Executive Act

Notice of Amendment

OB-2023-55 | Formatting Amendments Omnibus Passed

The Executive Act was amended by the 59th Magisterium on 2023-12-16T07:36:00Z following Delegate sign-off.

Reformatted Act

Executive Act


…1.1. Thus Act shall be known and cited as the “Executive Act”.


…2.1. Upon enactment of this Executive Act, the Cabinet is established. The Cabinet consists of the Delegate, the Regional Affairs Minister, the Foreign Affairs Minister, and any other position explicitly designed as such in relevant legislation or by delegate prerogative.

…2.2. The Cabinet shall be lead by the Delegate and coordinate the efforts of the executive.

…2.3. The Delegate, and any executive appointee thereto, shall be able to organize such executive ministries, departments and organizations as they see fit, notwithstanding the provisions of this Act.

…2.4. The Delegate retains the power to overrule any executive appointee’s decisions.

…2.5. The Regional Affairs Minister and the Foreign Affairs Minister can be removed by a two-thirds majority vote of the Magisterium for inactivity, high crimes, treason, or inability to perform their duties.

…2.6. For the purpose of this Act, “Deputies” are defined as any Deputy Provosts or any appointed person(s) who assume the specific legal duties of Delegate during their absence.


…3.1. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall maintain relations with foreign regions at the Delegate’s instructions and advise the Delegate on all Foreign Affairs matters.

…3.2. The Delegate, the Foreign Affairs Minister, and any other executive appointee for that purpose by the Delegate, are assigned the duties of administrating the Foreign Affairs Ministry.

…3.3. The authority to grant in-game embassies shall be at the discretion of the Delegate, or any executive appointee for that purpose by the Delegate.

…3.4. The authority to approve or deny requests for embassies on The East Pacific forums shall be at the discretion of the Delegate, or any executive appointee for that purpose by the Delegate.


…4.1. Regional Affairs - General Provisions.
…4.1.1.The Delegate, subject to the provisions of this Act, shall be able to organize all regional ministries, departments and suborganizations of the executive branch as they see fit.
…4.1.2. Upon enactment of this Act, the function of the Minister of Regional Affairs shall be established.
…4.1.3. The Delegate and the Minister of Regional Affairs shall lead and coordinate the activities of the regional ministries, departments and suborganizations of the executive branch.
…4.1.4. The Delegate retains the power to overrule any executive appointee’s decisions.


…5.1. The Delegate, The Chancellor, or any executive appointee for that purpose are assigned the duties of administering the University of The East Pacific (hereinafter: UTEP).
…5.1.1. The Chancellor shall be a Minister appointed by the Delegate.
…5.1.2. The Chancellor shall be admitted into the Cabinet of The East Pacific.

…5.2. The Chancellor may organize UTEP as they see fit.
…5.2.1. The Chancellor may appoint Deputies, title chosen by the Chancellor.
…5.2.2. The Chancellor retains the power to overrule any Deputy’s decisions.

…5.3. The Chancellor shall impose a Code of Decorum to moderate activity and discussion within the University.
…5.3.1. Teachings, writings, or any other form of publication related to or posted in UTEP (hereinafter: Works) shall be subject to this Code of Decorum.
…5.3.2. Outside of the Code of Decorum,Works shall be protected by free speech.
…5.3.3. Works may be published to UTEP by any individual, regardless of their status in The East Pacific or any Chancellor’s prerogative.

…5.4. Bachtendekuppen Memorial Library shall be administered as part of UTEP.

(Debate Thread | Vote Thread)