want to make sure we do the research right to determine if they are the right fits for us as well.

Aye, its not surprising I did forget to mention a few things :man_facepalming:. EPNS I’ve had the pleasure of writing for, and I do feel like we are heading in the right direction with them, I want to continue that trajectory as well as instill the idea of investigative journalism alongside the foriegn newstand. I’d like to develop a region highlight article (regions abroad we find interesting!) as well as reporting in depth on world events were maybe questions still linger.

UTEP is something I’m still needing assistance on, But I do like what i’ve seen come out, and am definitely going to be pooling the heads together to make the best decision regarding it.

Just for the record, Astoria already has a consulate with us, to my knowledge, as of December I believe.

How do you mean?

That sounds good but may be difficult to accomplish. Would you see us tapping into cosmos for that – say, I write an article about Equiterra, then Altys writes one about the Andy situation, Shadow writes about Astoria stuff, Ambis talks about the raids the Mafia is seeing, etc? Or would you also be looking into kinda “sending” the journalists out to learn and ask questions and write? Or, third option, would you even consider cross-news things where, say we have someone write an article for the Neko Spotlight, while Atlanticana has someone write an article for EPNS? Like Statesmus+ but for news.

Otherwise your responses are very interesting, and answer my questions well.

Hello Dremaur. I have two questions:

  1. Do you have a plan for low participation in the region as a whole? NS has created the Frontiers, which have gradually become a factor in the collapse of TEP’s activity: the RMB has fallen to historic lows and its activities are even slower than previous years. The same in EPSA, Forums. I know that at EPSA you said “recruit”, and that’s fine, but that’s for those interested in R&D. As an RMBer and member of the Government, I am concerned about how the next Delegate will deal with the “depopulation” of the region and avoid a chronicle of death foretold.

  2. How will TEP deal with increasingly polarized regions? There are more voices demanding that TEP take a side. In the context that the “average citizen” is mostly disinterested in GP or WA scandals, although in Kampf’s case there was greater interest among the population (and I infer greater apathy towards GP)
    Will the next Delegate firmly maintain the policy of neutrality, or will at some point decide on a side?

I should clarify I mean getting closer to said regions. Consulate is the first step (embassies, treaties, working relations are next)!

So you know how sometimes you stumble upon regions with unique culture, governments, and/or roleplays? i would like to see us find out more about this regions and write articles on them! There is also world events that happen with multiple sides and statements, and I feel like bringing those stories in our own issues would be beneficial to our residents wanting the info but not wanting to go digging for it.

Not going to lie, all of these ideas are amazing and I’d like to use all of them. i feel like foreign articles in EPNS is another way to share culture with likeminded regions and i would definitely like to see submissions from abroad!

I definitely think that Frontiers have changed the game and likewise, we must also adapt. Recruitment on frontiers is a priority, they recruit from us so we should recruit from them.

First off, I don’t feel like Neutral really fits. Sure, we haven’t picked a far defender or far raider stance, but we still have values we uphold in our FA decisions. I don’t see a scenario where we need to make a decision like that, afterall we are very much roleplay first before our gameplay, and frankly I feel this is a healthy stance to take.

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Drem Yol Lok, Drem. Got some questions for you:

  1. What are your thoughts on the situation in Thaecia?
  2. What are your thoughts on my plan, with Millenhaal and maybe The Ice States, alongside any authors we get (since I wouldn’t be authoring), to start an interregional nongovernmental “World Assembly Roleplayers Platform” non-GP authorship organization? Would TEP be willing to endorse the project and/or allow it to make use of TEP FA connections in order to establish itself?
  3. What are your thoughts on a Lausanne Libcord-esque joint military server for us to pool our militaries, considering we’re all low on activity at the moment?