The Korćettan Republic is a nation in southeast Gondwana, bordering the Strait of Gondwana. Korćetta was founded in 1267 and has gone through many changes since then. The current government was founded in 2021 under a new constitution written by Aleksy Niezgoda.
Korćetta is a presidential republic ruled by Aleksy Niezgoda, elected president of Korćetta in 2021 and reelected in 2025. The nation supports privately owned nations, but the lumber industry of the nation is state-owned to better control environmentally friendly policies.
Korćetta has an overseas territory referred to as the Stakari Isles off the coast of western Gondwana. This territory consists of 14 islands and is a major hub for Auroran and Novaran nations to trade with Korćetta.
- Diplomatic Topics:
-Diplomatic recognition: Recognition of both parties by each other.
-Exchange of embassies: Embassies in the respective nation.
-Scientific exchange: The sharing of science and technologies between both parties.
-Cultural exchange: The sharing of culture between both parties.
-Non-aggression pacts: A pact of non-aggression between both parties.
-Trade agreements: Agreement that allows for trade between the two parties.
-Citizenship applications: Allows for citizens in the one party may apply for citizenship in the other.
-Visas for travel/work/school: Visas that allow for travel, studies, or work.
-Open border agreement: Free travel between both parties.
-Other (please specify)
Current Foreign Relations
- Organizations
-Member State of the Gondwanan Community
-Member State of the Council of Gondwana
-Member State of the International Socialist Solidarity Organization
Zemeprievadai Confederation
-Diplomatic recognition
-Permanent embassies
-Scientific exchange
-Cultural exchange
-Non-aggression pact
-Trade agreements
-Visas for travel, work, and school
Federal Kritarchy of Aivintis
-Diplomatic recognition
-Non-aggression pact
Queendom of Iboma
-Diplomatic recognition
Republic of Auravas
-Diplomatic recognition
-Cultural/student exchange
-Scientific cooperation
-Non-aggression pact
-Visas for work, education, and travel
-Trade Agreement
11 NOVEMBER 2021
The Federal Kritarchy of Aivintis wishes to express its deepest condolences over the lives lost in the Civil War, but is honored to congratulate the victors, whose moral compass means the end of hundreds of years of hostility between our nations. We are pleased to welcome the nation of Lasowkrania to the right side of history. As a result of this change, the Federal Kritarchy wishes to extend diplomatic recognition, an embassy exchange agreement, and a mutual pact of non-aggression. The Kritarchy is not comfortable extending further agreements until it is assured that Lasowkrania would be a mutually beneficial partner, but we hope the initial foundations of our diplomatic relationship are fruitful in the years to come.
— Begin quote from ____
11 NOVEMBER 2021
The Federal Kritarchy of Aivintis wishes to express its deepest condolences over the lives lost in the Civil War, but is honored to congratulate the victors, whose moral compass means the end of hundreds of years of hostility between our nations. We are pleased to welcome the nation of Lasowkrania to the right side of history. As a result of this change, the Federal Kritarchy wishes to extend diplomatic recognition, an embassy exchange agreement, and a mutual pact of non-aggression. The Kritarchy is not comfortable extending further agreements until it is assured that Lasowkrania would be a mutually beneficial partner, but we hope the initial foundations of our diplomatic relationship are fruitful in the years to l come.
— End quote
Chief Justice Stoker,
The Reformed State of Lasówkrania is grateful for the respect to the lives lost in the Civil War. We are pleased to accept the diplomatic agreements laid out. We also hope that this diplomatic relationship will be beneficial to both our nations. Now that speciesism has been removed from this beautiful nation, we wish to get to know the species of Urth, starting with your nation of Aivintis. We’re glad you finally reached out to us and we hope to learn more about your nation and culture as a whole.
Peace be with you always.
Best Regards,
Aleksy Niezgoda
President of Lasówkrania

