Embassies of the Suvanias

Elven Khanate of Suvania:

Good day,

We are the Elven Khanate of Suvania, the legitimate government of Suvania, informally known as Lower Suvania.

We are a constitutional monarchy with a parlimentary democracy, seeking to reclaim the lands we have lost to Godless Communists and Ademarist Seperatists, who have strayed from the path Ayalagch has given the Suvani people. We’d also lile to offer trade opportunities with nations across the world.

Largest Import: Machinery and transport equipment, manufactured goods, chemicals, fuels and lubricants, food
Largest Export: Iron and aluminum products, lead and zinc, electronics, trucks, automobiles, electric power equipment, wood products, textiles, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, machine tools.

The winds of Ayalagch shall guide us forward!

Suvani Socialist Republic:

Welcome Comrade,

We are the repeesentitives of the Suvani Pepple against the regressive Khanate to our south. We are commonly known as Upper Suvania.

We are a Marxist-Leninist One Party State, led by the glorious Suvani Communist Party. We seek support in our rightful territorial claims, as well as allies against the capitalist threats from the west. We also offer trade to like-minded nations.

Largest Import: Crude Oil, Cars, Medication
Largest Export: Refined Petroleum, Transport Equipment, Cheese

Workers of the world, unite!

United Free Provinces of Western Suvania:


We are the United Free Provinces of Western Suvania, commonly known as the Western Provinces.

We are a liberal democracy who broke away from the crumbling Suvani Empire, seeing no place for our majority Ademarist population under the Ayalist Khanate or the Atheistic SR. We seek protection from the agressive nations of our east, as well as trade opportunities across Urth.

Largest Import: Oil, Raw Metals, Medication
Largest Export: Vehicle Parts, Cars, Furniture

By Ademar we stand, united!

To all Suvania’s

Transmission from the Imperial Yasterian Embassy

Pax Yasteria
This transmission is sent by the Government of The Imperial Republic of Yasteria, to the Suvanian Yasterian peoples.

The Imperial Republic wishes to unite the Suvanian Yasterian peoples into the Imperial Republic. Denial of the treaty will be upheld with complete understanding and kindness. Here is the following of those who wish to accept Pax Yasteria. However honesty will be upheld in Pax Yasteria

  • Nations under Pax Yasteria will peacefully become one with the Imperial Republic and join under one banner.


  • The Suvanian Armed Forces, naval forces, and air forces will become one with the Imperial Armed forces, Imperial Navy, and Air Force, as the Suvanian Yasterian peoples will be granted full Imperial protection from foreign and outside threats against Yasterian people.


  • The economies of the Suvanias will be replace with Imperial currency, this process will happen overtime.


  • The Suvanian government branches will be absorbed into the Imperial Government and given positions in the Senate and other branches due to their abilities in the field.


  • The Suvanian Yasterian people will immediately upon agreement of Pax Yasteria, will be given full Imperial citizenship. This will take immediate effect if Pax Yasteria is agreed upon.


  • Leaders of The Suvanias will be given high positions of governorship over Suvanian provinces. The Governors will swear loyalty to the Emperor and the Republic as well to their people as they agree upon service to thee people of Yasteria.


  • Suvanian culture will be respected while under Imperial rule. The people treated fairly, as their provincial laws respected.


  • Suvanian cities will become part of the Imperial Republic including the capitals. The capitals of the Suvanian nations will become the province capitals until, the governors can request an change of the provinces.


  • All resources within the Suvanias will be used for the improvement of Yasteria and her people.


  • The homeless and poor will be given jobs and taken into government funded home shelters.


  • Suvanian religions will be respected and upheld to the highest degree.

Now as required, Pax Yasteria must be explained to the leaders of the Suvanias. Pax Yasteria, is an treaty bent on the unity of the people of the continent Yasteria. The treaty wishes to improve the lives of the Yasterian peoples and all those who live on the continent! If this version of the treaty does not satisfy the Suvanian leader’s wishes, an mutual agreement can be met to secure Pax Yasteria. Thank you for your time reading this transmission.

Upper Suvania:

To whom it may concern,

The Suvani Socialist Republic formally rejects your offer. We do not seek unity with such backwards, capitalistic states such as yourself. Our people did not topple an Empire just to submit to another, especially one who has shown their allegence to the A.C.C.

