Federal States of Sokala Nation Claim


Map Claim: (The Green part)

Nation Name (long): The Federal States of Sokala
Nation Name (short): Sokala

Motto: “Strength and Peace”
National Animal: Sokalan Silver-tipped Toucan
National Flower/Plant: Coconuts
National Anthem: “Paalam na, Oh Nanay ko” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UUJQcPy6dTY

Capitol: Bondoc City
Largest City: Bondoc City

Demonym: Sokalan
Language: Sokalan (Filipino). Implenazan and Staynish
78.4% Human
10.5% Elf
4.2% Ursine
3.7% Dwarf
2.9% Vulpine
0.3% others

Population: 22,437,000

Government type: federal parliamentary constitutional monarchy
Leader(s): Head of State: Lambertus VII
Head of Government: Domingo Rolex
Legislature: Parliament
Upper House: House of Lords
Lower House: House of Representatives

Formation: 1927 - After the Sokalan War of Independence

Total GDP: 560,925,000,000
GDP per capita: 25,000
Currency: Kirib

Calling Code: +62
ISO 3166 code: SOK
Internet TLD: .sok

Historical Summary:
The Arrival of Implenazan Traders - 1494
Merchants from New Leganes arrived accidentally in the Sokalan coasts. The merchants and various tribal confederacies exchanged goods, eventually leading to trading outposts being built along the coast. The main outpost was El Nuevo Nido, with occupants reaching the thousands. The other outposts were La Cueva, named after a spacious cave, and El Refugio, built during a storm.

The Battle of El Nuevo Nido - 1497
Some tribal confederacies saw the merchants as an unwanted excursion into the land. The tribes, dubbed the Meri Lauluan Coalition as it was led by the Meri Laulu tribe, launched an attack on El Nuevo Nido. The attack was decisively repulsed with the assistance of tribes allied with the merchants. The allied confederacies of the Implenazan merchants attacked the severely weakened Meri Lauluan Coalition and eradicated them. Although other tribes and tribal confederations launched smaller skirmishes against the allied confederations of New Leganes, the fighting had moved away from the ports.

Staynnish and Ademarist Arrival - 1504-1510
Staynnish and Ademarist colonists arrived south of the Implenazan ports. While each had only one port, both started with significantly more preparation and colonists.

The Staynish port of Lamberturia, named after the reigning monarch at the time, was established by five colonist ships with 75-150 colonists each. Lamberturia, in a matter of a few months, created stone defenses in anticipation of local resistance.

The Ademarists established the colony of Ademargrad and had the opposite mindset. Ademarist missionaries made contact with various Arcturian Islander tribes. The missionaries embedded themselves amongst the tribes and began converting the local population to Ademarism, with Iphelstad serving as the base of operations.

Establishment of the Implenazan Colony of Northern Sokala - 1517
The three ports established by Implenazan merchants received more support and united under one administration. Each of the ports became larger in both population and size, and proper defenses were made. Several of allied tribes assimilated with the colonies, learning Implenazan.

Staynish Colonization of Southern Sokala - 1534-1555
Staynnish colonizers expanded southwards, defeating native tribal warriors until they found the Ademarist colonies. Initially, the Staynnish colonizers were cordial with the colonies and even traded with the colonies. But as soon as confirmation was given that the colonies were not of Asendavia, the Staynnish invaded and took control though did no effort to suppress them in their spread of Ademarism.

The Implenazan Exodus - 1549
While the Staynnish invaded the south, a major disagreement came between the Implenazan colonies and the allied tribes. The Implenazans, despite attempts at negotiation and diplomacy, were being threatened by angry tribes after some Implenazans were caught catching and killing the Sokalan silver-tipped toucan which was holy to the tribes. The once allied tribes had become incredibly hostile that even converted tribesmen and women were being hunted and killed when they go off on their own outside of the settlements. An ultimatum was later sent to the cities, a spear flung at the settlement’s gates with blood from a slain goat. With the ultimatum and the looming threat of Staynnish invasion, the governor, along with many Implenazans, retreated from the colonies. In the next few months, the three Implenazan settlements went from ten thousand to just three thousand. Those who stayed behind brokered a peace between themselves and the tribes. The tribes, along with those who stayed, agreed that the remaining Implenazans would be left alone as long as they follow the tribe’s jurisdiction.

