[IC] Behind the Curtains

OOC: Anyone may join this roleplay. No godmodding, follow general RP conventions, etc.

Rillanon, Christie Island

Atlae finished his inaugural address and sighed. Why do addresses have to be so long and boring? He never understood them. He kicked his feet up on the mahogany desk that Zukchiva had just occupied hours before.

Atlae then pushed the button on the desk that summoned a butler. “Get me two Cokes and change the flag of The East Pacific to the one of California.” He laid back in his chair. This was going to be fun.

AC notices the California flag. “What.”

— Begin quote from ____

AC notices the California flag. “What.”

— End quote

“No more oppression by the East Coasters, my friend! The East Pacific is rightfully California.”

Zukchiva had waddled his stuff at home already, and was simply hanging around before heading back to his house.

"Well, California’s flag is pretty cool. We could make a TEP-variant!

Everyone knows Florida is better though."

Gio entered the office with a basketful of grapes as a welcoming gift to the new Delegate.

“The reign of the East Coaster is over. The West shall reign supreme forevermore.”

“Also haha grape.”

“Thank you for your offering, my fellow Californian. How would you like to be Chief Minister of Foreign Affairs?”

AC is stunned. “Does Pennsylvania count as the East Coast?”

“That sounds great! I’m sure absolutely no FA disasters will occur during my tenure!”

— Begin quote from ____

AC is stunned. “Does Pennsylvania count as the East Coast?”

— End quote

“Anything east of the Mississippi, my friend.”

— Begin quote from ____

AC is stunned. “Does Pennsylvania count as the East Coast?”

— End quote

Atlae looks on his phone. “Is…Pennsylvania…East Coast…Pennsylvania’s that rectangular thing, no that other rectangular thing. Okay. Yes, it is.”

Sammy beholds in European

“Hello my fellow West Coasters! Boy, I sure do love” Acronis looks at the notes hastily scrawled on his hand in pen. “In or Out hamburblars. Yes, I love being on the West Coast, here in Oregon, where I have been for a very long time (I assure you) and where I love to do fun things like” Acronis looks at his hand one more time “worry about the upcoming fire season.”

— Begin quote from ____

“Hello my fellow West Coasters! Boy, I sure do love” Acronis looks at the notes hastily scrawled on his hand in pen. “In or Out hamburblars. Yes, I love being on the West Coast, here in Oregon, where I have been for a very long time (I assure you) and where I love to do fun things like” Acronis looks at his hand one more time “worry about the upcoming fire season.”

— End quote

“… you’ll live. For now.”

— Begin quote from ____

— Begin quote from ____

AC is stunned. “Does Pennsylvania count as the East Coast?”

— End quote

Atlae looks on his phone. “Is…Pennsylvania…East Coast…Pennsylvania’s that rectangular thing, no that other rectangular thing. Okay. Yes, it is.”

— End quote

“Then this is war.” AC says, burning a flag of California

— Begin quote from ____

— Begin quote from ____

— Begin quote from ____

AC is stunned. “Does Pennsylvania count as the East Coast?”

— End quote

— End quote

Atlae looks on his phone. “Is…Pennsylvania…East Coast…Pennsylvania’s that rectangular thing, no that other rectangular thing. Okay. Yes, it is.”

“Then this is war.” AC says, burning a flag of California

— End quote

Banjects AC to TWP

“Hail to the Best Coast,” Vizier Tretrid says, looking up from his draft of a primer to R/D. “This is a coup I can get behind.”

“EAST COAST BEST COAST” growls SirShadow as they move through the doorframe like a shadow, “Although. I do congratulate you dear Delegate on your victory. I will be here in the shadows doing my diplomatic things”

— Begin quote from ____

“EAST COAST BEST COAST” growls SirShadow as they move through the doorframe like a shadow, “Although. I do congratulate you dear Delegate on your victory.  I will be here in the shadows doing my diplomatic things”

— End quote

Banjects Shadow to the salt mines in Osiris

— Begin quote from ____

“EAST COAST BEST COAST” growls SirShadow as they move through the doorframe like a shadow, “Although. I do congratulate you dear Delegate on your victory.  I will be here in the shadows doing my diplomatic things”

— End quote

“Polar bears need to have their fur frisked for bombs,” Atlae says without looking up.

“Shitbombs!” Honks the goose with excitement.

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