Index of the Conclave


With a renewed commitment to Justice and precedence, this court shall endeavor to provide and update this index of case law and previous verdicts. In the interest of building a fair and real court system this index will be used as reference and research material for Arbiters, Law makers, and Counsel alike.

This Index shall list and link the cases in a non-exhaustive manner, but in a way which outlines aspects of the case which should of “of note” by those wishing to learn about it. The shaping of the Justice system to be more approachable and user-friendly is one of the goals of this Index.

Index of the Conclave: The Legal References of The East Pacific Judicial Reviews, Criminal Cases, Civil Cases, Appeals / Case Studies, Administrative Rules
Judicial Reviews

Judicial Review - “On Guilty Pleas and Their Withdrawal”

  • Review initiated in response to actions of an indicated citizen during a criminal trial.
  • Verdict is found by unanimous support of Arbiters in Closed Chambers.
  • In consideration of the lack of procedures in submission or acceptance of guilty pleas at the time.
  • Of note: Provides provisional guidelines and is not set as precedent, states that citizens can input a guilty plea to the Conclave, pleas cannot be withdrawn after sentencing, withdrawal of the plea does not erase plea from the evidence record.

Judicial Review - “On Special, Acting, and Interim Delegates”

  • Review initiated in response to Delegate action (resignation)
  • Verdict is found by unanimous support of Arbiters in Closed Chambers
  • In consideration of the Concordat
  • Of note: introduced term “special election” as a non-scheduled delegate election, introduced term “Interim Delegate” and differentiated it from Acting Delegate", stated Article B Section 13 of the Concordat overrides normative term set out in Article A Section 2 in extreme cases, recognized the values of “Peace, Order, and Good Government” in the interpretation of the Concordat

Inquiry by Celeste Holland- “Question of Admission”

  • Inquiry initiated by citizen request, elevated to Review
  • Verdict is found by unanimous support of Arbiters
  • In consideration of the Concordat and the Standing Orders of the Magisterium
  • Of note: Conclave vote to elevate Inquiry to Review, ruling on positive obligation of Magisterium to conduct acceptance votes, affirmation of quorum requirements, ruling on ‘denial’ equivalence for Conclave petition.

Inquiry by Ramaeus- “Provost Removal of Magisters”

Inquiry by Delegate Xoriet - “Review for Potential Action”

  • Initiated by Delegate Request
  • The verdict is found by unanimous support of Arbiters
  • In consideration of the Concordat, the Dictum, and secondary case facts.
  • Of note: upholding of strict citizen rights to trial, ruling on Delegate ability to enforce and execute laws.

Inquiry by Old Federalia - “Question of Jurisdiction”

Consideration of Magisterium Standing Orders- “Unanimous Consent”

Reversed Judicial Reviews

Consideration of Magisterium Standing Orders- “Majority Vote”- REVERSED

Precedent-Setting Criminal Cases

TEP v. Fedele- High Treason, Treason, and Sedition

TEP v. Tim Stark- Treason

Non-Precedent-Setting Criminal Cases

url=]TEP v. Krayt III & Lord Zannah[/url] - Voter Fraud

TEP v. Anur-Sanur- Public Nuisance

TEP v. Funkadelia- High Treason and Treason

TEP v. Lamb- Treason

TEP v. Davelands- Treason

TEP v. Tiber Septim- Failure to Appear

TEP v. Moneyness- Failure to Appear

Precedent-Setting Civil Cases

To examine the uses of ‘civil cases’ as put forward in the Standing Orders of Conclave. These trials will have verdicts forming precedent.

Non-Precedent-Setting Civil Cases

To examine the uses of ‘civil cases’ as put forward in the Standing Orders of Conclave. These trials will have verdicts but will not form precedent.


To examine the uses of ‘appeals’ as put forward in the Standing Orders of Conclave.

Case Studies

Analysis or notes on special legal or procedural cases which may be useful for precedence or practice,

Administrative Rules

On Evidence and Procedure

  • Instituted to clarify and standardize a general approach to the handling of evidence in Trial
  • Of note: creates and bifurcates ‘evidence records’ for trial and pre-trial, sets timelines for evidence submission, self-limits against mistrial
  • Examples of Application:

On Acting Viceroyship

  • Instituted to extend on the process of Viceroyship/selection in the case of widespread absence of Conclave
  • Of note: allows the remaining Arbiters to act as Viceroy in truancy, invites Provost to conduct a Viceroy election in extreme cases, creates a position of ‘Viceroy Pro Tempore’ which cannot vote but shall procedurally conduct the conclave
  • Examples of Application:

Procedural Rules on Precedent Regarding its Use

  • Instituted to clarify what precedent is, and its standing in comparison to statutory/legislative law in court matters.
  • Of note: precedent is declared slightly below statutory law, three ways to use precedent in a trial or review, Arbiters may reverse a trial’s status of precedent while still enforcing its verdict

Administrative Rule: The East Pacific Attorney Office

  • Instituted to fulfill the right of Citizens to representation via a certified public attorney.
  • Of note: Lists who can and who cannot become an attorney, the duties of attorneys and clients, and ethical code for attorneys to follow.