Quick Facts:
Full Name: Demokrātiskā Republika Manaiya (The Democratic Republic of Manaiya)
Short Name: Manaiya
Capital: Taniga
Population: 3 million
GDP: 50 Billion
GDP Per Capita: 16,666
Minister of the Minstry of Foreign Affairs: Larisa Ulmanis
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs will accept the following requests:
-Diplomatic Recognition
Trade Agreements
Cultural Exchange
Exchange of Embassies
-Non-Aggression Pacts
Others (Please specify)
Current Relations:
Republic of Tivot
Embassy Exchange
Non-Aggression Pact
Diplomatic Recognition
Free Trade Agreement
45-Day Visa Program
From the Foreign Ministry’s Office of The Republic of Tivot
Greetings from The Republic of Tivot!
Seeing as you have recently opened up your nation for foreign diplomatic requests, our nation would like to cordially welcome you to the international community! Along with this greeting, we as a nation would like to request the following:
[size=100]Greetings Comrade!
A Message From the Office of Diplomatic Affairs of Nova-Columbia[/size]
As we are a nation that has only recently re-established diplomatic communications with the outside world, we find ourselves in a difficult situation. We don’t know who to trust & who to be wary of. From our understanding, you find yourself in a similar situation. As the old saying goes “Birds of a Feather Flock Together.” We believe that by cooperating, our two great nations could be capable of great things. Therefore, we believe that we the following actions will be mutually beneficial for the both of us.
[li]1. The Combined Republic of Nova-Columbia shall recognize The Democratic Republic of Manaiya as a sovereign state, and your government as legitimate and just. We believe that reciprocation of this will lead us to great things.
[li]2. The Combined Republic of Nova-Columbia & The Democratic Republic of Manaiya shall exchange embassies. Further details as to the identities of the ambassadors & the location of the embassies can be ironed out later.
[li]3. A Free Trade Agreement shall be signed between our two great nations, promoting economic growth.
[li]4. Our two nations shall participate in a cultural exchange program, allowing us to better understand each other.
[li]5. Our two nations shall sign a Non-Aggression pact, preventing undesirable hostilities from breaking out between us.
Official Communication from the Democratic Republic of Manaiya to the Combined Republic of Nova-Columbia
To: Lada Kostić
From: Larisa Ulmanis
Greetings! We are pleased that you have reached out to us, as it was in our plans to reach to you. However due to new Ministry renovations and reworkings, we weren’t able to do so until a few days time.
We hereby accept all your requests, and hope that our relations never falter but only grow stronger together.
With well wishes,
Larisa Ulmanis
Minister of Foreign Affairs
A Message from the Ministerium für Auswärtige Angelegenheiten der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik
On behalf of the Cerdani Democratic Republic I wish to apply for the following with your nation.
The exchange of Diplomatic Recognition and Embassies along with the signing of a Non-Aggression Pact between our nations.
I look forward a future of mutual co-operation between our nations.
Taraki Kivlok
Minister der Ministerium für Auswärtige Angelegenheiten (MfAA)
Deutschen Demokratischen Republik (DDR)
A Message from the Auswärtiges Amt der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
On behalf of the Federal Republic of Cerdani I wish to apply for the following with your nation.
The exchange of Diplomatic Recognition and Embassies along with the signing of a Non-Aggression Pact between our nations. We are also interested in establishing a trade with your nation through the signing of a free trade agreement and import/export deals.
I am confident of a peaceful and prosperous future between our nations.
Konrad Westermeier
Bundesminister des Auswärtigen (BMdA)
Bundesrepublik Deutschland (FRG)