Staynnish Colonization of Northern Sokala - 1550-1927
Staynnish forces soon pushed northwards after the news of the Implenazan authorities retreated from their settlements. With the risk of war with New Leganes gone, the Staynnish swiftly defeated the northern tribes with superior firepower and the help of allied tribes. The landmass was organized under the banner of Sokala. The name Sokala was derived from the Old Tagisla of “Sokarata” which meant “homeland”. It was meant to unite the archipelago under one name. The Morststaybishlian Empire would rule over the archipelago for 200 years. During that time, natives were used by the Morsts for physical labor. They would be sent with expeditionary ships as physical laborers as the natives were very skilled in carpentry and masonry.

During the Great War, Sokalan battalions, namely the 1st Ademarist Halberdiers which were armed with halberd attachments to their rifles and the 22nd Bondoc Mountaineers which were revered for their infiltration tactics, participated under Great Morstaybishlia. The 1st Ademarist Halberdiers were accused of war crimes, particularly the torture and mutilations of prisoners of war.

Sokalan War of Independence and Formation 1927-1932
After the Great War, Morstaybishlia’s military presence in the archipelago weakened and despite being granted home rule by Morstaybishlia, the various peoples that resided within the archipelago were vying for independence. In 1920, nationalist forces lead by Andrew Matagumpay took over the cities of Seibhu, the then capital of Sokala, and the neighboring city of Bondoc. Clashes between Matagumpay’s forces and the forces of the Sokalan government and Morstaybishlia occurred throughout Sokala. Despite 7 months of fighting resulting in heavy losses, the frontline ceased to move and resulted in a stalemate. Talks were launched between Matagumpay and Orson Klarass, the prime minister of Morstaybishlia. A ceasefire was negotiated with a peace agreement soon signed. Sokala was to be established as a federal state with the Morstaybishlian crown as its head of state. Andrew Matagumpay was given the role of prime minster.

Sokala divided itself into several states, the borders of which are dictated by ethnic and religious groups.

  1. Federal Capital Region - Capital: Bondoc City
    The Federal Capital Region is the region that contains the nation’s main government and business hubs. Bondoc City, formerly known as El Nuevo Nido and currently the capital of Sokala, is nestled at the foot of the Silangan mountains.

  2. Thaervia - Capital: Patibong
    Thaervia is known for having housed the biggest Thaerist-worshipping populations in Sokala. The state capital of Patibong was formerly La Cueva. It was renamed after the city’s history as the pirate base of many tribal raiders.

  3. Mayputi - Capital: Lamberturia
    Notable for being a majority Morstaybishlian-descent population and having possession over the two islands which comprises the town of New Sani Bursil.

  4. Meri Laulu - Capital: Refugio
    Historically home to the Meri Laulu Coalition, Meri Laulu is a mostly fisheries focused region. It is notable for being the site of the old Implenazan city of El Refugio.

  5. Kapatagpatag - Capital: Duhong
    The breadbasket region of Sokala. Its capital, Duhong, was named after Staynnish soldiers discovered the city in a fiesta. Majority of the city were drunk and when asked where they were, they replied “Duhong!”, thinking that the Staynnish were asking what they were doing. Duhong means drunk walking.

  6. Nuesperanza - Capital: Talahib
    Nuesperanza is known for being the hardest to conquer for the Staynnish colonizers. Talahib was dubbed for the city for its many sugarcane grass which tribal warriors hid in to ambush the Staynnish.

  7. Iphelklori - Capital: Ademargrad
    Iphelklori was a majority Ademarist region and was home to several key military leaders that led uprisings against the Staynnish colonizers.