Western Provinces:

Dear Represemtitive of the Imperial Republic,

We have taken your offer into consideration, and would havr to decline. We see no cultural or religious ties between ourselves and the Imperial Republic, and see any concept of unification to not be reasonable to discuss at this time. However, establishing trade relations would be more acceptable, with cooperation between our two states within the AYN to be a positive.

Lower Suvania:

To the Government of the Imperial Republic,

The Elven Khanate of Suvania is not currently interested in such an agreement. We have held our banner under our Khan for over 400 years, and wish to continue to do so. However, further military and economic agreements between ourselves and the Imperial Republic could be established, should the Imperial Republic agree that the Elven Khanate is the rightful and sole legitimate government of Suvania.

Sent from my SM-A600FN using Tapatalk

Transmission from The Imperial Republic to Lower Suvania

The Republic would be glad to establish relations with Lower Suvania. However the Republic does recognize Lower Suvania as the true Khanate of The Suvanian lands, on one condition, Lower Suvania must take a place in the ACC to fight back against the communist/socialist threat of Upper Suvania.

Thank you for your time,
The Imperial Republic of Yasteria

Lower Suvania:

To the Government of the Imperial Republic,

We have sent an application for membership within the ACC. We hope this may strengthen our ties and improve relations betweeen our two states.

Sent from my SM-A600FN using Tapatalk

To the United Free Provinces of Western Suvania.

Despite the rejection of your nation into the UCA, we still want to ensure that your nation’s soveirgnthy is respected and recognise by UCA members, and that Norgsveldet wants to work closer with your nation with regional security as an agreement between the UCA and your nation when it comes to your acceptance as an observer in it. As such Norgsveldet would like to request that we want to station 1,000 troops to your nation, as an ensurance of regional security and stability. 
We also like to request your nation joining the Pact of Rosaheim, an regional military alliance on which an common ally of us, Vistaraland is in.

We hope, our relations improve in the future and that Odin’s wisdom will bless your nation.

Sincerly, John W. Vultz. 
Foreign Minister for the Imperial Realm of Norgsveldet,
serving under King Olav I of Norgsveldet and its crown realms.

Western Provinces:

Dear Represemtitive of the Imperial Realm of Norgsveldet,

Thank you for your kind offer to cooperate in regional security, which we will graciously accept, with your tropps being most welcome to be stationed here.

On the request to join to PoR, we would also be happy to accept, and will submit and application to the organisation at once.

We hope that we may continue our positive relations and am glad to have you support the security of the Suvanian region.

Kind Regards,

William Baker,
Foreign Affairs Office.

Sent from my SM-A600FN using Tapatalk

on behalf of His Majesty Paverel III von Wittelsbach.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is delighted to acknowledge the full sovereignty of Suvania and all of its related polities. The people of Tissandra supports your affinity toward, socialism, equality, and egalitarian society.

Your highness, it has been an attention to our government that cooperation is the best form of tools toward partnership and ultimately, friendship. So, we humbly extends our hand as a gesture of cordiality and peace.

For our first proposition in this superb talks, we would very much like to comes up with certain trade deals. As you know, that our nation is recently being hit by the catastrophe of a Civil War, and so we are in urgent need for certain goods for our people.

So, we really wish you can provide an agreement for us to lessen the tarrifs, tolls and taxes on these goods, to make it more accessible for our markets. The goods are:

  • Electronics (Non-luxury items)
  • Transportations
  • Electrical Equipment
    In exchange, we will lower our tarrifs and taxes for petrol based imports that your people bought from our nation.

Apart from that, we would love to see more negotiations if our proposition is still unsatisfying to your people.
With humble gestures and a cordial smile,
The Foreign Ministry
On behalf of His Majesty,
Paverel III von Wittelsbach

Dear The Foreign Ministry,

As you may or may not be aware, this line of communication is used for three seperate nations, and you have not specified which of the three this message is for, please inform us of whether this message is for the Suvani Socialist Republic, Elven Khanate of Suvania or United Free Provinces of Western Suvania and we shall pass it on posthaste.


Oktai Meyer
Suvania Communications Office Adelia, Adelisia

Sent from my SM-A600FN using Tapatalk

To the hon. Oktai Meyer
Suvania Communication Office

Your highness, we humbly offers our utmost sincere apology for our failure to properly give our specification. The acknowledgments of the sovereignty are indeed intended to all polities of Suvania (The Elven Khanate, the Soscialist Republic and the United Free States), but for the trade deals, were meant it to be negotiated with the Suvani Soscialist Republic, as to our knowledge, the Soscialist Republic is indeed exporting transportations and electronics - the goods we really need in these dire time, and imported petroleum - the goods we have in abundance.

