EDIT: The Identity Act was repealed by the Magisterium on May 22, 2020.
The Identity Act was passed by the Magisterium on March 2, 2014. (See http://theeastpacific.com/topic/5182077/1/.)
The Identity Act was signed by the Delegate on March 4, 2014. (See http://theeastpacific.com/single/?p=8020088&t=5170092.)
— Begin quote from ____
This law shall be cited as the Identity Act.
Noting that the activities of The East Pacific and the Eastern Pacific Sovereign Army are defined by the EPSA Act.
Noting also that the Defender Act affirmed the “defender” identity for The East Pacific and that this identity proved to be divisive.
Acknowledging that The East Pacific is a sovereign region that stands for the protection of innocent regions against unjustified invasions, without forgoing its legal powers and responsibilities to protect its region and its allies from enemies abroad. (See note below.)
Cognizant that the Concordat is antithetical to imperialist rule, and prominent imperialists use the ‘Independent’ tag.
Be it enacted that the Magisterium
Declares the military policy of The East Pacific is defined by the EPSA Act.
Repeals the Defender Act.
Affirms that The East Pacific will not use any of the following tags: Imperialist, Mercenary, Defender, Invader, Independent, Neutral.
This bill shall be enacted upon its signature by the Delegate, unless the Magisterium votes to override a veto of this bill by the Delegate.
— End quote
In this http://theeastpacific.com/topic/5182804/1/, the Conclave has stated that this phrase, “Acknowledging that The East Pacific is a sovereign region that stands for the protection of innocent regions against unjustified invasions, without forgoing its legal powers and responsibilities to protect its region and its allies from enemies abroad” is in violation of the Concordat.
The Conclave did not address any other issues with the law. It is unprecedented in the history of the Concordat to have the Conclave rule on an introductory phrase like, “Acknowledging that The East Pacific is a sovereign region that stands for the protection of innocent regions against unjustified invasions, without forgoing its legal powers and responsibilities to protect its region and its allies from enemies abroad” in any of the laws of TEP. All of the enactment clauses were unchanged by the Conclave.
Nonetheless, it should be noted that the Conclave considers this clause, “Acknowledging that The East Pacific is a sovereign region that stands for the protection of innocent regions against unjustified invasions, without forgoing its legal powers and responsibilities to protect its region and its allies from enemies abroad,” to be in violation of the Concordat.