Embassy of Alva

тавтай морилно уу,

This is the Embassy of the Great Khanate of Alva, successor to the Alvan Empire and homeland of the Elves. It is a pleasure to make you aquaintance.

We offer:
-Mutual Recognition
-Embassy Exchange
-Trade Agreements
-Non-Agression Agreements
-Visa Agreements
-Cultural & Scientific Exciange

if you are interested in these or wish to specify any other diplomatic actions with Alva; please feel free to contact us.

Transmission from The Imperial Yasterian Embassy

Pax Yasteria
This transmission is sent by the Government of The Imperial Republic of Yasteria, to the Alvan Yasterian peoples.

The Imperial Republic wishes to unite the Alvan Yasterian peoples into the Imperial Republic. Denial of the treaty will be upheld with complete understanding and kindness. Here is the following of those who wish to accept Pax Yasteria. However honesty will be upheld in Pax Yasteria

  • Alva under Pax Yasteria will peacefully become one with the Imperial Republic and join under one banner.


  • The Alvan Armed Forces, naval forces, and air forces will become one with the Imperial Armed forces, Imperial Navy, and Air Force, as the Alvan Yasterian peoples will be granted full Imperial protection from foreign and outside threats against Yasterian people.


  • The economy of the Alva will be replace with Imperial currency, this process will happen overtime.


  • The Alvan government branches will be absorbed into the Imperial Government and given positions in the Senate and other branches due to their abilities in the field.


  • The Alvan Yasterian people will immediately upon agreement of Pax Yasteria, will be given full Imperial citizenship. This will take immediate effect if Pax Yasteria is agreed upon.


  • The Leader of Alva will be given high an position of governorship over the Alvan province. The Governor will swear loyalty to the Emperor and the Republic as well to their people as they agree upon service to thee people of Yasteria.


  • Alvan culture will be respected while under Imperial rule. The people treated fairly, as their provincial laws respected. Also due to the Imperial Republic and Alva having the same history.


  • Alvan cities will become part of the Imperial Republic including the capitals. The capitals of Alva will become the province’s capital until, the governor requests an change of the province’s capital.


  • All resources within Alva will be used for the improvement of Yasteria and her people.


  • The homeless and poor will be given jobs and taken into government funded home shelters.


  • Alvan religion will be respected and upheld to the highest degree.


  • If the treaty is accepted it will be an large step forward to restoring the Alvan Empire into an new era.

Now as required, Pax Yasteria must be explained to the leader of Alva. Pax Yasteria, is an treaty bent on the unity of the people of the continent Yasteria. The treaty wishes to improve the lives of the Yasterian peoples and all those who live on the continent! If this version of the treaty does not satisfy the Alvan leader wishes, an mutual agreement can be met to secure Pax Yasteria. Thank you for your time reading this transmission.

Dear the Imperial Republic,

While we find the idea of the bringing together of the former states of Alva, we cannot find the terms of Pax Yasteria to be acceptable, as it appears to me more of Imperial Overlordship rather than a union of equals.

We believe a better solution would be to begin talks of a less drastic treaty between the states of Alva, (Lower) Suvania and the Imperial Republic on the base of military cooperation, open borders and free trade, as well as a promotion of the cultural ties amongst these states.

Should you wish to form such an agreement, please contact us. We hope this may be a step towards further cooperation upon more agreeable terms

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