The Wars of the Cross 1932-1955
Three wars would be fought as Ademarist factions would rise in Southern Sokala and attempt to establish their own independence

  1. The First War of the Cross 1933-1935
    Ademarists, under the banner of the Templars of Ademar, rose up in the city of Ademargrad, securing the regional capital and killing the Gobernador General. Ademargrad would be swiftly retaken by the Federal Army, reducing the conflict to a prolonged guerilla war until 1841 when a peace was signed which gave the region of Iphelklori more autonomy.

  2. The Second War of the Cross 1940
    The Second War of the Cross was a brief but ferocious three month war that ended only after the bombing of Ademaria, the first Ademarist church. A new faction of Ademarists called the Hand of the God-on-Urth was established in 1840, calling the Templars of Ademar weak. The war began with the assassination of Prime Minster Gabriel Earlington and the take over of Ademargrad and several nearby cities. The response from Sokala lacked in the first month with the federal government scrambling to respond with the sudden loss of its head of state. More decisive action was made as orders of large-scale bombings of Ademargrad, resulting in thousands of casualties. The Hand was forced to surrender after its leaders, headquartered in Ademaria, were eviscerated by a sea bombardment from Sokala.

  3. The Third War of the Cross 1953-1955
    The Third War of the Cross is the final war for independence. Gobernador General of Iphelklori declared independence on the first day of the first month of 1948, citing the decades-long abuse and oppression of the Federal government against Iphelklori. The Regional Guard of Iphelklori arrested several companies of Federal Army within Iphelklori as well as the navy men within the ports in the region. Iphelklori launched an invasion of the nearby province of Nuesperanza with the Regional Guard of Nuesperanza assembling just in time to front a defence. The War ended in a stalemate with the frontline unable to move for several months. A peace was signed at the end of 1903 with Iphelklori attaining its independence and keeping its gains in Nuesperanza.

Sokalan Reformation - 1955-1965
After the independence of Iphelklori, there were widespread instability in Sokala with other regions noting an increase in secession from the union. After the 1904 elections, Prime Minster Timothy Dimatawagan established several reforms to the constitution and the powers of each region. Sweeping social and economic reform placated the masses, policies placing further checks and balances on the branches of government were enacted. Sokala’s economy sky rocketed further with the discovery of oil off of the coast of the region of Meri Laulu.

The New Sani Bursil War 1966-1984
After the wars of the cross, the two islands off of the northern coast of Iphelklori were heavily fortified and served as a military outpost. Iphelklori had demanded the island be demilitarized several times but were ignored. In the summer of 1966, the Iphelklorian army invaded with pparatroops. The island was strafed and bombed but still held with the initial waves repulsed. Sokalan forces bombed several border outposts in response, threatening to invade Iphelklori if it refused to cease operations. Iphelklori responded by bombing the city of Talahib. Sokala launched a two pronged offensive which captured a significant portion of Iphelklori’s northern provinces which prevented further incursions. Iphelklori attempted several counter-offensives to retake its lost land but its attempts failed. Sokala tried to push further south to Ademargrad but the Iphelklori mounted a strong defense which resulted in a 5 year stalemate. In 1971, a ceasefire was signed after several attempts by both nations to break the stalemate failed. From 1971 to 1984, a long peace process was initiated with both parties eventually reaching an agreement. Iphelklori was to purchase the island in exchange for Sokala keeping some of the towns it had invaded. While the border shifted insignificantly, the tensions between the two remained high.

The Uneasy Peace Period 1985-2024
Occasional border skirmishes aside, Sokala and Iphelklori tensions didn’t return to the heights it did during the New Sani Bursil War. Both countries maintained a significant number of forces to its border with each other though an agreement was signed in 1990 which prohibited artillery and missile positions to be placed within 100 km of the border. In 2012, a joint oil exploration project off of the coast of Mayputi by Sokala and Iphelklori was signed.

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