To whom it may concern,
Greetings and Kon’nichiwa from the Royal Commonwealth of Shimajiro! We welcome you to the international community and would like to establish an official line of diplomatic relations between our two beautful nations.
We, as a nation, would like to request the following:
- Opening of a Shimanese embassy in your beautiful capital of Gercuktav, giving the city a direct link to Shimanese diplomacy and the City of Seikan.
- The establishment of a 45-day visa programme
- Diplomatic recognition and the official establishment of diplomatic communications
- Free Trade Agreement between our two nations.
- A non-aggression pact which sees our two nations pledge never to impede on one another and work together in harmony!
We cordially hope that these requests are suitable, but of course if they are denied, we still wish that relations between our two states remain cordial and friendly!
You can learn more about the Royal Commonwealth here.
Should you have any more questions, feel free to reach out or contact our international embassy in Seikan here.
Yours faithfully,
Shimajima yori aiwokomete,
Etsuko Kobayashi, Minister of Foreign Affairs
International Embassy of the Royal Commonwealth of Shimajiro
Seikan, Gurētāseikan, Shimajiro