So yep… I usually hate giving away personal information on the web, but I owe a lot to this region: many TEPers are persons I consider friends, person which have gifted me with many many many moments of amusements, interesting discussion, wonderful RP. Thus, here I am.
Covered by the dust of my inactivity… but here, to explain why I’ve basically disappeared.
During the last couple of years, my RL workload as lawyer has progressively gone up with each passing day. Obviously enough, this has darined a lot of my spare time.
Some six months ago, I’ve left the law office I was working with and started a basically-solo adventure. This has immediately implied another increasing in the workload.
And in the meanwhile, 8 months and a half ago… i’ve found out i’m now looking forward for a little princess, who’s expected to be born on next july 8th-9th.
I’m not leaving. TEP will be a part of me forever. But in the immediate future, I suppose I’ll have so many things to do that just keeping my nations alive will be a real challenge…
Anyway… guys and gales, i really miss you all.