Embassy of Lièhuǒ


Embassy of Lièhuǒ

Embassy Office

Shufen District

Huǒdǎo Island, Lièhuǒ

The Tranquil Confederation of Lièhuǒ is an island nation in the Eye of Novaris, also known as Tēnyuān Sea to the Lièhuǒans. Lièhuǒ is a constitutional monarchy, becoming so after disposing of the monarchy in 1912. There are two capitals of Lièhuǒ, Quanzing (the executive and judicial branches on Huǒdǎo Island) and Wushan (the legislative branch on the Yuèliàng Peninsula).

Today, Lièhuǒ is a socialist nation where most of the industry in the nation is state-owned instead of privately owned. The governing body of the nation is referred to as the Grand Council, with four members from each of the four tribes of Lièhuǒ, with the position of Prime Minister rotating through the four until their terms are up.

Diplomatic Topics

  • Diplomatic recognition: Recognition of both parties by each other.

  • Exchange of embassies: Embassies in the respective nation.

  • Military alliance: Protective military alliance between both parties.

  • Scientific exchange: The sharing of science and technologies between both parties.

  • Cultural exchange: The sharing of culture between both parties.

  • Non-aggression pacts: A pact of non-aggression between both parties.

  • Trade agreements: Agreement that allows for trade between the two parties.

  • Citizenship applications: Allows for citizens in the one party may apply for citizenship in the other.

  • Visas for travel/work/school: Visas that allow for travel, studies, or work.

  • Open Border Agreement: Free travel between both parties.

  • Other (please specify)

Current Foreign Relations:

  1. Member State of the League of Novaris
    -Diplomatic recognition
    -Open border agreement
    -Permanent embassies
    -Trade agreements
    -Cultural exchange
    -Military alliance
    -Non-aggression pact

  2. Queendom of Iboma
    -Diplomatic recognition
    -Permanent embassies

Official Communique of the Queendom of Iboma
Likundazimamezo l’Sumbura laluTendane la’Iboma
Dear Head of Foreign Affairs of Taiyō,
The Queendom of Iboma hereby formally recognises your nation and we hereby formally request recognition from your nation in return. We would also like to exchange embassies and/or consulates. Kindly find this fact book containing information on our country: https://tep.wiki/wiki/Iboma.
With respect,
Amana nga Hananiel
Councillor of State for Foreign Affairs,

— Begin quote from ____

Official Communique of the Queendom of Iboma
Likundazimamezo l’Sumbura laluTendane la’Iboma
Dear Head of Foreign Affairs of Taiyō,
The Queendom of Iboma hereby formally recognises your nation and we hereby formally request recognition from your nation in return. We would also like to exchange embassies and/or consulates. Kindly find this fact book containing information on our country: click here.
With respect,
Amana nga Hananiel
Councillor of State for Foreign Affairs,

— End quote

Official Communiqué of the Great Imperial Confederation of Taiyō

Dear Amana nga Hananiel,

We happily agree to recognize your nation and will send diplomats to establish an embassy as soon as possible. The Great Imperial Confederation of Taiyō also requests that we establish a non-aggression pact, trade agreements, and visas for work, school, and travel.

In solidarity,
Teshing Chen
Clan Head of Foreign Affairs




As Minister of Foreign Affairs and Diplomacy of the Limboese Republic, I hereby announce that our nation desires to establish diplomatic relations with Lièhuǒ and that we recognize and respect your state’s independence and sovereignty. By this communiqué, I inform you that the Limboese Republic demands and is interested in the following:

  1. recognition of the Limboese Republic;
  2. establishment of permanent embassies;
  3. signing of a non-aggression pact;
  4. signing of trade and travel agreements.

Best regards,
Maria Tonova, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Diplomacy.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Diplomacy
Peace Boulevard, Historical Sector, City of Gercuktav, Tautav County


Official Communication of the Tranquil Confederation of Lièhuǒ

Dear Maria Tonova,

Lièhuǒ has agreed to accept all of the demands except for the trade agreement. We have refused to accept this because we believe it will be more costly than it is worth to trade with your nation. We will accept everything else and will begin construction of the embassy right away.

Teshing Chen
Head of Foreign Affairs
Tranquil Confederation of Lièhuǒ

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