In need of cloaking tech

In light of recent events, Packilvania has found a need for MUCH better cloaking technology than it currently has. We are willing to trade plans for our particle beams, minus the singularity lenses of course, and are willing to negotiate on fair trade plans.

We have some top-secret technology in the prototype stage. Without revealing too much I can tell you that we have found a way to reduce the refraction factor to less than 1.0001, about thirty times better than existing technology. I can arrange a demonstration with the prototype if you’re interested.

We have cloking devices that not only make the user invisible, but they eleminate the shadow problem. Most cloaking and stealth technologies still cast the user’s shadow. The Clox, another rival galatic empire, have been trying to procure this technology, but we are willing to make a deal for other technologies…

this is an old post… we have since stolen…er boorrowed… er purched the cloaking tech from codex.

— Begin quote from ____

this is an old post… we have since stolen…er boorrowed… er purched the cloaking tech from codex.

— End quote

raises an eyebrow

Have you indeed? Be interested to know how you managed that… <_<


remember the rampant looting :stuck_out_tongue:

If you’ll note, all cloaking tech was removed before we left Codex. Otherwise, the virus would have it, and you would currently be having your arse kicked half way to andromeda :stuck_out_tongue:

seeing as we are farther out than andromeda…

I was freering to Codex stock 99 :stuck_out_tongue:

anyway, we have BASIC cloaking tech-

I’m afraid I have you all beat.

FPS has a totally non-detectable cloaking system, which allows a ship to actually move through other objects whilst in cloaking, and also allows weapons firing without leaving cloak.

The problem is, FPS doesn’t have any spaceships to put it on, and, if every watt of power in FPS was used, the thing wouldn’t even reach 1% of full power.

Isn’t it funny how things work?

EDIT: Just a joke, in case you were all wondering.