Estavokian Characters

Michael Von - WolfHearth
Race: Human
Tribe: Varkon
Age: 45
Position: Communist Party Leader

Christopher Glover - WolfsBane
Race: Human
Tribe: Namidi
Age: 45
Position: Leader of the Estavokian Security Services (ESS)

Hugh Glass - Bearheart
Race: Human
Tribe: Navari
Age: 53
Position: Leader of the Estavokian People’s Army (EPA)

Catherine Zhang - HeavyRain
Race: Human
Tribe: Nubay
Age: 47
Position: Leader of the Estavokian People’s Army Air Force (EPAF)

Kyle Ferguson - SideWinder
Race: Human
Tribe: Hecton
Age: 51
Position: Leader of the Estavokian People’s Army Navy (EPAN)

Toby Meeks - RisingDawn
Race: Human
Tribe: Petrov
Age: 48
Position: Leader of the Estavokian Popular Mobilization (EPM)

Gerald Collins - CrookedFang
Race: Human
Tribe: Samot
Age: 37
Position: Head of the Communist Party Propaganda Office

Richard Pratt - RedFox
Race: Human
Tribe: Kairan
Age: 29
Position: Mouthpiece of the Communist Party Propaganda Office

Jonathan Von - LongFang
Race: Human
Tribe: Varkon
Age: 49
Position: Head of the Office of Diplomatic Affairs

Rayner Jackson - RockSteady
Race: Human
Tribe: Navari
Age: 50
Position: Office of Diplomatic Affairs Senior Ambassador

**Avery Von - Faircloth
Race: Human
Tribe: Varkon
Age: 39
Position: Head of the Office of Cultural Affairs

Veemi Carter - SongBird
Race: Human
Tribe: Namidi
Age: 40
Position: CEO Estavokian News Network (ENN)

Justin Weaver - SwiftWind
Race: Human
Tribe: Kairan
Age: 26
Position: Correspondent for Estavokian News Network (ENN)**