With regards,
The Ministry for Foreign Affairs
on behalf of Paverel III von Wittelsbach.

To The Foreign Ministry,

Thank you for reaching out to us. It is rare to see a monarchy appreciate the ideals of equality and socialism. While we are usually not fond with trading to states headed by a monarch, we are willing to make an exception in this circumstance and will glady accept your offer and would happily lower tariffs on your nation.

We thank you for contacting us. Worker’s of the World, Unite!

Kind Regards,

Nambaryn Tulga,
Head of Foreign Affairs of the Suvani Socialist Republic

Greetings, Comrade:

The Vesienvällic Worker’s State hereby recognizes the sovereignty of the Suvani Socialist Republic. We hope that, together, we can build a strong and powerful relationship with you, that increases prosperity in both our peoples. We would like to apply for:

-Embassy Exchange
-45-day visa-free travel arrangement
-Non-Aggression Pact
-Trade agreement to import oil (please Foreign Affairs of the Vesienvällic Worker's Federation - The East Pacific - Tapatalk for our exports)

In Solidarity,
Armas Kalillo
Minister of Foreign Affairs

To Mr Kalillo,

The Suvani Socialist Republic will never turn down a brother in revolution, and a great state such as yours has our full recognition and endorsement. As such, your applications have all been accepted, with the import of Industrial Equipment and Textiles seeming the most beneficial to us. May this cooperation benefit both our peoples, as well as bring forward the day all workers may be liberated.

We thank you for contacting us. Worker’s of the World, Unite!

Kind Regards,

Nambaryn Tulga,
Head of Foreign Affairs of the Suvani Socialist Republic


We seek an alliance with The Suvani Socialist Republic. To secure the prosperity of communism in our states and abroad, The USRI wishes to aid in both your defense against the capitalists to your south and in useful trade between our two nations.

The USRI can offer you state of the art medical equipment, medicine, and military aid. In exchange we would like to form a Union of our states to further secure communism against the violent capitalists who seek to destroy us. Should this offer be of interest to you, please notify us and we can begin.

Ave Operarios, Comrade,

Chief Commander Richard Wolf (The Royal Military of Ilesland)
Min. Cassandra Stanton (S-Min. of External Affairs)
President, Dear Leader, Nick Cannon (Head of the INCP, President of Ilesland, Head of the House of Executive)



It is on this day ordered by His Majesty in Council that a state of war shall exist between the Kingdom of Tavaris and the Suvani Socialist Republic, as authorized by the Diet of the Kingdom of Tavaris, and that such state of war shall exist until such time as it is ordered to cease by the Diet.

It is further ordered that the Civil Government of the Kingdom of Tavaris, as led by the Prime Minister and the Council of State in the name and on the authority of His Majesty the King, takes all steps and actions necessary to ensure the will of the people through Diet is executed with all deliberate speed.


His Majesty Zaram V, King of All Tavaris, High Chief of the Tribes of Rodoka, Chief of Nuvo, Chief of Chiefs, Lord-Patron of Ilaris, Defender of the Faith


Her Excellency Žarís Nevran Alandar, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Tavaris and President of the Council of State


As we have been notified corresponding with a vote in the Tavari Diet and the signing of documentation, the directorate of the Tavari Empire has placed upon us a state of War without Ultimatum.

The Suvani Socialist Republic has never, throughout all of its period of statehood, beared ill will or desired suffering upon the Tavari Empire and her people, and we shall continue to do so despite this.

It is not our actions that have caused this, rather we are simply a stepping stone in judgement cast upon those we refuse to fight. Perhaps it would have not been a resort we would have to have gone to if the international community were not to have aided the fascists who would have every non-elven head on a pike and the monarchists who would lie to their peoole with false promises of democracy so that they may see our State destroyed if we were not to destroy them first. Our actions in cooperating with Tsaizal are ones that have been forced upon us by the Great Powers, and it is not our duty to pretend otherwise.

If the Empire of Tavaris wishes negotiation, we would be happy to fibd common ground and understanding on the table rather than let the young rifleman, bleeding out in service of his country, to decide if such war was justified. Suvania shall continue to not recripirate such hositility given to us by the Tavari, and we refuse to falter in the acts we will take to bear and overcome this.

Worker’s of the World, Unite.