Factbook of The United Kingdom of Kolosia & North Joralesia


Nation: The United Kingdom of Kolosia & North Joralesia (UKKNJ in short)
Capital: Grenaburg
Largest City: Poliaburg
Government: Unitary parliamentary constitutional monarchy
King: Franco XVI
Prime Minister: Eres Rodriguez
Legislature: Parliament
Upper House: House of Imperium
Lower House: House of Peasant
Population: 106 Million
GDP: 845 Billion Kirib
GDP Per Capita: 7,971 Kirib
Currency: Kirib
National Languages: Spaniard 43% ,Staynish 45% 20% Zukchivans 2& other
Ethnics: 63% Natives 37% Morts/Staynish/Zukchivans

Law enforcement & Order

UKKNJ Law Enforcement is not too serious but not to chill.

Major lawbreaking Like Murder may be punishable up to life in prison or death penalty, Minor Lawbreaking as in Stealing food from a store may be punishable by 1 month of community service.

UKKNJ Police are well trained and well equipped.

Lawbreaking will put you in a court, you will either pay for an attorney if cant afford one you will be given one.

Courts are not corrupt and will hear both sides and won’t prefer victims testimonies against the accused.

As stated courts are fair.

same principles go to a civil trail