Happy Lunar New Year

I might have been in the wrong foot with you guys. But this message is 100% positive. Just watch

Gong Xi Fa Cai. Xing Nian Kuai Le. Wan Shi Ru Yi. Nian Nian You Yi !

Basically Happy Lunar New Year.

Let the celebration commence with a feast… since I cannot mail you guys one, here is a picture.
And some fireworks in.
The piece of resistance: Tossing a salad to promote fortune






You could have put this in the lounge…

Anyway happy lunar new year

Well sorry man. Just to be safe and all, cause I’m wary to avoid to do anything meta. That causes me legal headaches. Not as huge as what I have now, but still a headache

Day 1 symbolises a close meal with relatives. It’s never rude to turn this down no matter where you are. It’s a time to get back to your roots and remind how lucky you are since recent developments that have raised you higher from your origin and to distill humility. Though this might not be much, but it is eaten slowly to extend eating pleasure.

RP-wise, my Lunar festival is in fact taken from the RL Lunar New Year. Don’t think anybody claimed it, so ha! :stuck_out_tongue: