Indulging Necessity

Androssi, Vavar
Androssi International Airport

The recent unrest stirring in Xoriet, ignited by the prospect of becoming more involved with the nations of the East Pacific and fueled by the collective memory of the population regarding the founding of the Empire, had reached a point where something absolutely needed to be done. Of course, this something would have to both follow the Doctrines and manage to demonstrate that not all foreigners were of the same mold as those who had driven the founders of Xoriet from their original homeland. Unfortunately, the centuries of education intended to thoroughly imprint the cause of the flight of their ancestors had left an indelible scar upon the psyches of the Xorietians. This carefully preserved piece of history - given the day and age - was rapidly turning out to be a serious hindrance rather than asset in the grand scheme of things.

After serious consideration and debate, the Triet had eventually agreed to invite the leading figures of their neighbor to the southeast, Severisen, to the heart of Xoriet in Androssi. The fact that the members of Xoriet’s government were thus far consistently the only ones to leave their home country to venture abroad had not exactly helped alleviate the isolationist opinion that their leaders were complying with foreign mandates. Worse, that they maintained that such behavior was not truly upholding Order and Equality. This, more than the notion, was the real problem.

Naturally, ‘foreign mandate’ was hardly an accurate term, but there was little in the way of evidence that could be provided to effectively alter an uninformed isolationist outlook. And so, Zandion had two weeks prior composed and sent an invitation to visit Xoriet to Severisen’s Septenary in Aelholt. The dual purposes this action encompassed would suit his tastes well enough. He could have also invited the leading group in Zeorus, but a history of mutual isolationism had their relations at a splendid low.

The remainder of the week and the next had largely involved a flurry of preparations, carefully directed by the Kath’s indomitable wife. As ever, her impeccable administrative skills kept what could easily have become a fiasco quite manageable by the staff.

The overwhelming attitude towards the occasion within the bounds of Androssi was namely curiosity. As much as some might complain, a great deal of their bravado was driven by their awareness that the great insight they professed to wield in the matter was purely speculation and hearsay. It was best to fully discredit any falsities here and now.

And so it was that a properly balanced welcoming party now lingered near an arrival gate in the Androssi International Airport. At the forefront, a young woman with loose black curls and bright green eyes stood beside a man with wavy coal-black hair and piercing ash gray eyes. Though they were clearly gathered to intercept someone, their posture and demeanor gave no indication as to their thoughts on the matter. They were not the present heirs of the royal family simply because they had been born to the Kath of Xoriet.

Also in Androssi was Dale Vargas, ex-ZIC*. According to official records, Vargas, along with all the other members of his unit, had been killed in the Second Civil War sparked by the Socialist Revolution. Their unit had been part of a splintering of the ZIC which led a counter-revolutionary theofascist movement. All but Vargas, five of his comrades, and their commander, Gordon Sharpe, had been assassinated. Sharpe, Vargas and company had disappeared since then. They began work as an underground mercenary/assassin outfit, staying out of the Confederation’s reach.

Vargas walked through the slums of Androssi until he arrived at a pre-arranged safehouse. At first glance, the building was merely a shoddy cantina with shoddier apartments above it. It was in fact the headquarters of the Montresorian Anarchist League, a front organization for Sharpe and Vargas’ operations. He entered the apartment and walked to a decrepit-looking but quite functional desktop computer. An encrypted email was sent to Sharpe:

— Begin quote from ____

The targets have arrived. Awaiting further instructions.
Hail the Return.

— End quote

*Zeorite Intelligence Commission, espionage and covert operations wing of the Theocratic Federation.

Somewhere Over the Severisen-Xoriet border

Ahriman glanced down at his watch and checked the time. The three members of the Septenary had been on the Learjet for 3 hours. In an hour, they would begin their final descent into Androssi International Airport. He smirked a bit and wondered how often the International descriptor was applicable to his normally isolationist northern neighbors. He glanced down at the missive sent from the Kath, still somewhat in disbelief that he would soon be setting foot on Xorietian soil. He placed the invitation down on the table in front of him, and rubbed his temples. The hum of the engines was relatively quiet compared to a commercial airliner, but being on the jet was beginning to give him a headache. He opened a small bottle of pills and shook two into his palm. He opened his mouth, tossed them in the back of his throat and chased them down with a bottle of mineral water he’d been nursing since leaving Aelholt. Into the deep! he thought, and closed his eyes for a quick nap before they landed.

Sabien and Maëlle were playing a game of chess on the other side of the compartment. The flight had been relatively smooth, with only some slight turbulence in Northern Severisen.

“So, Maëlle, are you ready to become the High Queen of Severisen?” Sabien said with a smirk.

“Sabien, I don’t know what makes you so sure I’ll be elected. Check,” she replied with smirk in equal measure.

“What do you make of this visit, Maë? What do you think the Kath wants with us?” Sabien moved a bishop to parry the threat.

“Hard to say, really. All I know about Xoriet, before meeting the Kath and High Priestess in Aelitia, I learned from our history books, or learned from tales told throughout the generations. The Kath was nice, though Arrinya could use some warming up,” Maëlle replied. She moved her queen and placed the King in checkmate. “Mate, Sabien.”

“No thanks, dear Maë. You’re not my type,” he said with a wink. “Better buckle up, we’re about to land in Androssi.”

“You’re a pig, Sabien. Not even in your dreams,” she said in Severise, as well as adding some colloquial niceties in Roseen that sounded vaguely familiar. Though their precise meaning had eluded his comprehension, he had a fairly cogent idea of her intended message. Maëlle leaned back in her seat and fastened her buckle.

The Learjet 85 touched down on the runway in Androssi and taxied across the tarmac to the terminal. The three monarchs who made the trip collected their personal effects and prepared to deplane. Three members of the usual security detail proceeded down the gangway into the terminal, followed by the monarchs, and finally by the remaining members of the security detail. As the monarchs reached the terminal, they were greeted by a welcoming party of Xorietians, and a young man and woman who bore a striking resemblance to the Kath they’d met several weeks ago at the Urth Convention.

“Hello. I am Ahriman Kendrick, Raisalon of Severisen, and this is Maëlle Desrosiers, and Sabien Echeverría. We are honored to visit you in your country, and the remaining members of the Septenary express their regrets that they could not make the trip to Androssi on this monumental occasion. We look forward to developing a healthy, lasting relationship with you and your people.” At these words, the Monarchs offered their greetings to the landing party, with warm smiles on their faces.

Toward the back of the Xorietian delegation was Vargas, accompanied by two MAL soldiers under the names of Rossi and Solin, masquerading as servants of the Imperial Princess. Rossi and Solin had been under cover for years, ingratiating themselves into palace life while feeding Vargas information. It was only in the past few months that Vargas, under the pseudonym Addis, had entered the palace’s employ, with Rossi and Solin as his immediate supervisors.

The three lay in wait as the Severisen delegation entered. Vargas gave a nod to Rossi, silently saying “Soon.”

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