To become a member of the eastern pacific sovereign army, follow these simple steps
first you have to fill out an applications form for the sovereign army, in the executive applications thread
you can go there by using this link > Executive Application Thread - Page 7 - The East Pacific - Tapatalk, or by going to the TEP homepage,
once you have filled it out, go ahead and submit the application, wait maybe a day or so for it to register, then go to both the
“THE EAST PACIFIC” and “EAST PACIFIC SOVEREIGN ARMY” discords, you can find them both at the homepage,
once you are there, and have joined both go to “discord help” tab and simply say these words
“I would like to know if my application got accepted for the EPSA, I can leave the link to mine if you would like” and then link your application
a bot should say “you are accepted” but wait for an admin to accept it as well.
Once he/she has accepted it, go to the EPSA discord and check your avatar, you should have 2 tags saying both “EPSA” and “recruit”
you are now in the army!! congrats!

If this helped you and you would like to share your appreciation for me, please consider endorsing my country https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/emojione/2.2.7/assets/svg/1f449.svg

NationStates | Not Found or search ohkhos,

if you need help with training and or ranking up, please tell me and I will post a tutorial here.

a pic for you to use as reference once in the discord https://attachment.tapatalk-cdn.com/52127/202005/4317_ab54d579bc0450434465a5d2fea06373_t.png?Expires=1588995244&Signature=RebmuU-svL9C2hZEhAUx321wiyvMKxXenS4kQk88tcvFGFZ6LYmrwzdlXI98A~kqZX0aWLK3VfGS0954QQyhW~hWo~iJJzRZJOtz5KdkJoa--mh9iHL1lfJ~mavwgzGmBz~u6yCqOTyl9e5jLFB-l-ZOqPJ9YzhLcDHQtqjoVyDQIORFLCM1UwR5OeV26-mxz2kvHCkuhfGCc6oPHaU8QJet4Q~LBsNNqJ1cvsWcTJoZzGpt5Y3MtfzmcjM69g9YKn9qwAyj3T7QdgYNaoe2GwUZHUkXHvw-m5KiXhoz3q8zFEHZu8t-g37AgEcfteG2fsTS30BcjBw~PET0hr9SRA__&Key-Pair-Id=APKAJS72YROXJYGYDADA