Einstein Research Facility

The United States of Wikichang, officially invite all nations of the East Pacific that wants to study in a first World Facility in Antarctica after the President Himself authorized the expansion of the building and the blueprints are now declassified.

All nations that may want to become members in order to send their scientists should establish a diplomatic relationship with The United States of Wikichang through the embassy official thread, were the most important points would be explain so every part can reach an agreement.

The United States of Wikichang National Aerospace & Terraforming Association (N.A.T.A)





In a statement released to the public this morning, the Grand Pacific’s National Directorate for Scientific Research presented the names of the four men and women assigned to the World Facility in Antarctica: Cpt. David Adams and Lt. Evangeline Isaacs of the Grand Pacific Naval Forces, and Doctors John Kreder and Karl Longsmith of the Christchurch Institute of Technology. The NDSR statement additionally applauded the efforts of the United States of Wikichang and the National Aerospace & Terraforming Association for calling for unity and scientific advancement in a time of mounting international tension.

The team will spend two weeks in Eriford, Severisen fitting out and acclimating.

As the Confederate Congress begins discussion regarding the ERF, the Foreign Affairs Commission of the Socialist Confederation of Zeorus strongly urges Wikichang to make the Einstein Research Facility a neutral zone rather than keeping it under Wikichangese possession.

The Einstein Research Facility would be a neutral zone and is planned to be shared with all members once we have at least 7 members for providing the resources the facility would need. meanwhile The United States of Wikichang will take care of it.

Following the news of the Einstein Research Facility made by the United States of Wikichang, hundreds of applications from Ferrum Terra’s leading scientists flooded the Capitol. President Malkov quickly decided to forward these applications to the head of the National Scientific Research Association (N.S.R.A.) with strict direction to admit the best, no matter who they work for. The N.S.R.A. conducted a thorough scan of all the applicants and chose a team of six of the best and brightest Ferrum Terra has to offer. Among these six were:
Dr. Tara Jolnik, Ph.D., E.D. (Engineer)
Dr. Suto Habim, Ph.D., C.D. (Cosmologist)
Dr. Barrick Setex, Ph.D., B.D., M.D. (Biologist)
Dr. Nala Setex, Ph.D., B.D., M.D.
Dr. Yetu Feld, Ph.D., C.D.
Dr. Hamish Pimer, Ph.D., E.D.

Ferrum Terra’s scientific community, the N.S.R.A., and President Malkov salute this wonderful opportunity for international cooperation.

The United States of Wikichang is glad to announce that Serenitech will be part of the building process and as part of the deal it will recieve 2 whole lab levels, as well the Einstein Research Facility Welcome Center is going to be built in serenitech Antarctic lands with a small Satellite campus of the University of New California.
The welcome center and the new campus would host scientists, workers, and students before they reach the facility providing training and ensuring their adaptation to the extreme weather and the self-sustainability protocols within the Facility. The United States of Wikichang thanks Serenitech for they help and officially announce that the Research Facility would be fully operational by January 15 2015.

The Welcome Center and Satellite campus will be operated by the joint Wikichang-Serenitech personnel.

Scientists for the Einstein Research facility will be present on site, when it turns operational, but they are still being chosen.

The United States of Wikichang
Academy of Sciences Announcement

The Einstein Research Facility will host the following scientist as soon as its completed.

Confirmed Scientists

Republic of Grand Pacific
Grand Pacific Naval Forces
Cpt. David Adams
Lt. Evangeline Isaacs

Christchurch Institute of Technology
Dr. John Kreder
Dr. Karl Longsmith
Ferrum Terra
National Scientific Research Association
Dr. Tara Jolnik
Dr. Suto Habim
Dr. Barrick Setex
Dr. Nala Setex
Dr. Yetu Feld
Dr. Hamish Pimer
The United States of Wikichang
National Aerospace & Terraforming Association
Wikichang Academy of Sciences

Research Programs Leaders:
Each leader will receive a team of 4 Wiki Scientists.

Robotics Engineering
Dra. Asami Sato

Dr. Varrick Blackstone

Genetics Engineering
Dra. Grace Augustine

Medicine & Biology
Dra. Heidi Chang

Dr. Jasiel García

Lvl. B.1-General Office Chief Executive : PhD. Jake Simpson
Lvl. B.2-Internal Security Office Chief: Vacant
Lvl. B.3-Hospital Level Director: MD. James Apple
Lvl. B.4-Vehicle Garage Chief Mechanist: Vacant
Lvl. B.5-Energy Control Center Chief: Ing. Alex Garcia
Lvl. B.6-Homostasis Control Center Chief: Dra. Rose Schulz
Lvl. B.7-A.I. Control Center Manager: Ing. Peter Coleman


Serenitech Corporation
No available info.

