Foreign Affairs Update: June 2020
Bran Astor
The Holy Principality of Saint Mark, Dalimbar, Fujai, Big Bad Badger, Recuecn
Ministry of Cultural Affairs:
Minister: Fujai
Deputy Minister: Recuecn
Ministry of Foreign Affairs:
Minister: Dilber
Deputy Minister: Mystic Skies aka Mia
Ministry of World Assembly Affairs and Recruitment:
Minister (acting): Nieubasria
Deputy Minister: The Unified Missourtama States
TWPAF Commander: Overthinkers
Speaker of the Hall of Nations: Giovanniland
Chancellor of UTWP: The Holy Principality of Saint Mark
May in TWP
Our first round of elections for the year took place over May 19th to 22nd on the regional forums, with voting open to all citizens of the region. In conclusion, this was a great election cycle, with many interesting ideas for the ministries and the Hall of Nations. It is worth noting that the voter turnout was also the highest of recent cycles, with 57 valid votes in most elections. This is over 50% of our Hall of Nations. Furthermore, there were no positions with only one candidate, which shows increased interest from members in being part of the government. The region hopes that further voting seasons have even more activity, and that more members decide to try and run for positions!
Speaker of the Hall:
Giovanniland (Elected)- 43
Zoran - 14
Deputy Minister of Cultural Affairs:
Recuecn (Elected)- 29
Fuentana - 28
Deputy Minister of World Assembly & Recruitment:
The Unified Missourtama States (Elected)- 26
Saransh - 15
Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs:
Mystic Skies aka Mia (Elected) - 33
Gryphonian Alliance - 8
Varanius - 16
Congratulations to all officials elected!
Osi-TWP Prom
A night to remember couldn’t be forgotten as students swarmed West Osi High School (WOHS) for a night of dancing, shenanigans and to dance their feet away. In the auditorium, performances ranged from “Don’t Stop Believing” from Journey to a rendition “Phantom of the Opera” performed by Wym and Zoran left the audience moved to tears. There was silence as the audience could appreciate the emotion packed into each musical arranged and delivered by Wym.
The dance floor saw many fail attempts, smooth moves and even matches that could have been a competition for TWP’s Next Best Dancer if the band room hadn’t been full of misplaying instruments. The library was set on fire with some nerds escaping the loud dance floor, and shens on the 2nd floor rest room ranged from graffiti of love packed floors to swirlies from some bullies that will remain unnamed. Thanks to the chaperones (or maybe no thanks?), the punch went unspiked but one particular delinquent was sent to the principal’s office after he toilet papered Vice Principal Berenson’s office.
Many toes were broken, tears were shed as graduating seniors said their goodbyes, rambunctious teenagers left their mark on the yearbook, couples posed for their favorite memories of lasting dances with bruised toes and graceful movements, immortalized to us by our Principal Bran.
The packages were quite popular and my date, Dilber and I opted for a smashing photo. I’ve always worn the pants in that relationship and it was no surprise that Dilber showed up in his best prom dress while I made a stunning appearance in my straight laced suit and tie.
No prom night is complete without superlatives, yearbook memories and a warning from your principals of course. The quad was full of late night football memories, Osi and TWP students dancing away, even singles were seen busting their best moves across the floor. Interviewing the smooching couples proved to be dangerous to this reporter so I opted instead for the safety of the bleachers under the full moon. I, of course, being the teacher’s pet I am decided to spend most of the prom in the library dutifully recording memories from the safety of papercuts and the janitor from hell, Badger, could be heard lamenting about those “bloody kids” from the flooded toilets.
The flashing cameras, music could be heard blasting everything from the crab rave to slow night dances with broken toes as people misstepped on their partner’s toes. At the end of the night, Sho from Osi and Teralyon were announced Prom Queen and Prom King and they took to the dance floor for the royal dance of the evening as festivities wound down.
The last motion of the evening was announced by the superlatives as sobs came from seniors and possibly from TUMS’ detention after he was sentenced to writing “I will not toilet paper the principal’s office” a hundred times as eager students hoping to be named or unluckily named in the titles of year of 2020.
Read the June issue of The West Pacifican, TWP’s monthly news publication, https://www.nationstates.net/page=dispatch/id=1385206