[EXP] Historic Terghintia (Ruania and other islands)

Area for a reservation:


Type of expansion: Separate territory
Type of roleplay: Narrative forum roleplay and supplementary wiki articles
Population difference: ≤ +1M people
GDP difference: ≤ +15B SHD
New GDP per capita: Islands have a GDP per capita of 10-15k SHD

(AS THIS IS A REFORMATTING OF AN EXPANSION CLAIM MADE IN THE OLD SYSTEM, PLEASE REFER TO THE ORIGINAL CLAIM FOR MORE INFORMATION HERE: https://forum.theeastpacific.com/t/pre-expansion-briefing-room-step-1/16231/14?u=dylan)

Following a vote on 06/05/2024 this change has been approved 7-1-0.

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Link(s) to roleplay: https://forum.theeastpacific.com/t/enemy-within/17932`
Additional information: (This expansion claim was carried over from the old process)