*Any Nation is free to sign up and send a list of its chosen scientists and field before January 25th 2015
*All Scientific research must be non-war related.
*The scientific leaders of each nation must send and petition order to receive the needed lab according to its research


The Complex is divided into 8 sectors and 7 levels each. Most of the systems will be run by an A.I call “Hiroshi” which will be able to help scientists in their own language by full spoken commands.
6 Elevators are distributed in each sector level.
All Systems are controlled by “Hiroshi” or through a BioChip in each scientist

All residents in the facility must go through a self-sustainability course.
The general kitchen is able to provide the food chosen by each scientist according to its diet.
The Bedrooms can host up to 20 people with all the basic facilities and a common area. (Total Capacity 140)

The Laboratories will be equipped with all the necessary for each scientist, but the request of the materials and equipment must be solicited in the General Office.
The Satellite Internet network will be available only during 12 hours per day.
Residents would be able to leave the Facility only during summer in the Antarctic Continent. In winter the Facility will be sealed in order to preserve energy and resources.

Sector A (General Areas)
Lvl. A.1-Artificial Beach
Lvl. A.2-Hydroponic Farm
Lvl. A.3-General Kitchen
Lvl. A.4-Dinning Room
Lvl. A.5-General Meeting Room
Lvl. A.6-Gym
Lvl. A.7-Library and Communications Center

Sector B (Offices and control panels)
Lvl. B.1-General Office
Lvl. B.2-Internal Security Office
Lvl. B.3-Hospital Level
Lvl. B.4-Vehicle Garage
Lvl. B.5-Energy Control Center
Lvl. B.6-Homostasis Control Center
Lvl. B.7-A.I. Control Center

Sector C (Housing)
Lvl. C.1-Bedrooms Alpha
Lvl. C.2-Bedrooms Betta
Lvl. C.3-Bedrooms Gamma
Lvl. C.4-Bedrooms Delta
Lvl. C.5-Bedrooms Epsilon
Lvl. C.6-Bedrooms Sigma
Lvl. C.7-Bedrooms Omega

Sector D
Lvl. D.1-Robotics Lab 1
Lvl. D.2-Robotics Lab 2
Lvl. D.3-Robotics Lab 3
Lvl. D.4-Robotics Lab 4
Lvl. D.5-Nano Lab 1
Lvl. D.6-Nano Lab 2
Lvl. D.7-Nano Lab 3

Sector E
Lvl. E.1-Genetics Lab 1
Lvl. E.2-Genetics Lab 2
Lvl. E.3-Genetics Lab 3
Lvl. E.4-Genetics Lab 4
Lvl. E.5-Medicine Lab 1
Lvl. E.6-Medicine Lab 2
Lvl. E.7-Veterinary Medicine Lab 1

Sector F
Lvl. F.1-Biology Lab 1
Lvl. F.2-Molecular Biology Lab 1
Lvl. F.3-Inorganic Chemistry Lab 1
Lvl. F.4-Inorganic Chemistry Lab 2
Lvl. F.5-Organic Chemistry Lab 1
Lvl. F.6-Organic Chemistry Lab 2
Lvl. F.7-Electrochemistry Lab 1

Sector G
Lvl. G.1-Terraforming Lab 1
Lvl. G.2-Terraforming Lab 2
Lvl. G.3-Terraforming Lab 3
Lvl. G.4-Geology Lab 1
Lvl. G.5-Geology Lab 2
Lvl. G.6-Software Lab 1
Lvl. G.7-Software Lab 2

Sector H
Lvl. H.1-Servers Rooms and Main Server
Lvl. H.2-Service Employees Housing
Lvl. H.3-Warehouse 1
Lvl. H.4-Warehouse 2
Lvl. H.5-Waste Processor
Lvl. H.6-Workshop
Lvl. H.7-Water Filtration System and Water Deposit
Lvl. B.8-Air Filtration System
Lvl. H.9-Backup Power Plant
Lvl. H.10-Geothermal Power Plant

The United States of Wikichang & Wikichang Academy of Sciences
Is a pleasure to announce that The Einstein Research Facility is now officially Open and Operational.
The brightest minds in Urth can now reach their maximum potential with all the resources they need.
All nations can join the Facility as long as they agree to provide resources for all scientists within the complex.
The United States of Wikichang First Minister is now the General Office Chief Executive and the President Alan Chang can now return to his Presidential duties.
