Heann OOC

Govindia, I’d be careful, just so you know… we have a naval blockade and full military occupation of Heann… you could try something like that (what you posted), but it would be an outright act of war, and we wouldnt be too impressed. I can’t tell you exactly how I’d react, but remember… you have a contingent of your forces smack in the middle of Vladistock Island, what do you think will happen to them if you start attacking us somewhere else? Trying to be sneaky around us never turns out good.

— Begin quote from ____

Govindia, I’d be careful, just so you know… we have a naval blockade and full military occupation of Heann… you could try something like that (what you posted), but it would be an outright act of war, and we wouldnt be too impressed. I can’t tell you exactly how I’d react, but remember… you have a contingent of your forces smack in the middle of Vladistock Island, what do you think will happen to them if you start attacking us somewhere else? Trying to be sneaky around us never turns out good.

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yea I know, i was thinking of the scenario while working here :stuck_out_tongue:

But I was just trying to get things going, seeing as no one is doing anything in the EPTO HEann thread. But in any event, you guys want stuff to happen to my nation, this is one way for it to occur, eh?

My nation sees it as Warmongering, is all… and if thats how you want your reputation, then thats fine i guess.

an alternative i probably could do is send one of my jedi, on a clandestine mission, only engaging in self defence or something…meh.

Be aware the Krech 17th Squadron is positioned near Heann, and if anyone was spotted trying to attack, we’d help Vlad blow the ‘shite’ outta them.

— Begin quote from ____

Be aware the Krech 17th Squadron is positioned near Heann, and if anyone was spotted trying to attack, we’d help Vlad blow the ‘shite’ outta them.

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even a small force headed there by boat, vs. my fleet?

Your fleet being sent there would make every nation in EPTO and much of the EP declare war on you.

— Begin quote from ____

Your fleet being sent there would make every nation in EPTO and much of the EP declare war on you.

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not really. FPS and Xiopothos are against what’s going on in heann.

and i could send a small seal team or a jedi cladestinely instead dude

Gov, they may be opposed to Vlad’s invasion, but if you attacked Krech ships, FPS wouldn’t stand for it. If he did allow it, I’d probably try my best to kick him out of the alliance for disregarding the charter.

If a stealth team was sent in, that would be different. If they were caught, though, you’d have quite a problem.

— Begin quote from ____

Gov, they may be opposed to Vlad’s invasion, but if you attacked Krech ships, FPS wouldn’t stand for it. If he did allow it, I’d probably try my best to kick him out of the alliance for disregarding the charter.

If a stealth team was sent in, that would be different. If they were caught, though, you’d have quite a problem.

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well we wont attack you if you wont attack us, but yea, the stealth team will try to be stealthy…me thinks a jedi would be stealthier than a seal team, minus the violence, but meh :stuck_out_tongue:

If Govindia did send his fleet, whoever fired first would technically be the agressor, and I’d have to defend the other side. Who that would be…I don’t know. Govindians, from what I’ve seen, are known to take sudden actions based on partial information, whereas Krechziankans are known to simply disregard information to blow the shit outa someone they don’t like.

Not that it’d matter. Vladistock would then open fire on Govindia, dragging us all into EPWar3…it’d be an entirely modern tech war (well…no, Govindia, Krech, and I all have space forces, though limited), but at least primarily one, but it’d still be bloody as hell, and in the end, probably just leave us all open for Pax invasion.

— Begin quote from ____

Krechziankans are known to simply disregard information to blow the shit outa someone they don’t like.

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Ha! Very good observation, FPS.

So, enemies of the People, the Revolution, and socialism, remember this: we blow the shit out of people we don’t like.

— Begin quote from ____

If Govindia did send his fleet, whoever fired first would technically be the agressor, and I’d have to defend the other side. Who that would be…I don’t know. Govindians, from what I’ve seen, are known to take sudden actions based on partial information, whereas Krechziankans are known to simply disregard information to blow the shit outa someone they don’t like.

Not that it’d matter. Vladistock would then open fire on Govindia, dragging us all into EPWar3…it’d be an entirely modern tech war (well…no, Govindia, Krech, and I all have space forces, though limited), but at least primarily one, but it’d still be bloody as hell, and in the end, probably just leave us all open for Pax invasion.

— End quote

A few things:

  1. I think you meant Heannese leadership, not Vladistockian leadership, when you talked about the removal

  2. When it comes to engaging Krech/Vlad forces, it’ll be via EPTO and India’s ROE - attack if attacked, otherwise, follow MO

  3. The e-mail account Pentastar (whoever he is) sent, should I actually e-mail him or email him IC?

lol, I made it @EPmail for a reason, Gov…Email him IC, of course. You don’t actually think there is an EPmail?

EDIT: I wonder…it’d be really cool if there was.

— Begin quote from ____

Not that it’d matter. Vladistock would then open fire on Govindia, dragging us all into EPWar3…it’d be an entirely modern tech war (well…no, Govindia, Krech, and I all have space forces, though limited), but at least primarily one, but it’d still be bloody as hell, and in the end, probably just leave us all open for Pax invasion.

— End quote

And your all assuming im staying completely neutral :stuck_out_tongue:

You’d have the most to gain from it. If you take a side, then you can’t invade whoever you ally with. But, if you stay nuetral, let us duke it out until our militaries are almost completly destroyed, and then invaded us all, you could probably pull it off quite easily.

great now we’re all screwed after we blow the crap out of each other.

The clone troopers wont mind blowing shit up but the jedi might…:frowning: