[INAUGRATION] Yo look it's the Delegoose

So, we’re here. I don’t really know what to write, so I’ll keep this short! In other words, dive into it:

First of all, I want to thank Libertanny for his service as Delegate. It was exemplary- and honestly something I will probably not be able to replicate. He really did beautifully as Delegate, and I know he will do well in Kaer Solas.

I also want to thank Sammy and Shadow for running. Even if both do not currently have the time to be Delegate, the fact they ran is awesome enough. I know they will be some of the best leaders in TEP, ever. I’m also glad for all the joke candidates, because they turn TEP’s elections into something from mere fun to hilarious. And finally, thank you to ALL who voted because you prove TEP can maintain a democratic government. <3

And now we’re here. All I can say is that I hope that I serve you all well for these next four months. As I’ve said before, who knows how my Delegacy will shape up? No one does, but I do know I am going to try my hardest to serve my region in this role. It really is an honor to be elected to the Delegacy, especially considering how all our past Delegates (yes, all) have been my mentors in some way. I just hope that I do this office justice and that at the end of this Delegacy, most of us can look back and say “now his Delegacy was a good one”.

I can’t really say much more besides repeating the points above again and again, and invariably turn this into a thousand page essay, so I just wanna say thank you again. <3 I’m aware this isn’t a strong statement, but it expresses my gratitude enough.

Onto the last matter to be discussed here, my cabinet is currently in planning right now. I’ll make an announcement when it is ready! ^-^ \o/ Shouldn’t be too many changes.

Also, Darkslayer is the most epic person ever. FYI. But so are all of you! See you around. :smiley:

Zukchiva Yura




Funny if I would get rick rolled by our new delegate

Blood for the blood god vampires