Help Wanted: Star in an RMB Musical!

Would you like to tell a story?

Does the thought of the boards under your feet make you tap your toes in excitement?

Then come join Valsora the Musical, or, The Wedding that Shook the World!

We’re looking for actors and technicians to take part in the production. This is an opportunity to showcase your skills, and all participants will be gifted a $30 visa gift card, to be used however you see fit!

Available parts include:

  • The Kurikian Diplomat
  • Captain of the Altusian Guard
  • Priest No. 2
  • Priest No. 3
  • The Cook
  • Plus many openings in the ensemble!

Sing your heart out in “To Be There!” Pound the boards in “A Place For Everything!” Bring the audience to tears in “I Do!” This is YOUR chance to wow the crowds, so don’t delay!

Applications can be put in at the Infinite Loop Theatre, 1027 Elder Road, Rhianon, or emailed to us at [email protected]! Auditions begin February 15, 2023, so be sure to get your application in before that date! Questions are welcomed.

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can i partake as the tree that gets obliberated by a stray artillery shell

You certainly can! In fact, there’s a whole musical number dedicated to the many poor inanimate objects destroyed in the many wars that tear Valsora asunder in this era!

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