Elven Khanate of Suvania:
Good day,
We are the Elven Khanate of Suvania, the legitimate government of Suvania, informally known as Lower Suvania.
We are a constitutional monarchy with a parlimentary democracy, seeking to reclaim the lands we have lost to Godless Communists and Ademarist Seperatists, who have strayed from the path Ayalagch has given the Suvani people. We’d also lile to offer trade opportunities with nations across the world.
Largest Import: Machinery and transport equipment, manufactured goods, chemicals, fuels and lubricants, food
Largest Export: Iron and aluminum products, lead and zinc, electronics, trucks, automobiles, electric power equipment, wood products, textiles, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, machine tools.
The winds of Ayalagch shall guide us forward!
Suvani Socialist Republic:
Welcome Comrade,
We are the repeesentitives of the Suvani Pepple against the regressive Khanate to our south. We are commonly known as Upper Suvania.
We are a Marxist-Leninist One Party State, led by the glorious Suvani Communist Party. We seek support in our rightful territorial claims, as well as allies against the capitalist threats from the west. We also offer trade to like-minded nations.
Largest Import: Crude Oil, Cars, Medication
Largest Export: Refined Petroleum, Transport Equipment, Cheese
Workers of the world, unite!
United Free Provinces of Western Suvania:
We are the United Free Provinces of Western Suvania, commonly known as the Western Provinces.
We are a liberal democracy who broke away from the crumbling Suvani Empire, seeing no place for our majority Ademarist population under the Ayalist Khanate or the Atheistic SR. We seek protection from the agressive nations of our east, as well as trade opportunities across Urth.
Largest Import: Oil, Raw Metals, Medication
Largest Export: Vehicle Parts, Cars, Furniture
By Ademar we stand, united!