For Your Consideration: Unibot

For Your Consideration:

About the Candidate

Unibot began playing NationStates in May 25 2008. In real life, Unibot studies Political Science and Philosophy at the University of Waterloo as an Undergraduate. His scholarly works in NationStates include An Analysis of NationStates Generations, originally posted on March 2009, which delineated various cultural generational differences, The Polysemes of Nativeness : Two Fundamental Conceptions of Nativeness Unravelled and Compared, which discussed what it means to be a native, The Transpacific Trade: NationStates as a Symbiosis between User-Created and Game-Created Regions, which provides a mutalist alternative to Francoism and Paradise Found, a 19,000 word essay that details the fall of Defenderism, the rise of Independence and reconstructs Defenderism for future generations.

Unibot also has founded and maintained The Naivetry Reference Library (the largest repository of NS works), plus has written articles for Attacking the Conventional, TRR News, NS News Express, NS Confidential, Sherwood Post and Lazerene Media. Also, there are probably a half a dozen well-read, famous essays written by him under pseudonyms. :wink:

The Candidate’s Vision

This would be Unibot’s “Game Plan”:

[ol][li] Restructure the Council of Holders.

  1. Rename the Holder of the Faculty of NationStates and Strategic Studies as the Holder of Philosophy. Philosophy is more broad – the main subjects in Philosophy to be discussed would be: Ethics (R/D and more), Metaphysics (What is the meaning of NS? Does duality exist? What is “power”?), Political and Social Philosophy. I don’t think this broader category has ever been formalized in NationStates before.

[li] Organize the Faculties. Faculties have been left to do nothing since the courses were abolished. Unibot will help build a master sceduele and coordinate with the faculties to ensure they can host all of the following programs and events:

[ol][li] Debates. Formal debates between famous TEPers and foreign intellectuals, relevant to topics of those faculties. TEP is famous for its debates – let’s re-associate ourselves with that legacy.
[li] Lectures. Formal lectures by famous TEPers and foreign intellectuals, relevant to topics of those faculties. Unibot can poke around to people to get them to write lectures for TEP – he organized the Lecture Hall for the 2012 NS World Fair.
[li] Seminars. Unibot is really excited about this: Seminars would be either IRC or Forum discussions, open for contributions by all University members on topics and questions relevant to the faculties. These would be more dynamic and get members involved in the University – without necessarily requiring them to write a thesis.
[li] Apprenticeships. A system where Holders would take members of the University as “apprentices” and help them write academic works. They would be writing advisers, in a way. [/li][/ol]

[li] Steam-line and restructure the University with the average, academic-curious member of TEP in mind. Just in general, this is what Unibot would do. The question that Unibot likes to constantly ask is: “How could this be made better?”[/li][/ol]

For your consideration: Unibot.


Very informative.

I would be into these things!

Metaphysics? ;-;

— Begin quote from ____

Metaphysics? ;-;

— End quote

'ello sweetie. I don’t know what that emoticon means, but I hope its good. :wink: