Free Pacific States Expands

As the light on the camera came on, the news reporter realized exactly how cold and dark it was out there. Which made her want to finish her report, and quickly.

“That’s right Tom. As you can see behind me, nearly sixteen divisions of the Socialist Federation of Free Pacific States, which mobilized last night, are currently landing and occupying the territories of, as marked on our regional graph, 115, 117-119, and 122-128. In total, around 320,000 troops were mobilized for the project. From what we’ve been told, territories 115 and 117 will each be occupied by a division of twenty thousand men, and that the main island consisting of the rest of the territories will be occupised by the remaining 280,000 men.”

“Tina, what type of resistance are they receiving?”

“Very little, actually. Most natives simply cannot reach a weapon in time, or are smart enough to realize that any fight they give up will be useless. However, some sporadic groups have risen up here and there.”

“What else can you tell us at this time?”

“Not much. But in an unnoficial interview earlier today, President Terrus did tell CNN, our fellow news station, that it was being done to ‘Protect the peoples of those territories from the evils of communism, natsiism, fascism, and other authoritiative forms of government’”.

“Er…Tina…isn’t it true that Free Pacific States is a socialist federation…?”

“Well, yes Tom, however, we can only assume the president meant more authoritative forms of communism, like Stalinism.”

“Ah, I see. Thank you Tina. And now for the weather…”

the council members are in the middle of a full-blown debate when the news arives. the foreign affairs counselor, sitting quietly out of the fray reads the paper and slides it towards his military counterpart.


his voice stops short and he sits down

Fellow members of the council. I regret to bear this news to you. The Free Pacific States seem to have taken offensive actions, invading the lands of a few peaceful islands to our west and the larger island to our south.

The time for debate is over. If I have the assent of the council I will assent I will call for vote on the initiation of the Omega Black Ops operations.

it is clear that his gaze is fixed firmly on the foreign affairs minister, as are the rest of the council. waiting a moment for the proper time the council member begins.

The Omega group? I must admit they remain quite a mystery to me. I understand they are especially trained in the Juoi arts of stealth and are recently very capable in addressing technological threats, having back-enginered some of our recent flight aquisitions.

Still, let us follow the course of diplomacy first.

the rest of the council nods in agreement. with a frown the military council member nods.

So moved. Let us keep them on alert though. I fear action must come soon or we will be the next aquisition made in the region.

as the council exited the chambers, few had any doubts that the Omega group has been anything but active. no one really knew the full extent of their power anyways, thought the foreign affairs council member. there was even some doubt if the military knew all the cells that existed in this highly modular and secretive unit.

there were a host of myths. black magic, their complete abstinence from any metalic weapon, their presence in every corner of the region. who knew what was true? for that matter, who cared? fear was sometimes a very powerful friend.

Packilvania congradulates the FPS government for relizing, that smaller governments are inefficeint, and unable to rule themselves. We offer our support in whatever they need help with. Maybe, with FPS and Codex, we can finaly bring order to the islands of the EP.

FPS thanks Packilvania for the encouragement, but is doubtfull that any further peacekeeping operations will be launched, at least, for the time being.

OOC: Er…so exactly what diplomatic message did you send me Wachovia? Kind of hard to respond in this case…

ooc: patience. even basic diplomacy in war time takes a bit of time, if it’s even accepted. you’ll get a message later.

The ambassador to the East Pacific Senate steps to the floor with a grim look of determination. Taking a moment to shuffle his papers, he addresses the senate body.

Senators, we come today to discuss many matters but one of greatest importance faces us. In recent weeks, two nations have taken it upon themselves to “stabalize” to sparsely settled areas of the region. That they are sparsely settled an owned by no one nation in our region might lead you to believe that this is a matter of small importance.

On the contrary, many nations have felt compelled to rescue many refugees that are fleeing said lands. As we have started to hear the stories of those refugees a dark picture is becoming clearer though many details remain obscured by the occupying forces.

These forces may maintain they bring advancement to a primitive people but I caution you to examine such claims carefully as you are likely soon to hear public statements from their senators. “Advancement” and “primitive” are relative words. Already one of the nations has declared itself to be one of the most advanced in the region. Though I dispuit such claims, what is to keep these people from claiming your own people need their special advancement?

the ambassador steps back to his seat, knowing hot debate will soon follow

The FPS ambassador stood in response.

"Ladies and gentleman. Neither in an official statement, nor unoficially, has FPS ever claimed to be advancing a primitive people through our land excursions. Those local tribes which have not at least reached 1700’s technology are being completly left alone, and only those having technologies from the 1900’s or after are even being offered any technological innoventions. The rest, via our prime directive, are being totally left alone.

Yet, as we all know, not all of these land plots are made up of knights of the round table and of primitive warriors, as the Wachovian coalition might think. The majority of them are simply large agricultural sectors not yet needing a central government. Some large modern day cities actually exist, the largest we found measuring 1.3 million in population. Of course, this city, which was on plot 117, began firing on our troops before they even landed, but we will soon strike back at them for their unprovoked attack.

In any case, the allegations are totally false. When Packilvania invaded territories…no objection. When he invaded HoopHoopLand…minimal objection. Yet, when FPS peacefully aquires a group of territories via negotiation, with only one military conflict, a rather large one however, breaking out, what happens? The Wachovian Coalition immediatly objects. What we have here, my fellow delegates, is the Wachovian Coalition simply showing that they have no respect for us as a nation, and do not believe we have the rights exercised by other soverign powers. My friends, I ask that you not allow this arrogant opinion to live on. Thank you."

OOC: Yep. Realistically, people, these territories wouldn’t be bordering places with jets and destroyers and still be going “Me caveman, you die! I get my beating stick!” The majority would simply be unclaimed agricultural sectors, and even nuetral cities. Sorta like Japans invasions…except that these guys aren’t countries, their just…random people sitting on an island next to each other.

Ertha, a Nekomimi, and senior Senator of Infinite Loop Stands
"I would like to address the Senate, I understand that there will be some strife related to this expansion, however I speak for a Species that was nearly extinct as well as for the People of Infinite Loop, I say now perhaps it is best to allow this expansion, if maintained as the honorable Senator from FPS says, then it is better that these people be protected, and sheltered by a benevolent governing body, My people were hunted nearly to extinction for pleasure as well as for slavery,before we were adopted by the former General secretary Katsuhito Yuuki, we did live for 50 years as a unrecognized minotory, yet we live, our people are intact and have good lives in Infinite Loop, I shudder to think what would have happened had this never occured.
And yes I agree with the Honorable Senator, No complaints were offered when our friends Hoop Hoop land and Kesselk were assimilated into the Collective, and now serve as mearly additional voting power for the BioMechanical Hive of Packilvania.
a fate near death, a fate many of my sisters are currently suffering from after being assimilated nearly thirty years ago when they were offered to Packilvania as part of a National Animal exchange, but we have progressed beyond this, "
she pauses for a moment with a few tears in her eyes
“My people were likened to Animals, Animals for Gods sake and we have become full citizens of one of the greatest nations in the world, Imagine what those who are considered to be People will acomplish if given the chance.” she pauses and takes a drink from her water glass.
“Imagine what can become of those , , those who are , , , HUMANS!!!”
She slams her gavel onto her desktop and busts it, throwing the handle down in disgust she storms out of the hall.

Her junior senator a human meekly stands and says,
“Umm, , , I apologise for my collegues out burst”

East Pacific Assembly Building
EP General Assembly Chambers
The FPS ambassador nodded in thanks to the IL representative. He was happy to know that at least some governments would understand the reason for the land and sea invasions, which was out of hope of protecting, not taking. At least, that’s what the majority of FPS thought.

The Blue House, Liberty City
The Hexagonal Office
President Terrus sat down behind his desk, and watched on the room’s two televisions, one showing ILN and one showing a live feed of the General Assembly Chambers. As the IL representative sat down, he himself nodded in thanks to the man, even if he couldn’t see Terrus.

On the other TV, muted, the ILN was showing continuos newsfeed of bases being set up in the newly conquored territories, and of the war in progress with 117. But 117 would fall in time. That was assured. “Is everything going as planned.”

“Of course, Mr. President.” The man, sitting across from the desk in one of the comfortable chairs, smiled. “And things will continue to go as planned. Do not worry.”

“If you say so…”

“Why Mr. President, do you not trust me? I will return when we are ready for the next phase of the operation.” The president nodded, looking at the TV, when he turned back to say something, the man was gone.

the ambassador from the Wachovia Coalition stood once more.

It can honestly be said that we have no great love the Hive. Their intrusive domination of member species is especially distastefull. The Free Pacific States have the sovereign power to align themselves as they wish but certain alliances come with consequences.

You all know full well that I cannot speak to this body until I consult the council and so do not accuse us of too slow a response. We are the only ones to publicly condemn such things before the full senate till this point.

At present we all must rely on the word of the occupying powers to give us a full extent of the action in their territories, something which I am loath to trust. Victors always have written history in their favor and I have no doubt that similar tendencies, no matter how noble the mindset, will occur here as well.

But even in the current situation and ignoring the Packilvania connections we must question the actions of the Free Pacific States. We respect the need of species for protection as the representive from Loop territories has stated but who are we protecting them from? Terrus has said he will, “Protect the peoples of those territories from the evils of communism, natsiism, fascism, and other authoritiative forms of government”. But how does he do this? By forcibly establishing his own government on the people.

We have yet to hear any charges that the truly free people who resisted him and Packilvania were violating any regional law and even the Loop territories were actively rescuing refugees in recent time. Do we let the fox gaurd the chickens? What madness is this?

Junior Senator Shiller stands indignant,
“Sir I protest your lumping Comunism with Nazi’s and Fascists.
Infinite Loop is a Comunist nations well respected and one of our former General Secretaries serves as Delegate to the very region we serve as senators for.”

as Phil sits down he thinks a little out loud Mayhaps I should have banged my shoe heel on the desk as I said that?

Does the junior senator address the senator from the Free Pacific States? It was their leader who made this statement.

“Packilvania does NOT dominate other species. We collect them into a mass and they become part of an even greater race. And to the Nekomimi from Loop, Your sisters are not in pain, or danger. In fact, it is very possible, that they are among the ones to evolve themselves into the Neko <Packilvanian Elite Shock Troopers>. I guarntee everyone here, that no lone is drawn between any race, species, or people, when entering the Hive.”

OOC In case anyone forgets… FPS is not part of the Hive, but has Hive nodes in its borders, so some of the conquered people will be assimilated.OOC

The ambassador shook his head at the mention of the quote, but ignored it momentarily. "You say history is re-written in the words of the victors. But my nation does not see our protecting of these territories as any sort of victory. Quite the contrary, we see it as a responsibility that need be upheld, especially since these territories are surrounded by other modern governments.

And as for that terrible lie the FPSNN broacasted, our government has nothing to say on the matter, except to deny that President Terrus has ever seen such thing. And seeing as the FPSNN has been unable to provide any proof that this tape even exists, it is a great disapointment that the majority of the world believed her."

ooc: learn well you do young padwan

Then who do you protect these people from senator? These people, might I remind you, who resist your rule.

It is not from some authoritarian regime you say. It is not from Packilvania, the only other nation that has shown aggressive tendencies. Is there some regional threat you have not shared with the region? That would be quite callous of you for someone who so cares for other peoples.

the ambassador sits down with a small smile

"These people, might you remind me, who resist our rule? Whom do you speak of? For, to my knowledge, only one island, consisting of 3% of the territory we have aquired, is resisting. And yet, you catagorize all these people as resisting. Sounds like another case of stareotyping. And of course, I’m sure you consider all these peoples to be primitive barbaric savages, who eat each other and wear no clothing? Perhaps if we were to stop broadly catagorizing milions of people, this debate we were having would be much simpler.

But still I must persist on why your nation even objects. Packilvania, months ago, also took quite a few territories. Any objections…nope. Other nations have also outstretched to unclaimed territories. Any objections…none at all. Is there some vendetta you have against FPS that makes you object? Perhaps it is the fact that we actually give a reason besides “Were taking it because we want to, so screw off, or we nuke you.” Perhaps it is because you wish to show your superiority over us?

In any case, I believe what we are protecting them from has been made abundanty clear. We are protecting them from other governments near and far who would attempt to use these peoples as slaves, or simply add these peoples to their nations, rather then, like us, keeping them from being contacted. We are protecting them from major corporations who would go in and use the entire population as low wage workers, paying .1 USD per hour. We are protecting them from the evils of this planet…whatever they may be. And if this is not good enough of a reason to have taken these territories, only as protectorates mind you, then exactly what reason is there that would appease you? Because I can think of none better then to protect those there."

The bottom line remains regardless of your attempts to obscure the issue. There is no pressing threat to the nations you claim to protect and there is no evidence of any of these evil governments or corporations you speak of.

ooc: we have a few misunderstandings between us here that RP won’t resolve.

  1. the timeline. was “months” established in some earlier post that i didn’t see?
  2. the Govindia issue is not in this universe correct?

govindia is in the real world and Im not sure about the original time scale.

and Jr sen was replying to the phrase whoever said it originally, (he doesnt pay too muh attention in the senate, )

OOC: I was speaking of how Packilvania invaded nuetral territories a long time ago, and yet there was no objection, not of Govindia.