Dremaur for Provost: The Great Organizer!

Hello all, figured I would post some thoughts on what I plan to do elected, now better late than never.

  1. My main focus will be recruitment, for a feeder I feel like it shouldn’t be a stretch to achieve 30 magisters, and as a region of our size this should be a goal we strive for. To this end I want to look into the ways to advertise and recruit for the magisterium more.

  2. I want to continue to work on spreadsheet/forum synergy for magisterium records. We have talented coders and innovators here that I am sure between us we can figure this out, until then I will make sure this is consistently.

On top of this, it is my promise to continue the consistent, organized efforts of the magisterium into the 60th term. Expect the pings, they are absolutely necessary!