Education Act

14th Magisterium (x) - 4th term: May to July
Passed June 2, 2013

East Pacific Education Act

Be it enacted by the Magisterium of the East Pacific:

SECTION 1. Title

This act shall be known and cited as the “East Pacific Education Act”.

SECTION 2. General Provisions

  1. Each citizen and foreign contributor is free to post articles, essays and any other educational material in the University of the East Pacific.
  2. No Holder or contributor can ever be limited in his teachings, except by the Conclave.

SECTION 3. The Chancellor

1.(a) The University of the East Pacific shall be administered by the Chancellor.
(b) Each Chancellor shall serve a term of 4 months and can be reelected for one successive term.
(c) The Chancellor will be elected by the Council of Holders by majority vote. Any citizen of the East Pacific can be candidate.
(d) The resigning Chancellor will organize this election.

  1. The Chancellor of the University of the East Pacific shall lead the University and its Council of Holders, promote it in The East Pacific and abroad, raise awareness among new citizens and maintain friendly cooperation with foreign educational institutions.

  2. The Chancellor can appoint an assistant and delegate non-essential tasks to this assistant.

SECTION 4. The Holders

  1. (a) Holders shall be responsible for educating others in their particular field of expertise and are selected for their experience and knowledge.
    (b) Each potential Holder shall be nominated by the Chancellor and accepted by the Council of Holders by majority vote.
    (c) The Chancellor will keep a list of current Holders and their field of expertise.
    (d) Any Holder can be removed by majority vote, upon a motion of the Chancellor.
    (e) Any Holder can resign at any time.

  2. Each Holder is expected to actively teach and participate by, amongst other methods,
    (a) Writing on subjects and answering subsequent questions
    (b) Hosting Q&A sessions
    (c) Attracting guest speakers
    (d) Publish articles in the TEP newspaper.

  3. The Council of Holders is the assembled board of all Holders.

SECTION 5. Transitional Provisions

  1. If no previous Chancellor is available in case of Section 2.1.d, the Delegate will oversee the election of a new Chancellor.
  2. If no Council of Holders is active, the Delegate can appoint a Chancellor at his or hers discretion and the Chancellor can appoint Holders at his or hers discretion until a Council of Holders of at least 3 members is formed.
  3. If the Delegate or the Chancellor don’t perform the duties given in Section 4 of this Act, the Magisterium has the power to appoint the Chancellor and a Council of Holders if needed, by majority vote.

SECTION 6. Enactment

This bill shall be enacted upon its signature by the Delegate, except if the Magisterium votes to override a veto of this bill by the Delegate.