Factbook of Noberea

The Confederation of Noberea

Noberea, officially known as The Confederation of Noberea, is a nationstate in south-western Atlantea, with the nation itself being geographically divided into the a continental part, Uth-Nober, and the large island of Ald-Nober, along with a dozen of other islands of varying sizes.

Noberea has a population of little over 40 million inhabitants, with most of the population living in cities on the coast of Uth-Nober or in northern Ald-Nober. Most of the population consists of native Nobereans, otherwise known as Nobers, with several minorities of both other native and foreign nationalities or ehtnicities.

Political Overview

Officially the Noberean constitution declares Noberea to be " …] a Federal state, with a democratically elected Parliament, …] that shall respect the autonomy and sovereignity of the federal constituents of this Confederation. ". However the principles of democracy and federalism inscribed in the Noberean constitution have been progressivley eroded by centralist and authoritarian policies enacted by the national government. In fact, many opposition movements and international watchgroups have come to consider Noberea as a failed democracy, where political and civil rights are no longer respected and where political elites exert power under the thin veil of purported democracy to conceal their autocratic government.

While the several federal states that form the Confederation continue to have some level of autonomy, with their local government and parliament, these have become progressively more subservient to the cenetral government, and after the agreement known as the “Compromise of Legalla”, which completly eliminated several of the constituents of the Confederation, most of the territory within the Confederation is under the direct administration of the central government.

However, in truth, the Confederation’s members are the remnants of the old feudal order of Noberea, governed by old aristocratic families, and the leading figures of these states continue to be powerful figures in Noberean politics. Simply, thei interests of the majority of the leading families of these states have aligned with that of the central government, while those that have not have been relegated to a secondary role in Noberean politics.

The Confederal Assembly is the legislative Assembly of Noberea. It’s composed of 600 Confederal Representatives, elected for five year cycles by all citizens that are 18 years of age or older. The several federal subjects and confederal territories, the terriotries directly under the administration of the central government, elect 400 of these representatives, with each of them being given representation proportional to their population, while the remaining 200 representatives are elected nationwide.

The executive branch of the Noberean government is divided into two. The Premier, elected by the Confederal Assembly, serves as the Head of Government and directs government policy. The Supreme Council, created out of the “Compromise of Legalla” enshrines in the constitution the power of the military as a guiding force in Noberea to “…] maintain peace and stability in the nation and ensure the country is guided by its principles and traditions.”. The head of the Supreme Council is the Chief Secretariat, who is elected from within its members, and serves until dying or being dismissed by the council.

Pazardjik Front (377) - The Pazardjik Front (PF) has been the rulling party of Noberea for several decades, formed as a coalition of small right wing and conservative groups and political parties that eventually transformed into a single party. It’s name comes from the State of Pazardjik, the larget member of the Confederation and arguably the most influential one, and with whom the PF’s policies usually align with, and from where many of the party’s leading figures have originated from.

The Pazardjik Front describes itself as a conservative, nationalist and protectionist political party, and while it aspires to be a catch-all political force, breaking political barriers, it has little support from the Noberean left and it’s aristocratic leadership are often seen as stiff and out of touch with the common Noberean, though this does not stop the PF from enjoying wide support and winning large majorities in elections, even if there are wide accusations of electoral manipulation against the PF led governments.

Noberea under the Pazardjik Front has become progressively less democratic, as the party strenghtens its chokehold on power and becomes more authoritarian and militaristic. It continues to govern with the approval of the National Defence Council and the vast majority of the aristocratic families that still rule the several members of the Confederation, while continuing to curtail on civil and political rights and violently repressing opposition groups.

Unity (56) - Unity is the smallest party in the Noberean legislature, and it’s the only one to cooperating with the Pazardsjik Front, considering it is an offshot of that party. Unity was created out of the PF’s need for a “controlled oppositon”, a political opponent that could be controlled by the PF to not only serve as a loyal opposition but also to keep part of the PF’s internal opposition under close watch.

Unity has however become just an appendage of the PF and it’s electoral results are even more questionable than the Pazardjik Front’s, enjoying little to no support in Noberea. The policies it defends are virtually undistinguishable from that of the PF, though there are several members of Unity that seem to hold slightly more democratic veiws, more in line with liberal democracy than the PF’s authoritarian, illiberal “controlled democracy”.

Several members of Unity have been part of the PF governments, but as the party becomes more and more of a failed experiment the attention and control the Pazardjik Front exerts over the party becomes less and less. In part this is leading to Unity become a more credible and independent party willing to represent as a “moderate” opposition to the PF, however losing favour with it’s parent-party can lead to Unity losing any relevance in the political arena or any electorate that it clings to.

Civic Initiative (65) -

Democratic Alliance (102) - The Democratic Alliance (DA) is the main opposition party. Just like the Pazardjik Front, the DA was formed out of a coalition of several parties, primarily socialist, social democrat and liberal parties, that sought to create an united opposition to the PF after the “Legalla Compromise”. Despite its role as the main opposition groups it continues to legally exist as a political party even enjoying wide support among the Noberean population and hold a sixth of the seats in the Noberean legislature.

The DA affirms itself as “the party for Democracy in Noberea”, being primarily concerned with the general state of politics in Noberea, accusing the PF of electoral manipulation and dictatorial rule, and being the main organizer of protests and other political and social actions against the Noberean government, which has led to several of its members being threatened, leaders being arrested and party propriety being destroyed.

Other than affirming itself as a pro-democracy movement, the DA is also, owing to the other political parties that founded it, a firmly left-wing party, though it’s membership is diverse ranging from socialists, social democrats, social liberals and envoiromentalists. The party’s manifesto lists several issues and policies that the party hopes to adress or accomplish, such as the righst of sexual minorities, women’s rights, a free-market economy free of explotaition, etc.