Elections for Royal Speaker

Several days ago…

Sir Jochen Arkadiy Christoffer, Royal Speaker of Parliament, appeared before the Royal Congress of Vulshain with an important announcement. “I have been honored to have served as Royal Speaker of Parliament for several years, but it is time for me to step down and pass the torch to someone else. I wish my successor both good luck and hope that they will serve our nation with honor and dignity.”


The candidates running for the election as new Royal Speaker of Parliament awaited to be interviewed by the media, not only of Vulshain, but of other nations as well.

Kili Ankeremia, a middle-aged Lobo female, fiddled with her notecards, while Myaneli Olinoweo, a twenty-nine year old Vulpine male, straightened his tie for the nineteenth time.

Meanwhile, Yuliy Timur Pero, a Vulpine in his late twenties, was humming, trying to calm his nerves. At her podium, the tall human Gertrude Letha Cox of the Conservative Party was calm and relaxed.

Zandra Avice Rachyl allowed an assistant to check her microphone to make sure it was working. Desmond Ward was jotting down some quick additions on his notecards, while Kinga Zdeòka stood at attention, ready to answer any and all questions. Symon Akim, a middle-aged human man, brushed a piece of dust off his shoulder.


Coverage of the Elections for Royal Speaker of Parliament

Today, interviews of the candidates for Royal Speaker of Parliament begin. VCNMN has invited members of other nations’ news services to interview the candidates.

The candidates and their parties are:

— Begin quote from ____

  • Kili Ankeremia of the Yelizaveta Party

  • Myaneli Olinoweo of the Konstantin Party

  • Yuliy Timur Pero of the Iziaslav Party

  • Zandra Avice Rachyl of the Federalist Party

  • Desmond Ward of the Green Party

  • Kinga Zdeòka of the Socialist Labor Party

  • Symon Akim of the Communism United Party

  • Gertrude Letha Cox of the Conservative Party

— End quote

OOC: Everyone is invited to interview the candidates. You can ask one candidate or all of them, and you can ask as many questions as you want, but please try to keep from repeating questions that someone else asked.

Election Results:

Kili Ankeremia of the Yelizaveta Party is the new Royal Speaker of Parliament.

Myaneli Olinoweo of the Konstantin Party came very close to victory, but only a few hundred votes made a difference.

Legokiller National News and Media Network (LNNAMN) Live in Vulshain Royal Congress Building

A female elf reporter appear on screen next to Kili Ankeremia

“This is Betsy Hale here live at the Vulshain Royal Congress Building, here interviewing the newly elected Royal Speaker of the Parliament, Kili Ankeremia of the Yelizaveta Party. So Kili mind to tell the views how does it feel about being the new Royal Speaker of the Parliament?”

“Well, Betsy Hale, I must admit that I’m a little nervous. This is a very important postition as I will be serving as not only the leader of the Royal Congressional Parliament, but also assisting His Majesty, King Rainard and Royal Confederate Premier Rainard in seeing our government run smoothly and efficiently. It is a huge and major responsibility. Do you have any other questions?”

“So your role as Royal Speaker will also be assisting King Rainard, so what your opinion on the current King and his policies?”

“He is a good leader who cares deeply about the people. He’s willing to listen to others, but he’s not afraid to speak his mind. He is wants to make our nation a great nation, one where we Vulshainians can be proud of. He wants to strengthen our relations with other nations, which is something his predecessor didn’t do enough of I’m afraid. In addition, I agree with him that our nation’s military must be strong, but we shouldn’t be seen as a nation of conquerors, but as a nation of protectors. In this day and age, fascist nations don’t last long.”

“How strong does the Vulshain military has to be to become a nation of protectors. Will vulshain armies will fight against terrorist groups across TEP realm that are causing major problems with other nations and help vulshain allies in a time of war? please example more on that part.”

“Hm…I’m not sure about having our soldiers going around fighting terrorists. They’re just soldiers, not an army of superheroes who think they’re above the law. If a nation requests our assistance against terrorism, then we will answer. Of course, that depends on the situation. One person’s terrorist, maybe another’s freedom fighter. We have to be careful as we don’t want to help keep a dictator in power. And to answer your question about our military’s strength, I’m not sure. I guess it would have to be very strong is the best I can do in answering your question.”

“Thanks, at less the army knows their not acting above the law. As for your background,their is too little to be know on you with our sources since it only say your in the Yelizaveta Party, mind if you tell a bit on yourself and what you did before you were the Royal Speaker? Also do you like penguins?”

“Well, before I went into politics, I served in the Vulshainian Confederate Armed Forces in the Ground Forces during the 2003-2006 Vulshainian Civil War. After I left the service, I went into politics, working my way up till I became Provincial Governorness of the Province of Oykica for a few years till now. Now, while I do praise the king for trying to strengthen relations with other nations, I do think that he needs to stay at home and invite the leaders of other nations for a change. People are starting to question if he can really lead us if he’s away so much. I will admit that visiting other nations is important, but you can’t neglect your own nation, although King Rainard stays connected and keeps in touch with the government via phone and video conferencing. This helps in reminding people that the king does his best to stay in touch with us.”

The new Royal Speaker thought for a moment. “I do have some bold and new ideas for the Royal Congress.”

She smiled as she answered, “I like penguins. I think they are cute.”

“Awesome, you should visit legokiller one day for your next vacation. So anyway, what are some of your bold and new ideas your going to bring to the Royal Congress soon?”

The Royal Speaker smiled. “I will. And to answer your question, one of my big plans is to create a new position in the Royal Congress: the Deputy Speaker of Parliament. Being the Royal Speaker is a big job, and I believe that more can be done if someone was helping me out in order to make things run more smoothly. I can’t tell you who the Deputy Speaker is as I need to make sure he wants to.”

“As for my other ideas, I plan helping expand the Royal Confederate Premier’s authority. Now, this doesn’t mean that we will be trying to undermine His Majesty’s powers, it just means that the Royal Confederate Premier will act more like a Prime Minister in order to take some of the pressure off of the King.”

“Interisting, now I got one importation question to ask you. What is your opinion on a few vulshain human citizans that are against non-humans and the vulshain government?”

“All I can say is that these people clearly don’t know how to be a Vulshainian. We Vulshainians pride ourselves on being a nation of tolerance and equality. Those who embrace such ideals like bigotry, racism, and fascism, are complete fools. I only hope that these people will see the error of their ways and embrace tolerance and judge others not on appearance, but on actions. Discrimination has no room in the world, and it never will.”

“It should be removed, but I think it’s the fear of being in a minority than a majority and having being ruled over animal-like people in a nation that is a problem for them, just saying. But anyway, I have one more question. Do you have anything to say about Myaneli Olinoweo almost wining but didn’t?”

She nodded. “Myaneli Olinoweo came very close to winning. He does have many good ideas and wishes to help our nation to prosper, too. In fact, if he had won, I have no doubt he would do a splendid job as Royal Speaker. It was an honor to go up against him.”

“Well, thanks for having the time for this interview Kili Ankeremia and I wish best of hope for you as the new Vulshain Royal Speaker of Congress.”

“You’re welcome and thank you as I enjoyed this interview.”