Official Communique of the Queendom of Iboma
Likundazimamezo l’Sumbura laluTendane la’Iboma
Dear Head of Foreign Affairs of Lasówkrania,
The Queendom of Iboma hereby formally recognises your nation and we hereby formally request recognition from your nation in return. We would also like to exchange embassies and/or consulates. Kindly find this fact book containing information on our country:
With respect,
Amana nga Hananiel
Councillor of State for Foreign Affairs,
— Begin quote from ____

Official Communique of the Queendom of Iboma
Likundazimamezo l’Sumbura laluTendane la’Iboma
Dear Head of Foreign Affairs of Lasówkrania,
The Queendom of Iboma hereby formally recognises your nation and we hereby formally request recognition from your nation in return. We would also like to exchange embassies and/or consulates. Kindly find this fact book containing information on our country:
With respect,
Amana nga Hananiel
Councillor of State for Foreign Affairs,
— End quote

Official Communiqué of the Reformed State of Lasówkrania
Dear Amana nga Hananiel,
We do not agree with the government by which your nation is ruled, but we will recognize your nation and will send diplomats to establish an embassy. We hope that someday we will be able to pursue more diplomatic endeavors once your nation has been rid of the monarchy, but until then we will be friendly with the Queendom of Iboma, but will not pursue anything more.
Best regards,
Łucja Nietupska
Head of the Lasówkranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Official Dispatch from The Auravasi Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Greetings to the Reformed State of Lasówkrania,
Due to Auravas’s proximity to Lasówkrania, we would like to establish diplomatic relations with the aforementioned party. These diplomatic relation include:
- Diplomatic recognition between both parties
- Establishment of embassies between both parties
- Cultural/student exchange programs
- Scientific cooperation programs
- Establishment of a non-aggression pact
- Establishment of visas for work, education, and travel between our nations
- Establishment of a trade agreement between our nations
Auravas expresses our deepest condolences for the lives lost in the civil war and hope that the relationship between our nations can prosper.
Amasi Sariko
Minister of Foreign Affairs
— Begin quote from ____
Screen Shot 2022-06-09 at 11.29.13 PM.png
Official Dispatch from The Auravasi Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Greetings to the Reformed State of Lasówkrania,
Due to Auravas’s proximity to Lasówkrania, we would like to establish diplomatic relations with the aforementioned party. These diplomatic relation include:
- Diplomatic recognition between both parties
- Establishment of embassies between both parties
- Cultural/student exchange programs
- Scientific cooperation programs
- Establishment of a non-aggression pact
- Establishment of visas for work, education, and travel between our nations
- Establishment of a trade agreement between our nations
Auravas expresses our deepest condolences for the lives lost in the civil war and hope that the relationship between our nations can prosper.
Amasi Sariko
Minister of Foreign Affairs
— End quote

Official Communiqué of the Reformed State of Lasówkrania
Dear Amasi Sariko,
We thank you for seeing the civil war as the travesty that it was. We are happy to accept all of the relations listed in this dispatch. We hope that, as you stated, the relationship between our nations will prosper and thrive. We wish you the best in all of your nation’s future endeavors.
Best regards,
Łucja Nietupska
Head of the Lasówkranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

As Minister of Foreign Affairs and Diplomacy of the Limboese Republic, I hereby announce that our nation desires to establish diplomatic relations with Korćetta and that we recognize and respect your state’s independence and sovereignty. By this communiqué, I inform you that the Limboese Republic demands and is interested in the following:
- recognition of the Limboese Republic;
- establishment of permanent embassies;
- signing of a non-aggression pact;
- signing of trade and travel agreements.
Best regards,
Maria Tonova, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Diplomacy.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Diplomacy
Peace Boulevard, Historical Sector, City of Gercuktav, Tautav County
Official Communiqué of the Korćettan Republic
Dear Maria Tonova,
Korćetta is happy to accept all of the demands listed here. We are also willing to accept all of the other stipulations as well. We will begin to set up the permanent embassy as soon as possible and hope you will do the same. We look forward to where these relations will take us in the future.
Ferdynand Mokry
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Korćettan Republic
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