Imperial Yasterian Embassy
Here is an short description of the IYE. The IYE is an Imperial diplomatic branch formed by The Imperial Republic. The IYE is dedicated to diplomatic relations with other nations. The IYE is known for establishing trade, alliances, and many other agreements with foreign nations.
Hail Hydra
Greetings from Fargo
Glory to the confederated state
The confederacy is very happy to see the imperial republic is finally opening up it’s embassies to the rest of the world, and we’d like to be among if not the first to welcome your embassy program into the international community.
The Confederacy has taken keen interest into the imperial republic and we’d like to offer a hand of friendship to the republic by offering the following:
-Mutual recognition as sovereign states
-Mutual embassy exchange
-Commercial pact, (Business from respected countries are free to set up shop in either one’s country’s.)
We hope that these offers will be able to entice the imperial republic, but please make note, our main export are the finest selection of arms, military vehicles ranging from trucks, tanks to aircraft, our manufactures are quality assured by the government itself and we’d be very happy to sell you our wares to arm either your civilian population or your armies.
We hope this transmission reaches you swiftly and that you have a pleasant day
Yours truly
Embassy of Fargo
Glory to the confederated state
Dear Representitive of the Imperial Republic,
I am writing to you, as a representitive of Her Highness Marium I, to state our objection to your revealed plans to establish a colony in the Sea of Alva. We believe this would harm trade routes along the sea and shall therefore demand you do not go forward with such a plan. Should you refuse, we will have no option but to send our navy in to defend the trade interests of the Ducal Federation of Vistaraland.
I hope this may come to a reasonable solution,
Adelbert Wilhelmzoon of the House of Aisera, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade.
Her Highness Marium I of the House of Milba, Empress of the Vistara, Archduchess of Vierbak and Duchess of Milba.