Reziel is ranked 22nd in the region and 1,392nd in the world for Healthiest Nations
Reziel is ranked 21st in the region and 1,305th in the world for Healthiest Nations.
Kangarawa is ranked 70th in the region and 3,170th in the world for Healthiest Nations.
(We’re obviously not be ordering too much pizza from Draak and Reziel!)
Reziel is ranked 20th in the region and 915th in the world for Healthiest Nations.
Ourselves we do not eat our own pizza… :lol:
Southern Yugoslavia is ranked 62nd in the region and 2,786th in the world for Healthiest Nations.
Raedion-Lucari is ranked 45th in the region and 1,864th in the world for Healthiest Nations.
This is disappointing. Perhaps we should upgrade from ignoring employee requests to slave driving them! At least for a week or so.
Bai Lung is ranked 4,325th in The East Pacific and 90,321st in the world for Healthiest Citizens.
Bai Lung is ranked 4,511th in The East Pacific and 104,621st in the world for Healthiest Citizens.
The Third Imperium is ranked 4,518th in the South Pacific and 102,047th in the world for Healthiest Citizens, with -9.178 Standard Bananas Ingested per capita per day.
Bai Lung is ranked 5,040th in The East Pacific and 119,379th in the world for Healthiest Citizens.
Not great, but acceptable…
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Almonaster Nuevo is ranked 53rd in Canada and 6,714th in the world for Healthiest Citizens, with 11 Standard Bananas Ingested per capita per day.
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The Third Imperium is ranked 116,674th in the world for Healthiest Citizens, with -9 Standard Bananas Ingested per capita per day.
Bachtendekuppen is ranked 315th in The East Pacific and 12,042nd in the world for Healthiest Citizens, with 9 Standard Bananas Ingested per capita per day.
A Slanted Black Stripe is ranked 54th in The East Pacific and 2,134th in the world for Healthiest Citizens, with 16 Standard Bananas Ingested per capita per day.
We are happy with this rating and note that it is somewhat unfair to nations who do not exist in lush, tropical regions, as we do. We’ve got bananas growing in everyone’s backyard.
The Alor is ranked 1,125th in The East Pacific and 37,178th in the world for Healthiest Citizens, with 5 Standard Bananas Ingested per capita per day.
Bai Lung is ranked 3,978th in The East Pacific and 114,960th in the world for (Not So) Healthiest Citizens.
A Slanted Black Stripe is ranked 60th in The East Pacific and 2,276th in the world for Healthiest Citizens, with 16 Standard Bananas Ingested per capita per day.
A Slanted Black Stripe is ranked 51st in The East Pacific and 2,217th in the world for Healthiest Citizens, with 16 Standard Bananas Ingested per capita per day.
A little more healthy than July.
Bachtendekuppen is ranked 379th in The East Pacific and 13,299th in the world for Healthiest Citizens, with 9 Standard Bananas Ingested per capita per day.
I hate bananas.
Bai Lung is ranked 3,664th in The East Pacific and 108,059th in the world for Healthiest Citizens.