Fallan (Submission)

Nation Name (long): The Commonwealth of Fallan

Nation Name (short): Fallan

The Heart: Ever bright, ever burning
The Claw: Arhoswn yn ein hunfan (“We will stay where we are”)
The Eye: Ny benn rish (“Let well alone”)
The Fang: Grásta na foighne (“The grace of patience”)
The Wing: Nuair a thig air duine thig air uile (“What comes to one comes to us all”)

National Animal (fictional): Dragon

National Flowers:
The Heart: Purple rose
The Claw: Daffodil
The Eye: Cushag
The Fang: Gorse
The Wing: Blue thistle

National Anthem: On paper, the national anthem of Fallan is Dragon, Unbroken, one of the many terms dictated by the Heart as part of the ceasefire agreement of the War of the Five Dragons. However, it is rarely performed in the other kingdoms, as it often encites violent rioting in impoverished areas.

Capitol: Of the five capitals of Fallan, Hestam is by far the largest and richest. It is the diplomatic, financial, and cultural centre of the Heart, much to the displeasure of the other four kingdoms.

Largest City: Hestam

Demonym: “Fallanian” is the demonym for the entire island. However, most inhabitants of the commonwealth (particularly Winglanders and Fanglanders) see themselves as citizens of their kingdoms first and Fallan second.

Staynish is the lingua franca of Fallan. All laws have been written in Staynish since the end of the war, and it is seen as a language of business and internationalism.
Over 95% of the Fallanian population is fluent in Staynish. Most Heartlanders are monolingual Fallanian speakers. Chosheynish, a language spoken in the south of the Heart, went extinct in the 19th century. Sooilnish, the ancestral language of the Eye, is in danger of dying out, and is only fluently spoken by 10% of Eyelanders under the age of 25.
The Heart: Staynish, Chosheynish (extinct)
The Claw: Crafancaidd, Staynish
The Eye: Staynish, Sooillnish (minority)
The Fang: Birragnish, Staynish
The Wing: Staynish, Skianish

Species: Humans

Population: 5.6 million (3 million in the Heart)

Government type: Fallan is a constitutional pentarchy in theory, but a hereditrary monarchy in practice. Traditionally, members of Parliament were chosen from the aristocracy, but after the War of Five Dragons, members of the working class have made modest gains in being better representated in government. The Five Houses still wield a great deal of power over the people of Fallan. Politicians whose ideas threaten their influence over the commonwealth have a bad habit of killing themselves. Typically, by shooting themselves ten times in the back of the head.

Leader(s): Fallan is governed by the Five Kings, one from each royal house. The High King, first amongst equals, is the head of state, and represents Fallan on the world stage. In theory, the High King is elected every ten years by representatives from each of the five houses, but every High King for the last 120 years has been from the House of Heart.

Legislature: The Aorta, an enormous Gothic Revival palace in the city centre of Hestam.

Formation: 1904

Total GDP: $130 billion USD

GDP per capita: $23,200 USD

Currency: Fallanian crown

Calling Code: TBD

ISO 3166 code: TBD

Internet TLD: .fln

Historical Summary:
For centuries, the five kingdoms of Fallan (the Claw, the Eye, the Fang, the Heart, and the Wing) ruled in harmony. Life on the island was marked by peace and prosperity. But in 1894, what began as a petty squabble over territory escalated into a conflict that would claim hundreds of thousands of lives. Of all the events in the history of Fallan, none were as bloody or as tragic as the War of Five Dragons. With the help of the Claw, the House of Heart launched a brutal invasion of the Fang in the west and the Wing in the north. The House of Eye, protected by their mountainous borders, remained neutral.
As the fighting continued, atrocities were committed on both sides. In 1899, Prince Albert and Princess Rosalind of the House of Heart, then six and eight years old, were killed in a Fanglander bombing campaign on a garden centre. In retaliation, Heartlanders launched a merciless campaign on the small Fang border town of Caithsiar. Nursaries, primary schools, and churches were not spared from the wrath of the Heart. The battle cry of the Heartlander brigades, “fifty heads for every soldier, thousand heads for every child,” still bitterly resonates with Fanglanders today.
After ten year of fighting, a peace was brokered. In exchange for an end to the fighting, the Northern Alliance surrendered the contested territory to the Heart. The new position of High King, the first amongst equals, was established as part of the new Fallan constitution, so that war would never tear the island apart again.

The Claw: The House of Claw controls much of the land in the south-west of Fallan. As one of the victors of the War of Five Dragons, the Claw was able to quickly rebuild, and it has gone on to flourish as a popular tourist destination.

The Eye: The smallest of the Five Kingdoms, the House of Eye controls a modest portion of land on the centre of the west coast. They survived assimilation by their larger rivals by maintaining a policy of neutrality in the War of Five Dragons. The Eye is heavily invested in the financial affairs of the island, and it has become something of a haven for the wealthy.

The Fang: Life has not been easy for the inhabitants of the Fang. The War of Five Dragons was disastrous for Fanglanders. Much of their land was annexed by the House of Heart, and what little remained was razed to the ground. Throughout the 20th century, the House of Fang has made good progress in getting their people back on their feet, but they still bear a murderous grudge against their oppressors.

The Heart: The Heart is the financial, political, and military powerhouse of Fallan, and controls much of the land to the south and east. Heartlanders are by far the wealthiest inhabitants of Fallan, and their nation has produced every High King since the end of the war. However, wealth is poorly distributed across the Heart. Since the late-1990s, anti-monarchy groups have been gaining traction in the north, much to the displeasure of the conservative heartlands in the South.

The Wing: The lands of the Wing lie in the far north of Fallan. While the Wing did not lose as much land as the House of Fang, much of their territory is uninhabitable. They did not industrialise as quickly as the other kingdoms, and crime runs rampant in the inner cities.


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