An army of WA nations organized by The East Pacific and ready to attack and protect in the name of The East Pacific will hereby be established and accommodated within the forums following the passage of this act.
This law may be cited as the Eastern Pacific Sovereign Army Act.
Declarations of War
Following the passage of this act, The East Pacific will hereby be capable of making formal declarations of war against other regions. Declarations of war must be voted on by Magisterium, where they must be supported by at least 75% of the Magisteriums members to be considered by the Delegate. The Delegate has the power, within five days of the declarations ratification (as announced by the Provost), to approve of or veto a declaration of war that has been supported by 75% of the Magisterium. If the Delegate vetoes a declaration of war, the Magisterium must subsequently support it unanimously to overrule the Delegates response. If the Magisterium initially supports the motion to declare war unanimously or if the Delegate fails to veto the declaration within 5 days of its ratification, the Delegate cannot veto it.
If a foreign region or organization declares war on or makes an act of militaristic aggression against The East Pacific or against the ESPA, The East Pacific will automatically be at war with this region or organization without the Magisteriums vote or the Delegates approval.
The Eastern Pacific Sovereign Army (EPSA), as this army is to be named, will not mobilize within any region with which The East Pacific is at war, unless:
This region is The East Pacific and it is mobilizing to secure the position of the Delegate or of a Vizier,
The region in which the EPSA is mobilizing is occupied by or is being entered by a force with which The East Pacific is at war,
Those in control of the region in which the EPSA is mobilizing have permitted the EPSA to mobilize within their region,
The region in which the EPSA is mobilizing is a warzone (as defined by the in-game region tag).
No member of the Eastern Pacific Sovereign Army may use their powers to violate the laws of the government of The East Pacific. If they are found to be breaking the law through the abuse of their abilities within the Army, they will be punished accordingly by the Conclave.
The highest rank in the Eastern Pacific Sovereign Army will be the Field Marshal, a rank which the elected Delegate of the region will automatically be assigned. The Field Marshal must appoint a General who will be the Field Marshals second-in-command (and who the Field Marshal may replace with any Army member at any time). There may only be one Field Marshal and one General. The Field Marshal is capable of overruling any decision made by the General or by any soldier of a lesser rank. Further creation and organization of the armys ranks will be left to the Field Marshal and General to design.
The Field Marshal and General will handle the admission of Army members publicly on The East Pacifics forum.
The Field Marshal must establish an official emblem for the Eastern Pacific Sovereign Army which, should the Army occupy a hostile region or a warzone, will be used to replace/establish the occupied regions flag.
To participate in the Eastern Pacific Sovereign Army, a nation must hold the status of citizen within the government of The East Pacific.
No member of the Eastern Pacific Sovereign Army may serve simultaneously and actively in another region’s or organizations military. If they are found to be doing this or if the Field Marshal/General has the right to believe that they are participating in irrelevant military activity due to fluctuating WA status and/or unexplained relocations, the Field Marshal or General must expel them from the Army.
If members of the Eastern Pacific Sovereign Army are found to be incapable of conducting themselves appropriately within the Army, they are subject to demotion, suspension, and/or expulsion from the Army by the General or by the Field Marshal.
The Eastern Pacific Sovereign Army will never formally declare itself as being either “defender” or “raider.”
Positions held within the Eastern Pacific Sovereign Army will not conflict with any positions held within The East Pacifics government, and involvement in the Eastern Pacific Sovereign Army will not bar its members from participation in other regions and organizations (excluding the participation described in #6 and unless by law of these foreign regions and organizations).
Citizens of The East Pacific will not lose their citizenship if their nation leaves The East Pacific on the orders of the EPSA.